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Posts posted by hairman4321

  1. ~5 week mark:

    I've noticed my forehead getting very oily this week - way more so than usual. I wonder if this is just apart of the healing process. My hair has been more oily too. I've had a pimple pop up in the area, but i popped it and cleaned it.

    I've also noticed at this point my recipient is basically back to normal in terms of feeling, maybe only 5% of the numbness remains but it basically feels like normal head skin. The redness is almost gone.

  2. 34 minutes ago, Dylan94 said:

    @wembley is it worth it vs the risk of side effects?

    hey Dylan, how long did you try finasteride for? and what dose? it didn't slow your hair loss at all?

    if you were to describe your hairloss, would you say you have typical male pattern baldness or is it thinning all over? maybe showing us a picture of your hairline would help. i've heard sometimes people with diffuse thinning may have a micro nutrient deficiency or trouble absorbing nutrients.

    you have to think long term with this - if you get a hair transplant now but your hair continues to fall out, it will eventually look much worse (very unnatural) than if you just shaved it. so priority #1 now is to stabilise the loss, then you can think about transplant if its required. i have seen cases of diffuse thinning return back thick. more so than normal pattern baldness where the hairline starts receeding.

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  3. 6 hours ago, Anon94 said:

    Why do none of these guys seem to do ANY research into the doctors they go with?

    Is this lady even a surgeon? Some of the things I heard didn't sound like great surgical practice (like keeping the grafts outside the body for >6 hours).

    i think probably just the kind of personality that these people would be - big public figures who have a lot always going on etc. whereas for us we're probably all more private, analytical types more willing to research (as evident we've joined a forum etc looking for more answers).

  4. 2 hours ago, airporteffect said:

    Check it out:


    Super nice guy, always very open about everything - his testosterone use too.
    I wonder who this clinic was? Are they recommended here? Personally i would've been way more involved in the hairline design! But maybe he was and they just didnt show it

  5. Jk, yeah I wanted to keep it natural so it would age well. I think most europeans have this M shape naturally, the "mature hairline". My primary concerns were the lack of density and asymmetry. I also noticed that a lot more can go wrong when you lower the hairline too much in a completely bald area for the hairline - often just wasting grafts and not achieving natural density so it doesn't look natural. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, DrMunibAhmad said:

    It's always perfect before too, even when they are fully balding, unless he/she him/herself feels it can be enhanced. 

    looks good bro, especially like the layout of those singles in the front, very natural, and seems very dense behind them. great job

  7. Looks like I've shed over half the hairs already. Some of the longer hairs at the widows peak I think are native ones that are growing in normally just from when the Dr buzzed them, but most of the area is looking pretty nasty and red and the hairs are weird and bent and falling out. Seems to be normal at this stage, maybe a little early. Hope that means faster regrowth too. 

    The donor feels completely normal now. The recipient is feeling really good now too - the tiniest bit numb still perhaps but not painful and most of the feeling is back. The recipient was feeling number for longer.


    ~ 1 month:




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