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Posts posted by LeveledUp

  1. On 8/3/2023 at 5:02 PM, Rahal Hair Transplant said:


    Any non-surgical hair loss treatment that you take will have to be taken as long as you want and expect to continue benefiting from it. In other words, yes, you will have to take oral minoxidil for life unless you want to lose whatever benefit you are acquiring from it.

    I will say this however.  In my honest opinion, topical minoxidil is likely far more effective than oral minoxidil.  So unless there is a reason why you don’t want to or can’t use topical minoxidil, I would certainly consider topical over oral.

    The reason I feel this way is ultimately, Rogaine/minoxidil is said to “stimulate growth“ of the hair follicles.  Also, one of the cautions of topical minoxidil is to wash your hands and make sure that the minoxidil stays on your scalp as it could facilitate and exacerbate the growth of unwanted hair in other areas that the minoxidil touches.

    As a result, I think it goes to demonstrate that minoxidil works best when coming in direct contact with the hair follicles.  When you apply minoxidil topically, it absorbs into the skin directly and into the hair follicle.

    But when you take minoxidil orally, it has to go through the digestive system, into the bloodstream and connect with hair follicles on the way through the bloodstream.  In that sense, how does one determine exactly how much minoxidil ingested actually connects with the hair follicles that really need it?

    So all that to say, I’m not suggesting that oral minoxidil doesn’t work at all - just that it will likely take more oral minoxidil than topical and that exactly how much connects and interacts with the desired dying hair follicles is unknown.

    Anuway, I just wanted to add my two cents. I hope this helps.

    Best wishes,

    Rahal Hair Transplant 

    I’m starting to believe this too.

    As someone who switched to oral for convenience despite seeing results on topical.

    The results I had on Topical vs the lack of on oral over the last 10 months is night and day. 

    Even at 5mg I feel not enough is being absorbed by the scalp compared to when I was using topical.

    Seriously considering returning to topical next month.


  2. Since bumping up to 5mg had no sides just like on 2.5mg.

    Been nearly 2 months think I may be finally seeing some growth? But I don’t know if it’s just wishful thinking.

    Decided I’m gonna hold out till September and then make a decision if I’m going back to Topical

    As that’ll make it 11 months in total I’ve been on Oral Minoxidil.

    Also started dermarolling again, trying to be consistent with 1mm once very 7-10 days.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Heisenberg said:

    That's interesting. Hair transplant surgeons seem to think that oral minoxidil is the gold standard (even though not approved by the FDA for hair loss), but it seems, in your case, it did next to nothing. Are you sure you are not having a shed? If you responded well to topical minoxidil, I would stick to that, as you are in the lucky group.

    Yeah I definitely dont think its a gold standard.

    Can it be very effective? Of course we've seen people with great results.
    But its not 100% effective which I've seen some people claim.

    I feel like we're getting more of a truer picture now.

    Although not a representative sample, I'm seeing reports of experiences like mine on Reddit with people saying Oral Minoxidil hasn't done anything for them even after 12 months

    Well I've been off topical since October last year, I was ready to switch back months ago but I was so aboard the oral hype I begrudgingly decided to hold out longer. 5MG is the last ditch attempt but yeah definitely I was a responder to topical and will likely be going back very soon after my vacation.

    Shame as I thought I'd be enjoying decent density but I had better density last year before I quit. 

    Moral of the story - If its not broken dont try fix it :) 

    I'll just have to not be lazy and apply 1x per day and stay on top with washing my hair daily to deal with the flakes.


    And I have switched btween Kirkland Minoxidil and Foligain Low Alcohol 5% Minoxidil.

    I bought 3 Months of Kirkland a few months back as I was going to quit oral.

    So I'll likely use that again then go to Foligain with reduced alcohol to help reduce any flaking or irritation.

    • Like 1
  4. 12 minutes ago, TheDarkHour said:

    I started off with 1.25mg on my first two months and experienced no side effects, not even hypertrichosis. Upped my dosage to 2.5mg over the last two months and once every couple of days I'll get very slight chest pain for a few seconds but aside from that I haven't experienced any other side effects. That being said I haven't experienced any regrowth either but will continue taking it at this dose along with using the topical version for maintenance. 

    Keep an eye on the chest pain mate not worth it if it causes you issues, but hopefully 2.5MG does the trick.

    I think my plan by late August/September is to go back to topical if 5MG doesn't make any difference.

    I think 9/10 months is more than enough time to know if its working or will be effective.

    Just annoying as topical whilst inconvenient at times, gave me noticeable results within say 4 months.

