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Everything posted by Will_the_way

  1. Yep that happened to me as well! Just normal shedding I think
  2. lol thank you 😀 All the credit to @De Freitas Clinic
  3. 1 year update hi all, I can’t believe it’s already been a year since my HT with Dr de Freitas, but here we are somehow. What a journey it’s been. Thank you again to everyone who contributes to this forum, and a very special thanks to those who have provided advice, reassurance, and support on my own personal journal here on the forum. I couldn’t be happier with my results, and I can’t say enough good things about dr de Freitas. He has without a doubt changed my life, renewed my confidence in myself, and given me a chance to move forward without the constant worry about my hair, and the mental struggle that comes with that. I am so happy to share his work here for all to see, in hopes that he is able to help others in the way he has helped me. With this update I am including a few side by sides of my before pics, to really showcase what an incredible surgeon and artist he is. I’m not sure if this will be my last update or if there will be more, so I just want to say thanks again.
  4. I’d just consult with the doctor if you are unsure. Like I said I followed his instructions to a T and had absolutely no issues, but I can’t guarantee that will be the case for you. I don’t think this would be considered prolonged use, but I’m not a doctor so I could be completely wrong about that. I’m sure his team would be happy to address the concerns you have
  5. The transplanted hair was a bit coarser for a while, but now at a year everything is cohesive. A few months ago I started using deep moisturizing conditioner and shampoo and a hair mask as well. That has definitely helped.
  6. Hey man, thank you!! I used the clobetazol as instructed (20 days on, 20 days off, and 20 days on again) and had no issues at all. I’m not sure how much it contributed to the final results, but I do trust Dr de Freitas and was happy to follow his process.
  7. The difference really is crazy and beyond anything I expected. For my 1 year update I will post a few more before pics as well
  8. Can’t exactly remember since the 2% I really just used until I ran out. I’d say it was about 3 months and it was never daily. Just mon/weds/fri. Also no side effects with anything and yes I plan on taking it for the foreseeable future.
  9. Hello, I used 2% keto shampoo twice a day on MWF and klorane edelweiss shampoo all other days. I now shampoo/condiiton w just regular sulfate free stuff and use nizoral on occasion when my scalp is feeling dry or itchy. Oral minoxidil 5mg every days for the first 3 ish months and then switched to 2.5 since I couldn’t find 5mg anywhere.
  10. Congrats man and I’m really glad my post was able to provide you a bit of peace of mind. Happy growing 😄 you can’t go wrong with de Freitas and i’m sure you’ll be so happy with the results.
  11. Hey all, wasn’t planning on doing another update this soon but the clinic requested photos for my 9 month check in and so I figured I’d post them here as well since I have them. I’m about 12 days shy of the 9 month mark. Couldn’t be happier with my hair.
  12. 7 month update Hey all, just wanted to provide a 7 month update. Things aren’t changing much at this point as I think I’ve pretty much reached my final results and so this will probably be my last monthly update. Next one will probably be at a year or if anything major changes between now and then I will post another. It’s been a ride but I’m so pleased with the outcome and really couldn’t be happier. I really appreciate the people on this forum for the support.
  13. Just wanted to add a picture of my donor grown out for anyone curious. Was slightly worried, as I had a bit of shock loss across the extraction area, but clearly I had nothing to be worried about. It honestly looks better to me than it did pre HT and I think the oral minoxidil is to thank for that. this was my donor grown out pre HT:
  14. De Freitas. Would recommend him over pekiner as well if your focus is the hairline.
  15. That means a lot coming from you man. Have been lurking the forum for a few years now and have always appreciated what you do for the community. Was hoping the day would come that my own HT had your stamp of approval 😄 thank you!!
  16. Last few posts felt wrong without a big smile lol 😂 much appreciated brother!!
  17. 6 month update Halfway to the finish line and at this point I don’t even think about my hair anymore. I am completely satisfied with my results and any improvements going forward is just icing on the cake. I can’t fully express in words how nice it is to not be worried about my hair anymore, but it’s been life changing in the best way. So grateful to Dr de Freitas and his team, and to this forum and its members for leading me to him.
  18. I hope so too man! Good luck! Couto was my 2nd choice and I’m guessing you’ll be very happy with your results
  19. To say that my expectations have been exceeded doesn’t feel like enough. I knew I was setting myself up for success but never thought I’d end up this happy with the outcome. I have to pinch myself in the mornings when I’m standing in the mirror to remind myself its real.
  20. There is no denying the artistry. I’m still in awe every time I look at my hair and would recommend de Freitas 10 times over to anyone considering a hair transplant. The positive impacts have already become clear. People treat me differently, smile at me more, my friends who have great hair and who should never consider a HT are asking me for info about the doctor 😂 I don’t have words to express how grateful I am to him and his team and wish them all the success as it is so deserved.
  21. 5 month update: Hey all, 5 months just passed since my transplant and I couldn’t be happier with the results. Over the last few weeks I have noticed things filling in, and I continue to feel stubble popping through when I run my fingers through my transplanted area which means density should only increase from here. as promised, for this update I have included pictures in direct sunlight/the harshest lighting I could find, so everyone can really see what’s going on. before shower immediately after shower and air dry (no product)
  22. Hair growth starts beneath the skin and without a natural pore to grow through, the transplanted hair does need to break the surface in a sense. This is why so many people get folliculitis.
  23. I’d try it on some area of your body that isn’t your head (i have a patch of hair on my hand with multiple triples in it) and see what happens. I’d expect the remaining hairs to continue to grow and the plucked hair to quickly regrow, but I’m not a doctor.
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