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Everything posted by dandare75

  1. Wow TrOpiCOO, I just read my prior post to you and I came off kind of harsh. Sorry. That wasn't my goal. I guess it's not always easy conveying to a Dr. what you want your finished results to look like and then the disappointment that occurs when you feel your goals are not met. I think you are going to look outstanding. Just give it time. You went to one of the best HT docs out there. Your HT results will not scream HT. Get on meds if your not already. Remember, your only 25. You may very well lose more hair as you age. Dr. Shapiro is taking this possibility into account. Good luck and I hope to hear from a more satisified you in about 6 months. Regards.
  2. Ok, since no one else said it, I will. Just how much research did you put into HT's thinking in 5 weeks your going to look like David Bowie? Maybe you should have given some thought prior to surgery about growing your hair out so you could cover your grafts while they heal. When I was an officer in the Army I was taught prior planning prevents poor performance. It appears to me you did not give much thought, if any, on how you would deal with your HT post-op. I know Dr. Shapiro's office covers these aspects of HT's because they were covered with me.
  3. Thanks for the info Smoothy. I really like Doc Shapiro's work. Very natural looking.
  4. Interesting and timely topic. I recently had a phone consultation with Matt at Shapiro Medical and he told me 2000 grafts in the frontal third of my scalp should produce anywhere from 35-45 FU sq cm. He said this would be a good result and scalp would not be visible. I was little disappointed at the time with such a "low" density yield. Perhaps 35-45 is a good starting point and I should wait and see if more density is necessary.
  5. Thanks Harry. The pics of you I saw showed a receeding hairline with thinning behind it. It didn't appear to be very extensive hairloss. That's why I was surprised you had two surgeries. However, your results are impressive and since I am considering Dr. Shapiro your results give me confidence I am headed in the right direction. Thanks.
  6. Harry, you look excellent! I am seriously considering Dr. Shapiro. We have similar hairloss patterns. I'm 44 years old. I probably have some more hair than you did. How many grafts did you have? Why the need for two surgeries? Thanks!
  7. Congratulations Fortune! You look great thus far. Can't wait for you six month results. Please keep us updated.
  8. Hi Fortune. Did Dr. Shapiro mention what your density in the transplanted area would be? Thanks!
  9. On a more serious note and I don't remember who said it, "Life is to be enjoyed, not endured". I've stolen this great quote and use it often in daily conversation.
  10. FUTzyhead, could I go to Dr. H and ask for the "FUTzyhead"? Maybe the "FUTzyhead" will become a look in HT circles?
  11. FreakyD, I noticed the same reaction to Rogaine as you. My hair began to severly thin out. I stopped using it after a couple of months and all that fell out returned. My experience of combining Proscar and Rogaine was not good.
  12. Propecia/Proscar 6 years Works great from about frontal forelock back to the crown. It filled in this area. The hairs in this area look very healthy and grow rapidly. When I wash my hair in the shower I count maybe 10 hairs in the drain. Didn't really help with regrowth in the front/hairline however. Its funny, on my scalp there is a definite line at the frontal forelock where hair is thinning and right behind is thick, healthy hair. No side affects by the way.
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