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  1. I started taking Xyon's Topical Dutasteride last week - currently applying daily as recommended by Dr. Hasson and the pharmacist 🤞. Has anyone tried applying Xyon's Topical Dutasteride on their temple peaks or at the base of their neck, which are also common areas affected by androgenic alopecia? It seems that people are predominately applying it on their crown, midscalp, and hairline.
  2. Hello everyone, I'm thrilled to share my 1-month post-op progress with all of you. Things seem to being going well so far, and I'm eagerly anticipating the regrowth phase to kick in.
  3. Hello everyone, I wanted to share my journey with hair loss and review my recent experience with HT surgery. I'm in my early 30's and had my first HT surgery performed by Dr. Hasson in the beginning of September 2023. It was an FUE surgery, and I had 4,032 grafts extracted. Out of these, 2,500 grafts were dedicated to my hairline, while approximately 1,500 were directed to my crown. The procedure spanned two days, with around 2,000 grafts extracted each day. On the first day, 2,000 grafts went to the hairline, and on the second day, 500 grafts were allocated to the hairline, with the remaining 1,500 going to my crown. I'm currently following a regimen of oral Finasteride (1.25mg daily) and oral Minoxidil (2.5mg daily). Pre Surgical Consultations My journey with hair loss, specifically androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness), began in my mid-20s when I started noticing hair loss in my crown, followed by my hairline in my late 20s. My mid-scalp was also weakening, though it wasn't as concerning to me as I kept my hair long and slicked back, which masked the issue. I had met Dr. Hasson in person three times prior to the surgery (June 2022, July 2023, August 2023). June 2022: This was my initial consultation and I was told that I was a good candidate for FUE and that Dr. Hasson suggested I do 4,000 grafts to my 'front' (this is the term that was used, I'm thinking front was referring to the hairline and a little bit of the mid-scalp - however I didn't clarify) and I booked my surgery for September 2023. Initially we didn't think we would be able to do both my hairline and my crown so I was a bit disappointed. Hence we decided to focus on the 'front' as we were hoping my crown would rebound with medication - or I would have to come in for a second surgery. Medication: At this point, I was only using Rogaine (topical Minoxidil) which I had been taking for years with mixed results, and I had previously tried generic oral Finasteride in 2018 but stopped taking it after 6 months as I had minor side effects. Dr. Hasson recommended a fresh approach with 5 mg Proscar tablets, advising me that generic formulation of Finasteride doesn't always work as well. Dr. Hasson also brought to my attention a new treatment option in Xyon Health's Topical Dutasteride, but I decided to stick with the non-generic oral Finasteride for 9-12 months to see if it would be effective. Regardless, we agreed to meet again in about a year (before my surgery) to assess the progress the oral Finasteride was having and if it was able to stabilize or even reverse my hair loss. July 2023: The oral Finasteride I had been taking for the previous year had been relatively side-effect-free, though its efficacy remained uncertain as it was definitely not reversing my hair loss, it also wasn't necessarily clear if my hair loss had stabilized. Nevertheless we decided that I was still a good candidate for surgery, and decided to finalize my September 2023 FUE surgery. Medication: Dr. Hasson then recommended I start taking oral Minoxidil as it would provide synergistic affects with the oral Finasteride I was taking and would help with my hairloss, particularly in the crown. August 2023: This was 1 week prior to my surgery and was my final meeting with Dr. Hasson before the day of my surgery. The primary reason I had requested this meeting was to finalize my hairline as I wanted to make sure I spent considerable time and thought on my hairline as it's very important to design a hairline you're comfortable with as this is the first thing people will see and I wanted it to look natural. Dr. Hasson drew a rough proposed hairline on my head - this was more or less what he suggested and I was happy with it. However, we pivoted and Dr. Hasson suggested that the majority of the 4,000 of the grafts go to my hairline and about 200-400 grafts for each of my temple peaks on the side of my head as Dr. Hasson noticed they were eroding. I previously hadn't noticed my temple peaks eroding because I think they've always been a bit weak, but as Dr. Hasson pointed out that just because they've always been weak doesn't necessarily mean that they should always stay that way. Medication: Dr. Hasson advised that it may be beneficial for me to switch to Xyon Health's Topical Dutasteride after my surgery as we both started to become more certain that oral Finasteride wasn't effective in halting my hair loss. The Topical Dutaseride along with the oral Minoxidil would be a more potent medication option than the oral Finasteride paired with the oral Minoxidil in stopping my hair loss. Surgery Day 1: I had relatively long hair so first thing we did was shave my head and draw my hairline. Once we had shaved my hair it was clear to see where I was thinning and where I wasn't. Drawing my hairline was relatively straightforward as we had discussed it and drawn a rough sketch the week prior. Dr. Hasson noticed I was also thinning at the base of my neck and although this wasn't ideal but the surgery would still be okay (I don't completely understand what the problem was, but I'm assuming that my donor area was probably smaller than initially expected). We also started