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Everything posted by Jayhair

  1. Am going there next month and be staying at Gorrion too. I note I have 2 days free after surgery. I aim to stay in hotel mainly (been to Istanbul few times and don't want to risk exposing my hair to outside too much) where can I go for a walk, look around and food (lunch and dinner) local, search on google maps the surrounding areas look derelict.
  2. Good question, didn't think of this, for me it was just a visually not nice when your hair is still sparse and when you go out people see it.
  3. 3 months on your head still red, did they warn you on this, I been told 2 weeks i would go?
  4. Only concern I have is why is your scalp red after all those months. I only see in the recent photos that the redness disappear, did you have redness for 6 months plus?
  5. @USA_Hair_Journey I have an appointment booked with Yaman a week after yours. Am thinking the same thing. I visited Yaman and Gur in their offices in person. Gur and his team were more patient with me spent much more time me. Yaman was busy I saw him going in and out of his office many time before he saw me. I read on this forum and spoke to few hair clinics in London. Thier prices all vary and what they want to do with me hair is different slightly. All dont offer gurantee as its a surgery. My heart said Gur better but hes booked up until March 2024 and cost £2k more. Yaman see great reviews and bad too but from my limited knowledge I feel it depends on the person, personal health, if any damage was done during first few weeks to grafts, ie exposure to sun, wearing a hat etc and if they took finasteride and minoxidil. No one here can 100% say why one person HT is better than the others. I personally don't want to risk over harvesting but same time i said can my scalp get any worst (YES) but it would take a rookie to mess it up. Alot is going through my mind and it will only get worst, so I decided to get it done and hope for the best. I mean Yaman is not a hill mill or some rouge surgeon from my research. How long you staying in Turkey before heading back to the States? You should stay 1 week at least to let the grafts settle IMO. Don't want long journey back when your graft not fully settled and you move your head and rub the grafts off.
  6. Hows the after care been like? Except for sending photos over Watsapp and asking questions. Did you feel your query was answered sufficient enough. Instead of generic answers, like growth looks good, take your time etc
  7. Alot of grafts in 1 go, how was your sleep. Did they give you any hat to wear to cover up, asking as i plan to stay in city for few days after surgeon and did you wear anything on the plane back? Understand 1st 3 days after surgery the grafts are the most vulnerable so don't want to take any chances doing too much movements
  8. Shopping around for finasteride so prices varies between websites and brands. From my understanding its all established and legit website. Cost not a factor in decision but percentage wise its a big increase. What can be the difference is same product? Looking to buy in bulk and 6 months is the max I can go. All 1mg strength. 168 tablets £58.95 ( buying it regularly) https://www.simpleonlinepharmacy.co.uk/online-doctor/hair-loss/finasteride/ other brands different website range from £77-98.99 https://pharmica.uk/hair-loss/finasteride/?land=true
  9. Paid VIP service or one which DR heavy involvement don't have any bearing on the final results this is what I got told by Dr Gurs team , i did ask why am i paying extra they didn't really have an answer other than is the 20 years experience he has
  10. Can you confirm who done the following - Incision of channel /extraction/implantation. I see you wrote a Dr done the extraction , was there another Dr at Yaman or was it a technician. Am asking as from my research these are the 3 main procedure and it seems like implantation is the least important/difficult process of the 3. So the other 2 is better if done by a Dr. ( Experienced members please correct me if im wrong)
  11. @LikeAJungle Did you ask them about their experience on Asia hair? Been told Asia has less graft, mainly single or double not much 3 or 4s grafts but are longer so technique is different to other hair.
  12. Thanks keep us updated, am visiting Turkey next month, will go there myself and do a in person check up. Any feedback/questions/concerns I should ask Doga or what would you have done differently after your HT experience.
  13. Why no to Yaman? I got told he does the incision himself which is a plus on Serkan
  14. First of all @Berba11 thanks for answering and providing feedback to my questions. I've spoken to DR Serkan and Yaman over watsapp and visited PRP Lab in person in London UK and got quote 4000 grafts needed. All recommending FUE/DHI My feedback on Dr Serkan advisor over watsapp. All questions answered very professionally and in very indepth detail. Spoke on phone too. No issue on all communication answers to questions, had me in peace. Dr Yaman, very casual texting and short blunt answers. PRP Lab, the owner/surgeon is young and clinic don't look that established when I visited them. Its hard for me to decide- I read good and bad results on this forum from both of them. All those concerns of over harvest/low graft survival rate/ bad hairline (looking pluggy). Feels like its a Russian roulette and I have only 1 chance to get it right. Lots to think about- Maitland clinic and DR Mani both in London, their website shows 2000 graft £10k so I need to pay £20k v £3k in Turkey (Dr Yaman/Serkan) How bad can these 2 Turkish clinics be? As seen in my photos and not in a great state the top of the scalp is clearly gone. My donor area is never completely shaven off, no.3 or 4 clipper length I use so about 4mm length I cut it down to then I let it grow for 1 or 1.5 months before I cut it so unless its an absolute disaster of a job over harvest should be an issue from my understanding. Low graft survival rate - how low is low? if I have 4000 and only 3000 survival 75% thats a big improvement on my density obviously I want every hair to survival but considering the big price difference £3k v £20k. My main concern is after the HT my appearance and health of hair/scalp is worst off.
