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Everything posted by Esten

  1. Thank you for the response. Any reason why you recommend staying away from surgery as of now? Do you think I might be too young of a candidate for my Norwood pattern?
  2. Here are a few pictures of current hair. Included one when wet to show overall thinness. The scalp thinness is pretty similar to the thinness on the side. Back is a little more thick but I think could be thinned as well. I think I was probably a NW2 close to NW3 at 21. If I have thinned more since taking finasteride it would have been a slight amount. Haven’t noticed too much if any of a difference.
  3. I’ve been in both finasteride and topical minoxidil for 4 years. My hair seems to have stabilized since taking medication. I only say I have a NW7 pattern due to my father baldness pattern being NW7. I have global thinness but still have enough density for coverage on my head. I’ve been classified as anywhere from NW2-NW3V from the clinics I’ve talked to.
  4. I am 25 and have gone through a few online consultations. All clinics have recommends about 2000-2500 grafts for hairline and crown. Thoughts on my donor zone? Currently NW3 but do have diffuse thinning and possible NW7 pattern but have been stable with finasteride and minox for the past 4 years. Do I have retrograde or DUPA?
  5. I’ve been in contact with a a few clinics including Dr. Vories. He’s on the recommended list and posts results on the forums but I was wondering what people’s thoughts on his work? I’m primarily looking at hairline work.
  6. I’m currently looking at getting a HT in the near future. I am 25 and have been on oral fin and topical min for a few years. I’ve been classified as Norwood 3V in the consultations I’ve done. Is it generally not recommended to get crown and hairline work done at the same time for your first procedure? I’m primarily concerned with my hairline and am prioritizing that, but I might eventually get crown work done as well years down the line. I’ve been quoted about 2000-2250 FUE grafts from four different clinics strictly for the hairline. They’ve also recommended about 300-500 grafts for the crown.
  7. How did your HT turn out? Were you happy with the results. 4 month progress looked good. Would you recommend Dr. Vories for hairline work?
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