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Posts posted by Trobs4

  1. @UKLad81 I traded a couple emails but we were having a hard time finding a time that worked for both of us for a video call, so still haven't connected. I think if I'm going to do FUT, I'll probably stick with Dr Wong since it's a 3 hour flight for me vs 12 hours to Zurich, and I'm a lot more familiar/comfortable with hanging out for a few days in Vancouver than I would be in a small Swiss village. 

  2. @BeHappy and @JoeD I'm comfortable with discussing it with the immediate family, the issue is that she's got a huge extended family that will all be present, and I'm just concerned about feeling self conscious about how I look or feeling like I need to explain it to everyone. Ultimately, waiting another 3-4 months won't be the end of the world, plus I'll be able to be back on fin/dut at that point. Thanks for your insight!

  3. @mrmajified thanks for the input. I saw your most recent post, it's coming in nicely and you're going to have a great result. That gives me a lot of confidence in Dr. Wong. 

    I plan to be open about it, but my wife has a HUGE family and they'll all be there at Christmas. I'd just rather avoid being a topic of conversation if I can avoid it, but I agree that it's silly to base my whole decision off of that. If I do decide to wait until afterwards, it seems likely that they'll have another cancellation sometime in Jan - March, which would be better for my work schedule too, but obviously not a sure thing... 

  4. I have an opportunity to get the procedure done Oct 11 now in Vancouver with Dr Wong. Right now I’m trying to decide between Dr Wong or Eugenix FUE (they proposed 4500 grafts, 1200 of which would come from beard). 

    I’m going to visit my wife’s family for Christmas and am a bit concerned about how I’ll look at that time if I do the surgery with Wong in October. I’m afraid I’ll be very self conscious. 

    I think I will have a high likelihood of success with either clinic, but FUT does concern me more than FUE. Dr Wong would be more expensive (~$20-25k) vs Eugenix ($10-15k including travel). 

    If anyone has thoughts on how goofy I’d look 70 days after surgery, or what you’d do in my shoes, I’m all ears. Thanks. 

  5. 17 hours ago, Judelaw said:

    I worry that you’re rushing into such a life-changing commitment without even settling on medication yet. 

    What else are you currently using, and are you 100% committed to continuous daily Finasteride starting in January?


    100% I have no issues with taking finasteride. I took it for years. The reason I'm not taking it right now is because these fertility doctors told me to stop while we try to get pregnant. As soon as that happens, I plan to get back on finasteride (or dutasteride) as recommended by the Doctor. 

  6.  @UKLad81 thank you for the insight. Sometime around mid-January would actually be ideal for me. Hopefully I can engage in a discussion with them this week. 

    @mrmajified I just scanned your thread, thanks for sharing all that. Looks like it’s coming along very nicely. I will check in with them about cancellations. 

    I’m sure a lot of people here will understand my feelings that now that I’ve made up my mind to do this, waiting longer sounds like agony. It seems like I’d be in good hands with either of Wong or Hattingen. Thanks again. 

  7. Thanks to all who recommended Hattingen, I’ve looked into this clinic a bit more and the results appear to be fantastic across the board, especially for higher NW cases like mine. 

    I emailed Hattingen about my situation and hope to hear back this week to initiate further discussion. Waiting until August 2024 for Dr Wong would be challenging, so I’m very hopeful that Hattingen has availability towards the beginning of the new year. I’ll follow up with their thoughts and ultimately what my decision is. 

  8. Thanks all for the input. My comment “NW4 clearly headed to NW5 and 6” was based on a doctors analysis, but I certainly agree that I will need a lot of grafts (8000 would probably be ideal) to get good coverage. I will probably decide to stick with Dr Wong for next august, and maybe sooner if they have a cancellation. 

    My biggest issue I with the Wong FUT is the waiting… psychologically I’m ready to do this asap, so having to wait an extra 6 months will be tough, but I’ve waited this long already so I guess I can wait a little longer. 

    On the plus side, hopefully I’ll be able to start taking fin/dut early in the year to help solidify some of the existing hairs. 

    Are there other doctors worth considering for FUT with 4000-5000 grafts that could do as good a job as Dr Wong? Maybe I should just be patient. 

  9. Thanks for your input. The biggest issue for me is Wong doesn’t have availability until August 2024. Would love to get in earlier. But I suppose if I can get it all done in one go (or at least something that could last me several years), it’s perhaps overall the better option. The cost is obviously much higher but hopefully that means the results will be too.

  10. Hello all, longtime lurker. I’ve decided to get a HT. Here’s my current situation: and I’m an NW4 clearly headed to NW5 and 6. I haven’t been able to take finasteride because of recommendations from doctors for fertility issues, however if my wife isn’t pregnant by January we will do IVF (we have embryos). I’ll start taking finasteride again as soon as that process begins. 

    I’m trying to determine if FUT or FUE is the better option. I could do Dr Wong in August 2024 or Dr Espinosa Custodio in Feb 2024 in Mexico City. I’m currently scheduled with Dr Custodio.

    Wong would do FUT and could do ~5000 grafts. It would cost about $24,000. 

    Custodio would do ~2500-3000 FUE for $7500-9000. I’d almost certainly have to go back a year later and get more grafts to cover the crown. 

    Is it worth waiting and doing FUT and getting it done later, or would you recommend doing FUE in two sessions and save a little cash? 

    I could also do Dr Gur (3000-3500 grafts FUE) mid January. The VIP plan is €1.50 per graft so €5,250 on the high end. This would also require a second procedure to cover the crown. 

    Lastly I could do Dr Laorwong in Thailand late January-early February. 80 baht per graft ($2.40/graft) and approximately $8,400. This also includes some extras like PRP and other treatments over the course of the next five days. 

    additional costs like airfare and hotel (7 days)-

    Mexico City - $1800

    Vancouver - $2400  

    Turkey - $6000 (business class unless I can book with miles)

     Thailand - $6000 (business class unless booked with miles)

    I can take as much time off as necessary and work from the road. If you were in my shoes, what would you do? The scar and recovery aspect of FUT doesn’t sound fun, but Dr Wong is highly regarded. These others appear to be well regarded as well. Curious for thoughts on FUT vs FUE timeline. 

    Ant other helpful thoughts will be greatly appreciated. 

    attaching some photos of my current situation. Wet hair combed forward. 








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