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Posts posted by Here4hairs

  1. Thanks @Melvin- Moderator! Definitely appreciate it. Yeah I agree I think part of it is always embracing realistic versus desired expectations. Overall this has been life changing and a win. I think if I could maintain this id be more or less set for life. Its funny you say that as I wanted a widows peak but was basically advised against it by dr erdogan. Maybe ill go for a touchup in a year or so just to add a little density to frontal region/add the widows peak

  2. Thanks for the honest feedback everyone. Yeah I would say for sure I was fortunate with how my final result came back compared to many others. I feel very lucky for that reason. Part of it may be hair greed on my end looking to improve density ill have to take some photos after a haircut as my hair is extra long currently. The other part as we all know is future thinning. While I hope that is minimized by the medical therapy, it also makes me cautious to rush into anything. Having to even wait for the in person consults in a way is a blessing altogether. 

    Of note though, there were two other men having their procedure done the same day as me. One from Germany, one from France (im from US). Both guys when chatting said that they had hired hair mentors who said ASMED was best of the best. Just found that to be a bit interesting is all. I also get ASMED Dental emails now - I guess theyre trying to turn into a conglomerate corporation!

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  3. Hi All,

    As the title says I made the dumb decision of going through a transplant with Asmed clinic back in the beginning of 2022. I am 30 years old and started taking dutasteride 0.5mg qd. I would say i was diffuse thinning well on my way to nw6 before starting meds. I remember debating having transplant surgery many years ago when I initially found ASMED. Unfortunately after many years of deliberating I pulled the trigger and failed to do a deep dive into due diligence which I take full accountability as I could have avoided this by seeking a much better clinic. I had 5000 grafts implanted in what ended up being a ring like shape. Starting off I was pretty far gone so my result considering how advanced the hair loss was is decent. However reviewing threads like Miko I too have low density and difficulties with see through nature of hair especially if styled up. Many red flags arose as I went through this process that I overlooked or overestimated the faith I put into this clinic to do the right thing by me the vulnerable patient. Things overlooked was lack of reception of personal input or redesign of hairline by dr erdogan, no willingness to discuss staged options considering my likely need for more than one operation due to advanced loss, among other things. My advice to many looking for a transplant would be to find forums like these to find honest and real reviews, especially in turkey, as the government helps subsidize the medical tourism advertisements and what you will find on sites are far from typical results.

    Anyway back to the transplant they ended up marking off basically what seemed like my entire scalp for transplant and it wasnt until the two day operation had finished that i knew they planned to transplant the hair in a ring pattern and completely ignore the midscalp.

    Post transplant there was minimal follow up from the clinic and aside from me reaching out to ask the occasional post op question to my “patient advisor” the clinic took no interest in the progress or result of my transplant - in my eyes a doctor or team that does not care about the result of their work or satisfaction of their patient is what really makes ASMED a hair mill.

    I am now 20 months post op. Continuing dutasteride and added oral minoxidil 2.5mg qd about 8 months post op to help with the density. Overall I think I was fortunate to not walk away completely botched especially after seeing some extremely Unfortunate patient stories from asmed on here.

    Overall I am grateful as the result Has still granted me a cosmetic improvement. And i know transplant provides the illusion however i think the result still could have been better especially when i see the difference in repair stories on here. While I cant change my mistake but I can be extra diligent to hopefully improve the future. I am awaiting availability to consult with dr cuoto (earliest would be 2025 when they take appointments again), de freitas (pending response from team), and dr lorenzo. I look forward to hear your guys advice on how tO best get a result I can be happy with. I think we can all relate tO hating what we see in the mirror from stupid hair loss. 


    Sorry the pictures are likely going to upload out of order. I think theyre pretty self explanatory and like i said i am happy enough most days however with shorter hair and styling up the low level density of the transplant is much more noticeable. I can try and snap better pictures highlighting the transparent nature of hairline and frontal region in sunlight for reference dont have many of those as I avoid taking those pictures as best i can.
































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