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Everything posted by Coldblade7

  1. Are hair fibers safe? Won't they cause more hairfall as they can block your pores? Do you recommend a brand?
  2. Which clinic and doctor are you getting the transplant from? How many grafts have they told you? And what's your family history of hairloss like? Best wishes man
  3. I don't want to give my advice as a matter of fact. I'll just share my experience, minoxidil might work or help in thickening of your existing hairs/keep them. But the areas you have marked on the hairline for regrowth, I doubt Minoxidil will give you long healthy terminal hairs there. You are considering a transplant on the hairline, which means your ideal expectation out of all this hair restoration is getting your hairline back. Minoxidil most probably will only grow small peach fuzz hairs there, again this is not fact. You may be a hyper responder, it's a matter of personal decision. Are you willing to give at least another 6 months to a year to minoxidil and see if it works on the hairline? And will you be okay if all it does is grow peach fuzz there? For me, I was like a norwood 1ish receding when I used minoxidil, i used it strictly on the hairline. It shed my hairline and temples like crazy and even after 6 months it didn't have any noticeable regrowth. I'm now like a norwood 1.5 or 2. Again, might work brilliantly for you, my experience was different. The kind of result you're probably expecting on the hairline only a transplant will give, you can use it for rest of hairs tho
  4. Hey Gatsby, I'm new here is there a way to DM people? I apologize if writing this here was wrong. Idk where else to post this. I can't DM anyone, is there way around this? Will appreciate your reply
  5. Is minoxidil necessary? For a norwood 1.5 or 2. Would you recommend taking minoxidil or just finasteride is enough? I'm currently on around 2mg finasteride per week
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