    Good video below with Dr. Bevin Bhoyrul of Sinclair Dermatology in Australia.
    Not watched it in a few weeks, but recall he mentioned he has a patient on 7.25mg or something similar, with no issues.
    Me personally? Im maxing out at 5mg.


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  5. I was on 2.5mg for 7 months now 5MG (2x 2.5mg in the AM) for last month or so.

    I've had no sides at all...But I've also not had any results and lost everything I had grown on Topical🤷‍♂️

    Even body hair cant say I've noticed a marked difference, maybe arms a bit hairier not sure but might just be me overanalyzing nothing noticeable anyway.
    Funny how medication works differently for everybody, I feel like only way I'll get results is on a higher dose at this rate...Which obviously not going to do.

    But will give 5mg another few weeks to see if there's any signs of growth or thickening.

    I think in my case Topical is just a 100x more effective for me but im holding out hoping Oral does its thing, as I get lazy with topical and the flaking was annoying at times, especially if I didnt wash my hair daily.


    For Oral I think I guess the question is the long term outlook in terms of health and sides, but I think a lot of people will be okay as long as theyre sensible and listen to their body.

    Definitely dont think Oral should be a 1st line treatment and people should use Topical/Foam Minoxidil first rather then jumping straight to oral.
    Unless they are absolutely anti on committing to applying topical on their scalp daily or have severe allergies.

    And in an ideal world should be under the supervision of a professional and have regular check ups.


    • Like 1
  6. This forum got a mention in this latest video.

    Curious about his theory about topical dosage directly to hair follicles vs oral dosage in the blood stream not enough for some to reach follicles.


    kinda feel that’s my issue since switching my follicles wre getting more via topical compared to taking oral.

    Still dislike his delivery.

    • Like 1
  7. 18 hours ago, GoliGoliGoli said:

    You guys are unbelievable... It's a 25 minute video that is directly related to your situation given the fact that you're on this forum. Just take the time to sit down and watch it lol 

    I’ve watched it and all I took from it was a strange man angrily ranting for 25 minutes…Whatever he was trying to do or say didn’t get through to me…His delivery makes me switch off.

    Sure I’ve heard someone say elsewhere he experimented with taking 40mg of oral minoxidil in the past lol

    If it’s any consolation I’ll likely be dropping oral and going back to topical 😂

    • Like 1
  8. Man I hope 5mg works for me.

    Im giving it 3 months for further signs of growth...reluctantly upped dose few weeks ago after 7 months on 2.5mg.

    If it doesnt that would be 10 months wasted on Oral Minoxidil with 0 results.

    As opposed to having stuck with Topical 5% min....Everyday I think I should go back and stop wasting my time with oral

  9. On 5/23/2023 at 9:26 PM, Melvin- Moderator said:

    It could be because the oral dosage is lower. 2.5mg = 2.5%. Topical minoxidil is 5% which would equal 5mg. But if the topical is working stick with it.


    I’m trying 5mg for a month or 2 see if things pick up.

    Reluctantly I may add, wanted to stick with 2.5mg.

    Going away in July too so think I’d rather start topical when I get back, and not go through a shed again switching

    RE Topical and Oral equivalents, I thought studies found 1mg produced similar results to 5% topical initially.

  10. 16 hours ago, TheGreatPretender said:

    I think i'm just really aiming to get maximum efficieny as possible without having the sides in regards. I just want to make sure the transplant really kicks off so i'm willing to go through the "pain" if necessary.

    I still think 5MG should be still within a tolerable range since most people apparently do respond well to it. 

    Yeah get you.

    Decided to try 5MG and see how I react in terms of sides and progress.

    I’ve started doubling up on what Minoxidil I have left.

    Which would be about a month or so worth if I took 5MG.

    See if any signs of regrowth start to appear, if not topical it is for sure.

    Just feel like I’ve wasted my time last 7 months, hopefully upping dose does the trick.

    definitely given 2.5mg enough time

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, TheGreatPretender said:

    Could possibly up it to 5mg if you havent had any results. 
    I am thinking about going full force after my HT and start on 5MG. I will ask my surgeon his stance on it though, maybe throw the whole kitchen sink and use both Topical/Oral while switching to Dutasteride. 

    Considered it I’m just thinking long term is 5mg sustainable should my health changes.

    But 5mg is probably next logical step tbh, would’ve preferred to stay on 2.5mg and got results lol.

    Maybe my hair feels underdosed now it’s not getting Minoxidl directly applied I have no idea on the science.

