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  1. I have booked more consultations with dermatologists in my area. I’ll ask them about SMP and see what they say. I’d never heard of it till you mentioned it here. Would that prevent me from being able to get a HT in the future if eventually I’m deemed a good candidate. For reference this is my picture from April this year before I cut my hair last.
  2. I appreciate the detailed reply and honesty from you and Dr Rahal, thank you. I have included some pictures to better illustrate why I was confused and created this post. The picture in the blue shirt is from November 2019, the black shirt is from September 2020. Both were pre finasteride, I started taking finasteride around august 2021. The pictures in the red plaid and black jacket are from April of this year. You can see that the frontal area grew in a bit better, and I thought I could use surgery to thicken it up and be fine as the back and top had stayed consistent. To then hear in the consultations opinions from her FUT to you’re already in an advanced stage of hair loss and surgery is not for you was very confusing to me. That’s also obviously why I’m not a doctor as I’m sure there are lots of details, beyond the ones you mentioned, that I might not have factored in. I just came out of the consultations confused and disillusioned. That’s what drove me to create this post.
  3. I’ve been on fin for almost 2yrs now. The doctors were in order, Siegel, Bisanga, and Rahal.
  4. Appreciate the response. I’ve been taking finasteride for almost 2yrs now. I am now considering getting oral minox as well. I was just confused at the varying opinions of the doctors.
  5. I have had different surgeons offer very different opinions on my case and I’m wondering if anyone can shed a light on which part they took in a similar case. One surgeon said FUT would be the best solution for me given that I’m African. Another said that I should get on preventive medication and reevaluate in 12 months since I am “showing decline over a larger surface area and surgery now could even cause further shock loss”. A different surgeon suggested that my condition is beyond possible surgical restoration and suggested shaving my head and undergoing scalp micro-pigmentation. I’m very confused and would welcome any kind of direction. Thank you
  6. I appreciate that detailed breakdown. I had a consultation with natural transplants in Florida today. The doctor, Siegel, basically said the same things you said and recommended FUT as the better option for my hair texture. Dr Wong said he/she feels a hair restoration is premature and not in my best interest right now. I have a few more consultations with dr Arocha, Dr Linkov, and Dr Vories. I’m also going to try and get a consultation with Dr Bissanga and see what he says.
  7. My view is, if it’s gonna cost about as much as the us surgeons, i might as well do it here and save on the flight/time.
  8. Yea I saw them but it looks like these guys are out of the country.
  9. Hey y’all, First time poster here. I noticed my hair loss first around 2018, and ever since then, it’s only got worse. It got so bad that I got on fin almost 2yrs ago, and have finally decided to get a HT. I’ve had a consultation with Natural solutions in Florida. They say they specialize in Afro hair and over 80% of their patients are Afro Americans. They also stated that FUT was better for Afro Americans than FUE and that is their recommendation. As well they don’t count or charge per graft like most other places, apparently it’s a case by case basis, based on the amount of work needed I suppose. I wanted to see if I could get some recs on whether what they say about Fut vs FUE for Afro Americans is true. Also are they a good clinic or are there others I should be consulting instead? Thank you for any suggestions or advice. Edit: does anyone have any idea around how many grafts I would need? Thank you.
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