to pivot once again after we saw my shaven head and began thinking that perhaps we would do 2,500 grafts to my hairline and 1,500 to my crown instead of my temple peaks. Dr. Hasson knew how much I wanted to get my crown done, and he informed me that Day 1 would focus solely on the hairline, allowing me time to decide the graft allocation for Day 2. I spent the day in surgery and also thinking about if it would be better to do my hairline and my temple peaks or my hairline and my crown. The hair loss in the crown was definitely bothering me more and whenever I would take a break during the surgery I would talk to some of the technicians and Dr's and ask for their advice. They all agreed with me and recommended I do my hairline and my crown, and that I could do my temple peaks at a later time if they still bothered me. Surgery: The day went relatively well, there was very little pain or discomfort and the staff were amazing. I had heard that the anesthetic was painful, but it wasn't too bad - although it did hurt, but nothing that was unbearable - the pain only lasted a couple seconds and then the anesthetic kicked in. I would rate the pain a 5/10 - if someone is stressing about it, I wouldn't be. Surgery finished around 6pm and I wasn't looking forward to a second day of surgery, as I wanted to start my recovery phase asap. Day 2: I decided to get my crown done instead of my temple peaks as I was already shaving my head and didn't want to have to shave my head again in order to redo my crown. Also my temple peaks even though they were eroding didn't bother me much at this point, whereas my crown did. I felt as if I were to get my temple peaks done at a later time the recovery time would be a lot less as the length of hair on my temple peaks is very short. Dr. Hasson agreed with this plan of action, and I was ecstatic that I was getting my crown done, as this had been bothering me for years. Surgery: The second day brought a bit more discomfort, which was manageable. In the morning, I received two Tylenol 3 tablets as a precautionary measure for the expected increased discomfort on this day. The localized anesthesia and Tylenol carried me through the morning and afternoon. However, by late afternoon and evening, the T3s had worn off, leaving me with some discomfort exacerbated by sitting upright for the crown procedure. Nevertheless, I went home around 8pm, relieved that the surgery phase was over and eager to commence my recovery. Post Surgery I went back the day after my surgery for my hair wash and the technician not only washed my hair but also adjusted any hairs that needed to be adjusted or were a bit loose. I also came back for my hair wash on the 3rd and 4th day post surgery. It's been nearly two weeks since the surgery, and my experience has been quite decent. Pain has been minimal, mostly an occasional itchiness, and some tenderness when resting my head on a pillow, particularly during the first week in the donor area (I'm assuming this is the nerve endings repairing themselves). To aid in falling asleep, I had to resort to extra strength Tylenol during this period. Scabbing occurred mainly on the hairline, with minimal presence on the crown. The technician removed most of the scabs during the second hair wash, and the remainder washed away as per her instructions over the following week. Redness subsided after about a week. During my second hair wash, I had the opportunity to discuss my mid-scalp thinning with my patient advisor, Chris. This thinning became more apparent when contrasted with my new denser hairline. Chris recommended that medication was the way to go to save the mid-scalp as it was still too dense to safely place grafts between the existing hairs. As Dr. Hasson recommended - Chris also recommended Xyon Health's Topical Dutasteride to help save the indigenous hairs on my mid-scalp. I agreed with this plan of action and will be ordering Xyon Health's Topical Dutasteride soon. Review I had an amazing experience, I can now see why Dr. Hasson is considered one of the best in the world. Dr. Hasson and Chris were nothing but professional and made sure I was comfortable from the moment I walked into their office. At this point it's hard to think of them as Dr. and advisor, they seem more like friends in my hair loss journey - I have no better compliment than that. It's too early to know what my final result will be, but so far everything has been very promising. I would recommend H&W to anyone. Going Forward I'm still taking the oral Finasteride (month 14) and oral Minoxidil (month 2), but I am planning on stopping the oral Finasteride as it's not been effective for me and eventually switching to Xyon Health's Topical Dutasteride while maintaining the oral Minoxidil. Although I may consider addressing my temple peaks with surgery in the future, I'll allow time for my first surgery's results to manifest and my head to heal before making any decisions. Questions Should I wait a little while in my recovery from the surgery before I start taking Topical Dutasteride, or start taking it right away - I'm mostly at risk in my midscalp as that's area that wasn't operated on. Would the Topical Dutasteride be effective for restoring my temple peaks, I know it's a new product so maybe no one really knows at this point - and for that matter would it help with the thinning at the base of my neck? For the people using Topical Dutasteride - do you use it on your transplanted areas or only on your indigenous hairs? I apologize for the lengthy post, and not sure if this is the appropriate place to ask my questions, but I wanted to be thorough in sharing my journey, as it might help someone else, and I'm open to any advice or insights. I'll be updating this thread in the coming months.
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