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Posts posted by Cooper48

  1. @wouldLikeMoreHair Dr. Laorwong used a .9 punch with me in September.  We discussed the punch size and he said it all has to do with the thickness of your hair.  I think he has used .8 for some others here.  Obviously smaller would be better for scars but you don't want the punch damaging the graft because it is too small.  I'm only at a little over two months so not sure what my scars will look like with short hair.  I'll post pictures once I get a haircut. 

  2. I think the work looks great!  I've learned that every single procedure could be critiqued by someone.  People on here even critique people who probably haven't had a hair transplant but they assume they have.   In real life, people don't look as close as they do here.  Happy for you that you got an outcome you love.  I'm hoping for the same thing!

  3. I had a little more hair than you and ended up with 3600.  I went to several places as I started this journey and the couple that did not have reputations here suggested in the 2k range.  Once I connected in here and got estimates from highly reviewed drs (HW, Gabel and Laorwong), they all wanted to do in the 3500 range.  I think you definitely need >3500 total.  If you only do 2k you should probably only cover the front and get the crown later.  I believe the ones that tell you lower number are just selling and trying to get patients.  Ultimately people are looking at graft number X unit price and while budget should guide this process, it has a large impact.  I think there are a lot of clinics not on this site that know they have a better chance of getting a patient if the prices is almost half (2k grafts vs 3.5k grafts), even if it is not in the best interest of the patient.  Just my 2 cents.  Good luck with the process!

  4. Hi All,

    Just wanted to share my 2 month update.  It's what I consider the love/hate period.  Love that I have made it to this mark but hate the way it looks for now.  Here are some general things I'm going through:

    Recipient Growth

    Not much happening here.  Really excited to see some growth.  I do feel like I can feel some baby hairs in the front and more stubble like growth in the crown. Not a lot and hard to see on camera so waiting patiently as is could be another month or more before anything kicks in.  The crown and top of my head still  look worse than my before photos.  I think this is due to shockloss and maybe some of the stubble I am feeling is this coming back. 


    Yes, I need a haircut badly.  I'll probably look to get everything cleaned up in a few weeks.  While overall there is progress, there are still some patchy areas.  I do think they are looking better.  The gray hair also seems to have made a comeback better than the dark hair.  I have full confidence this will come back in the next few months. 



    The redness is still there but it continues to fade.  My head is still 60% numb but slowly fading.  The numbness is probably the thing that bugs me the most at this point.  It just feels weird all the time.  I don't think any of my progress is concerning.  Hope the next month flies by since time is the key!









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