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Posts posted by Youth_Again

  1. 13 hours ago, consequence said:

    Was this question for me? I don't think I'm at the point yet to consider a touch up -- way too early at 5 months. I'll wait till a year and reassess, will cross that bridge when the time comes.

    I really didn't use the mosqueta for more than a day as my redness went away on its own pretty fast. No supplements other than avodart, ketoconazole and oral minoxidil that would relate to hair loss. Generally following a carnivore/mediterranean diet with organ meats and vegetables.

    one month in, still got some redness. 

    I guess I will just send the clinic an email asking when I should stop using it

  2. I had to wait 18 months for the first consultation, and before even being able to book the consultation I had to wait 1 year almost. 

    so you gotta be patient, your best bet is to call.

    Emails won't get you anywhere, the only reason I was able to book is because i kept calling

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, mister_25 said:

    I’m struggling with my result so far with H&W as well.

    in all honesty, when I compare the photos you show right now to where you were, I see almost no difference. Your hairline hasn’t moved or even really changed in density, just looks like you killed miniaturised unhealthy hairs and replaced them with better hairs.

    Echoing the sentiments from @Youth_Again

    I am sure the OP would rather have never done the surgery knowing what kind of results he would have get.

    Personally I wouldnt have. 

    • Like 1
  4. 27 minutes ago, ITA said:

    Why a joke? Wong did the job. Are we sure the OP doesn't have some scalp problem or autoimmune disease that she isn't aware of? Let's go back to the discussion from a few posts ago, surgeons (especially the more expensive and renowned ones) should do a biopsy or recommend doing one, and recommend careful examinations to their patients before operating on them.

    OP spent 15k for that transplant.

    The surgeon looking at the result and saying oh yeah, looks like 50% growth, I will give you a 50% refund. Does not look like he really cares about his work and the fact the results were only 50% successful.

    weird approach to me

    • Like 1
  5. On 10/1/2023 at 6:43 PM, wprevil said:

    I'm trying to keep costs down. Thats why I'm opting for cheap, no frills hotels or a hostel. Let me know what you think

    it's not really the time to cheap out, I don't think you should be cheap, you already spent probably more than 10k for the transplant itself, due yourself a favor and pick a good hotel or airbnb. you don't want to ruin your expensive transplant trying to save few hundreds. 

    you will make money again, don't cheap out for that stuff pls

  6. 20 hours ago, wprevil said:

    Hi everyone. I'm extremely scared of my upcoming procedure with Couto. I dont know how its gonna turn out and I'm scared of flying. Hope you guys can convince me or give me some encouragement as I really need it big time now.

    Hair transplant is sometimes a gamble, but you chose one of the best surgeon in the game to do it. I was also scared myself, the surgery itself is not that scary, you are 0 risks. What can be scary is the 'what if' but trust me, the more you will worry about it the more you may be disappointed with the results.

    I am not even thinking about anything negative, I know it will look great because I went to Dr.Couto. Peace of mind, no stress, enjoy the journey

  7. 1 minute ago, jjalay said:

    We are talking mostly about the recipient area. The donor area after 6 months wont be a problem i think.

    ok I was wondering, the donor area should have recovered. For some reason I have a sh!t load of grey hair on the side, not much on the top which looks funky

  8. 5 minutes ago, wprevil said:

    Hi Youth_Again,

    Happy that youre getting grgeat results this early. I'll be traveling to see Couto soon. Was wondering if you would answer my questions before I see him. If you would answer them on my thread I'd appreciate it..



    I shoot you a DM, where are you from? Seattle ? 

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