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Posts posted by Myles23

  1. No reputable surgeon would look at this and be satisfied with their work. What should have been a fairly straight forward procedure, lacks density and the angle of the grafts, is something you’d expect from a hairmill. I’d call the clinic out on here and tag them if, especially if they are recommended. You’d soon see a shift in not taking you seriously. 

    I think you’ve documented your journey well throughout and your initial concerns at the beginning have transpired to be correct. I hope you get this resolved 

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  2. hey @Newman. I had my surgery 3 days after you with Dr Turan so will be closely following your journey . I shaved the sides yesterday also but just going to grow the top out for the full 12 months. Your donor looks like its healed well already. Think the next couple of months will be tough but hopefully by the summer, rocking a full head of hair. 

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  3. On 2/7/2024 at 7:47 AM, wprevil said:

    Hi guys.. Its now been 2 and a half months since my transplant. And I'm starting to shed a lot of hair which is making me mad as fu''ck!! I'm literally going insane over this. I never knew this was going to happen. I can't even look in the mirror anymore cuz if I do I'll regret life and people. Please tell me this is temporary and my hair will regrow again. This is complete torture.

    How did you not know that the hairs shed post op? Did your surgeon not inform you? Did you receive a post op care document? I am surprised you wouldn't know this before you underwent surgery. 

  4. hello @Cordial_Hair. I had the same issues / side effects  with oral finasteride so i used an all in one topical spray consisting of minoxidil and finasteride.  I didn't have any side effects from this and it stabilised my hairloss. You could also look into oral minoxidil, something I switched to this week. 


    At the top of the page there is a list of recommend surgeons in the US. There will be real patient reviews on these surgeons for you to research that have similar MPB and hair characteristics to yourself. From there you can reach out to the clinic for a consultation which will guide you in selecting the right surgeon for your needs. 

  5. I think Yaman is one of the safest budget options for the higher Norwood cases and there are numerous success stories demonstrated on this forum. Personal preference but i wanted more Dr. involvement and a maximum of 2 patients  per day so i chose Dr Turan at Fuecapilar. Other than extractions, he performed the entire procedure. There were also more examples on here of Norwood 3 cases performed by him, similar to my MPB. 

  6. Hi All,

    there is probably a similar thread but i could find it.

    I was thinking of switching from topical finasteride & topical finasteride to oral minoxodil 2.5mg as we are going to start trying for a baby. I had my 2md hair transplant 3 weeks ago and stopped using topical 2 weeks before transplant and advised by surgeon not to commence again until week 4.. My question is....... will  starting on oral minoxidil prolong the shedding phase from the hair transplant? Has anyone switched from topical to oral straight after a hair transplant and did it delay growth? I don't want mess up the current growth cycle of newly transplanted hairs. I understand that they shed naturally and growth starts coming in after 4 months but I don't want to potentially delay the natural process by starting Oral minoxidil for the first time.  

  7. I had my first HT at 24 and is was the biggest mistake i made. Been taking finasteride / minox for  13 years and luckily managed to stabilise my hair loss before jumping in to another procedure two weeks ago. Without trying to be condescending,  Id highly recommend taking onboard other peoples advice who have probably gone through procedures at a young age only to regret it later and are advising you not to follow in their footsteps. 

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