  15. So you had 2 surgeries? My question was what can I research. Everyone said certain surgeons better. What do I ask surgeons on my HT. Am not sure what the basic/advance Qs i need to ask except for amount of graft, DR involvement ( too late to find out they dont involvement much when im lying down having the surgery)
  16. I read through the forums, in Turkey the quotes are all $3000. Seen members mentioned this is a low budget. I can up the budget but I want to avoid all the headaches of it going wrong. Like alot of people, I just want 1 surgery. I been quotes by 3 clinic, 1 consultation was in person i need 4000 graft. So all I want to know is which doctor/clinic I can get a good HT. How easy is it to mess up. Read people had their 1st HT 10/15 years ago and need another one now, surely the technology etc has improved enough to make these issues of over harvest etc go away. What can I consult with doctor to gauge if i should go with them. They always reassure you, no business will say we can't help you or we do a bad job unless they really can't help ( non good donor area ) I'm based in UK and looked at London clinics, some charging £8k plus and only offering 2500-3000 grafts so does that mean my hair loss isn't fixed completely. Lot of things to consider. Except for how many grafts needed, Norwood scale, health of donor area, if DR calculates how many hair graft to extract exactly on each section of the donor area what else do we/they need to do or aware before the surgeon starts. UK v Turkey recommended Dr on this forum, except for price. What are the difference, technique, team? I dont see many talk or use DHI mainly FUE/FUT - why is that?
  17. Can you share the cost of the HT? Am London base and did a online quote from Harley Street hair clinic , came to £6-8k for 4000 grafts.
  18. Isn't the implantation the important part of the HT , 1 thing am worried is the harvesting. Whats his planning involvement on it
  19. what's was DR Yamen involvement with your surgery?
  20. What exactly are the things that don't go right and what is the likely hood? Over harvesting, how easy is it to do this? Isn't it all planned and they have a scanner to see how many graft can be extracted in a certain area and the technician just need to extract the planned amount? The with implantation how can it go wrong. Am trying to assess the likely hood and the actual risk is it did go wrong.
  21. Any reason for not going back to Dr Serhan- I was told the team have an average of 10 years of experience( you know the name of the lead consultant /technical. You think its something we can request
  22. What questions do we ask- The ones I dealt with sent them photos- they came back with amount of grafts, surgery process. One of the issues I found on HT is over harvesting. How easy is it to do it. don't they just do a scan and decide they will extract x amount from the donor area ?
  23. My Hair loss Journey So I been suffer hair lost 6 years, tried the minoxidil / finasteride did have some positive results at the start but had a allergic reaction on the scalp to the alcohol so had to stop. Been using it past few years didn't see much improvement but probably worst. Brought those medication in a hair lost clinic and had photos taken by the consultant when I did my quarterly check up but didn't see much positive result they just mentioned its stable. During those years I had balance diet and taken zinc/iron supplements. Early this year I said to myself there no improvement and its more noticeable especially when I'm under the sun so told the clinic am no longer going to carry on , they then told me to look at PRP then HT. Went to a PRP clinic and told me no point as my hair follicles are closed so said I need a HT and he quoted me a price, total grafts and went through procedure etc. Spoke to my friend and he put me in contact with his friend who had a HT at DR Serkan earlier this year and gave me positive review and answered all my questions and still is. I read the google reviews and YT videos all I saw was positive and during that time I been speaking to one of their adviser via Whatsapp and decided to go ahead with a 4300 graft DHI. After booking everything I discovered this website. Been reading and still reading more about them. Hair mill, over harvest. From my research we have limited grafts once transplanted over we can't grow them back so am cautious after hearing people say its like a Russian Roulette depends on which consultant I get. How bad and easy is it to over harvest/ read some staff we very young like kids, really? Whats the worst case scenario we seen Also what's the recovery period like for DHI to have the redness gone and do we have to shave the recipient area, got told we dont need to but from seeing other photos looks like it was shaved. Thanks in advance team Jay
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