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Everything posted by danny007

  1. 5 and a half months update. I personally don't see a major change. Let me know what you think.
  2. 4 and a half months update! Had a high fade haircut so bear that in mind in terms of donor area! Let me know what you think people!
  3. Thank you how was your experience with Dr Yaman? I agree, my shedding was not aggresive at all.
  4. Hi, Thank you, I'm happy with everything so far in terms of my progress. I've had a look at your pics and it seems like you may have Diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia (Dupa). With Dupa it is difficult and super risky to get a hair transplant with good coverage due to further thinning occuring in all parts of the hair. It would be different if you had Dpa which is diffused patterned alopecia. With Dpa the thinning is only at the top part of the hair rather than the donor area. My advice to you would be to try medical therapy for up to a year and then go for a consultation. In terms of my donor area and yours being simmilar. I don't think that is the case. Let me show you another pic of my donor before surgery. Btw I never took any finesatride before my hair transplant. So that was my donor before finasteride.
  5. Thank you very much. It's been a very emotional journey and I'm glad to be seeing early results.
  6. Hi, Post HT regime is: 0.5 Fin Mon, Wed, Fri Multii vit tablet 4000 I.U of Vit D3
  7. 2 months update. Pictures taken in harsh light. Donor area trimmed down to a number 2. Let me know your opinion on growth so far.
  8. Hello, (Images taken with flash light) I need some expert advice. I'm not sure how this happened. Maybe, I rubbed my scalp too hard.. I don't know. I had a little red blood mark. Please see image. Then I washed my hair to clean it (see image below). As you can see it's a small red mark. I'm currently on Day 18/19. Should I be worried? Have I lost grafts? @Gatsby
  9. Hello people, Thanks for being patient. Here is my update Day 12. These pictures have been taken in the most harshest light. I have managed to remove 95% of scabs and honest to good it was super difficult. They wouldn't come out. I rubbed them really hard on some occasion to get them out. The Yaman implanter did a good job placing the grafts deep haha. It's crazy to not wear fibers or caps no more. My bald scalp isn't visible anymore.... crazy! Your honest feedback would be appreciated.
  10. Hi, The first day the right side of my head was extracted for 3k grafts. Then the next day the left side was extracted for like 2.6K + 800 from beard. Total = 6400. I have also posted the graft break down e.g singles and doubles on a previous post. Dr. Yaman said my Donor area was decent. You can see from my pics that my whole head is covered. I will post updated pics on the 10th/11th day mark when I remove scabs... stay tuned.
  11. Yes, I think the work looks amazing especially the coverage. Yes, it was a 2 day session. 3K first and 3.4K next day. 800 came from the beard. In terms of extractions. I'm not sure. The surgeries were that long I honestly don't remember but I think it may not have been manual. Or maybe it was manual in some parts. I'm not sure.
  12. Hi, I want to document my progress of my most recent hair transplant with Dr Yaman. Quick Back Story: I'm 28, Male and I've got bad hair loss. I've been trying to hide my miniturisation (using hair fibres) since I was 21 (that's when a little hair loss started). Due to what stage I am at now it's getting more difficult. Anyway, I looked around for many clinics and my criteria was clinics who are known to deal with high norwood cases and who also are within my means. I eventually narrowed it down to Dr Yaman. I whatsapped the number with my pics on the website. I received a message from Doga. He intially said that Dr Yaman says 6000 grafts for full coverage BUT... Dr Yaman says 4000 grafts first and then come back after a year to do the rest. I suggested if it was possible to do full coverage 6000 grafts over 2 days instead. Doga asked Dr. Yaman and He said it is possible. During my time in the clinic both doctor Yaman and Doga checked up on me through out my 2 days surgery. Doga is an amazing person and really gave me alot of time to ensure I had a good experience. In terms of Dr Yaman involvement in the surgery. He does the crucial stages such as hair line planning, Graft extractions and opening channels (new holes). The techs do the rest of the long work. I got 6,400 grafts in total. I arrived in Turkey (28th Nov 2023) 1st surgery (29th Nov): 3000 grafts 2nd surgery (30th Nov) 3400 grafts (800 from my beard). Please see my pics before surgery.
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