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Everything posted by AlexGSwe

  1. Hi, Day 1 After Hairtransplant., first wash. Day 2 ? Dry day? Or wash again? Is it possible to already travel home after surgery like fly home the day after? Do anyone remember their routines just after Surgery, with and without PrP? Washing schedule? Best Regards,
  2. Dear esteemed members, I have a technical question. Some clinics use a microscope or other magnification devices to inspect extracted grafts for damage and categorize them into singles. I am NOT talking about splitting grafts into singles, but simply arranging them into singles, doubles, etc., so you can plan the implantation and have the right grafts going into the right area. For example singles in the front classic promise almost all clinics have learned to promise. However, many clinics don't use a microscope for this; they just use their eyes and look and examine. When talking with them about it, they say that it is very easy to see if the grafts are single or damaged, while other clinics that use microscopes say that the microscope is a very important part of graft classification. What are your thoughts? Experience?
  3. If the crown si untouched you can do it again in theiry however it is better to wait. And always remember the donor areas can not always promise that you get double or triple grafts which is needed in this areas you will get some singles also always even with different pre extraction examinations with microakopes, and it is shame to throw them away you WANT them for your front line in the future and yes you cant put them there now because you have grafts there recently planted in the areaa. I hope this helped.
  4. I agree with some comments on this thread. Generally, many members just say 'hairmill.' But kudos to the ones who refer to the members with actual experience with the clinic. Could we increase the level of constructive help to each other? But that also goes both way if you need any help. Do you have any other information on how many hair transplants they do every day, who does the extraction, how they classify and preserve the grafts, and how they perform the implantation? What about the pricing and doctor's involvement? Have you received recommended graft pictures?"
  5. The crucial parts . If you want a straightforward answer. As a surgeon myself, I understand the importance of precision, especially during hair follicle extraction. Initially, when the extractions are relatively straightforward and don't require close proximity, the process may seem easy. However, as you accumulate more extractions and have to work in proximity to existing scars, the value of a surgeon's 'surgical touch' becomes evident. This skill is honed through close patient follow-up. When it comes to implanting the hairline, it's crucial to recognize the difference in risk between a technician and a surgeon."
  6. Does anyone have experience with Dr Ziya Yavus? I think he is recommended by Math Dominance guy
  7. Thanks I understand he does all the moments himself could you explain why you would not choose him and what your criteria are?
  8. Hello, does anyone has any experience with clinic AdonisMed Dr Mutlu Ekici in Turkey?
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