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  1. Actually about a week before and yes as recommended by the dr. I was using topical minox before and replaced with oral a week before transplant
  2. Noticed no difference on Oral Minox. Not sure what the side effects are supposed to be but I don't think I have them!
  3. Sorry, long time without update. See below the latest. Routine as follows: - Finasteride 1mg - Minoxidil 2.5mg (started oral on day of op) - Vitamins: D, B-complex, L-arginine, fish oil, hair/skin/nails complex, biotin - Aloe vera on transplanted area - Silicon scar gel and Vitamin B cream for donor area - Laser cap from week 7 onwards About 50% of the transplanted hair fell out between month 1 and month 2, and just now I'm starting to see tiny hairs coming through again (which don't really show up on the photos). Hoping for more growth from here!
  4. 1 week update. Recovery feels quick so far - everything has healed well. Diet has been a key focus with probably twice the volume of fruits, vegetables and whole foods than I ordinarily eat (which was already a high starting point). Activity wise, sStarted doing floor exercises from Day 6 (press-ups, core etc.) and plan to start running again (lightly) from tomorrow (day 8). From Day 4 I started washing twice a day with baby shampoo very lightly and now the scabs have started to come off. Donor looking pretty good but still a few scabs / marks there as well which I'm hoping will clean up nicely. Photos below. Will post a 2 week update then each month thereafter. The yellow marks at the sides I think are just bruising from the local anaesthetic. Does the density in the temple points look a bit sparse? Or perhaps some of the hairs have fallen out with the scabs and actually the follicles are in there ready to grow later?
  5. Hi all, Finally took the plunge. Hair has slowly become more receded over the past 10 years but slowed right down in last 2 years since been on oral fin + topical min. I've always had a bit of a fivehead so I didn't want anything too unnatural – just wanted to restore my hairline from c.8 years ago. Consulted with a few London-based surgeons but Dr Reddy has the best reputation and my consultation with him gave me more confidence than any others - he was more honest and clearly had a knowledge base superior to others. I got a cancellation so wait time was less than a month. Procedure was 1-day with extractions at the back in the morning by Dr Reddy and implanting done in the further back sections by Dr Reddy + a technician, then lunch, then afternoon with Dr Reddy doing extractions on either side followed by Dr Reddy doing the remaining implanting including the hairline for the next few hours. Overall ~1700 grafts and a total of around 8 hours. Very limited discomfort / pain due to local anaesthetic but it wore off a little towards the end. Professional experience with all pre/post instructions clear. Hairline is conservative but I wanted it to be natural and pushed Dr Reddy quite a bit on temple points etc. which he advised against on the basis that it would look different to how I did when I was young (I showed photos) and also the correct hairs are hard to find without it sticking out. I am happy with it, and in future if I want to refine then I have plenty of donor left. Currently taking: - Finasteride 1mg - Minoxidil 2.5mg (started oral on day of op) - Vitamins: D, B-complex, L-arginine, fish oil, hair/skin/nails complex, biotin Photos below. Hairline draw was rough / it was refined and drawn properly at lunchtime but I don't have photos of it Pre-Op Day 0 Today (3 Days Post-Op)
  6. Can you share any photos of what it looks like vs. when you were happy with it? Do you think this is due to Dr Reddy's work or something else?
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