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Posts posted by diegoyrenny

  1. 8 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    Going by the pics (and you really need a front on pic). I would imagine around 2k - 2.5k. More if the temples are to be done. I'm not a doctor but looking at the first pic the top looks like it is slightly thinning so I wouldn't even attempt to do a low, buzz cut looking hairline. Save these grafts for the future and wait twelve months to see how the response to meds go is really the best plan. @diegoyrenny can I ask who the surgeon is and how old you are? 👍

    Im 35 the surgery would be done in @livahairrd (instagram handle) Dominican republic they are Turkish established in Dominican republic 

    • Thanks 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    I mean this in the spirit that it is meant. But if you have a transplant to match the very low and straight sharp SMP hairline it will look unnatural. The other problem is that you will be chasing MPB with a finite source of grafts and will run out of a donor supply. This leave the work in the new hairline marooned with nothing behind it. I obviously hope that you are an excellent responder to finasteride but it might not stop your MPB. More likely it will slow it down considerably. I just want to make you aware of the bigger picture in the long term. Not for just the nest five years. All the best.

    Thanks for the information appreciated

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