    Mate I wouldn’t go straight in with 5mg, some see great results with just 2.5mg. I’d start there and titrate up if necessary, gives you room for manoeuvre and lower the dose less chances of sides.

    Especially if you’re planning to combine with topical Min.

  12. On 5/19/2023 at 9:14 PM, duckling said:

    same for me. topical minoxidil did better than oral for scalp hair. And it was vice-versa for finasteride. Oral min did one thing though that many of my body hair became longer and beard felt slightly better . Hope body hair go back to previous length and beard stays same if i discontinue it and switch back to topical😄 .

    Didn’t even notice any body hair difference here.

    On 5/19/2023 at 7:59 PM, TheDarkHour said:

    I've been using the topical version for about 2 and a half years and saw some regrowth of fine hairs. Also added the oral version about 3 months ago, 1.25mg in the first two months and 2.5 over the last month but I did not see any additional growth. Didn't get any side effects from it either, not even hypertrichosis. 

    Yeah I’ve not even noticed any hypertrichosis since using it. My body hair seems the same as before, same goes for eyebrows.

    So im like does my liver even have the enzyme at this point 😅


    On 5/19/2023 at 4:49 PM, GoliGoliGoli said:

    How medicines interact with individual people is always a weird and somewhat unpredictable thing. I've gotten great results from topical and since I work from home for a company that has virtually no "cameras on" meetings, it's really easy to apply as I don't have to worry about my hair looking ridiculous. So I've never really given much consideration to using oral. 

    I would say that if topical worked for you better than oral as far as you can tell, go back to topical. 

    Yeah definitely strange, I think roads are leading to topical…loved the convenience of popping a pill.

    But looks like topical Min alongside oral fin works best for me.

    Do you think capsule vs pill form could be a factor in this and/or quality of the min they use? The Minoxidl I take is a capsule and I know generally if you opt for a brand like Loniten it’s in pill form.

    Maybe I should try another brand before I give up fully.

    Otherwise if I want to see hair growth this year back to topical

  13. Switched from topical last October, which had worked for me, but switched wanting better results and convenience.

    Been on 2.5mg since then.

    0 sides.

    No heart issues

    No hypotrichosis

    And no results on oral, lost what I gained on topical sadly. 
    I seem to be a non responder.

    Shame YMMV

    If you start oral Min don’t jump to 5mg, start slow and titrate up. If you can get a  lower dose works for you then that’s what you want, as there’s less risk of sides


    • Like 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Gasthoerer said:

    From my knowledge and experience it is very unlikely that someone is a topical responder and a non-responder on oral minoxidil. The other way around is quite common though, as minox does nth for hair growth and has to be transformed in the active form first. 

    Yeah that’s the impression I’ve always had, which is why it’s frustrating.

    Understand results can take time but 7 months in from switching and being stuck at baseline pretty much is baffling.

    Especially when I had more noticeable results from topical in a shorter windows.


    But I’m starting to see similar experiences on Reddit Tressless sub from some.

    Only other option is to see if I can source 5mg but privately in the UK. However seems hard to get on 5mg going through official channels - always 2.5mg which is what’s prescribed and recommended.

    And ideally wanted to remain on 2.5mg as opposed to go up.

    Or just go back to topical.

    Trying to hold out another month or so but not hopeful of much difference.

    very strange 

  15. Has anyone experienced better results from topical than oral minoxidil.


    Started Minoxidil June 2020 was on for 6 months then stopped.

    Restarted Minoxidil around August 2021 and also started using finasteride 1mg

    Then in October 2022 decided to switch to Oral Minoxidil via Manual at 2.5mg.

    i continued using topical minxodil alongside for a month or so, to ensure oral didn’t give me any weird sides.

    I switched from topical to oral mainly for convenience and any boost of regrowth.

    However since stopping and using oral over the last 7 months, I’ve lost all the growth I got from using topical.

    Understand switching may have induced a shed but 7 months in not seeing any sign of regrowh. Seems I’m back at baseline ish…

    Topical seemed to give me better and more predictable results in a 7 months for example vs Oral min for 7 months.

    Not noticed any hypertrichosis either.

    Could I not be an oral Minoxidl responder? Should I just cut my losses and go back to topical?

    Seems my hair follicles like Minoxidl applied directly to them as opposed to from the blood stream. Could it be a dosing thing 50mg per 1ml on topical directly to follicles - obviously not all is absorbed

    Anybody had this experience?

    just a bit stuck on what to do next, have tried to be optimistic about oral but seems a dead end for me

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