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Everything posted by MAL87

  1. I have nothing even remotely negative to say about general-etwan's previous or upcoming surgeries, but maybe there's a sort of lesson to be learned that part of the initial plan is to ensure these lateral humps are covered in the first go-around. I'm heading to Eugenix next month as a NW5 approaching NW6 and I'm going to be sure to mention that there need to be no disconnects there.
  2. You can wear something like a loose fitting hat or a bandana almost immediately after, so long as it's not coming in contact with the recipient area. Clinics will also usually provide a surgical cap for immediate use. But after 10 days you can wear just about anything, as that's when the grafts are secured.
  3. When in June is your procedure? I just booked with Dr. Somesh for late July, so I'm eager to see some more of his work (though what I've seen so far is very promising). Best of luck and I hope you'll document your progress for us.
  4. Yeah, this was totally my line of thinking initially. But you know what, someone's gotta give the guy a shot. He's clearly got experience with all the assistance he's given Dr. Das and Bansal and I think with the extra I'd be saving, I would be fully set for a second procedure down the line. I think I'm going to give him a shot. @Eugenix Hair Sciences by any chance do you have results you can display from Dr Somesh? Edit: I've also just found this recent thread with Dr.Somesh as the leading surgeon and the results look pretty great
  5. That was my thought process, but considering Dr Bansal was recently in the same package, it's tempting to go with Somesh...
  6. Being a NW 5, I recently decided to go with Eugenix for a procedure likely in late July/early August. I was initially set on the Premium Package, which is now with Dr. Das. I've seen impressive stuff from Das, but going with the Premium Package is double the cost of the Exclusive Package, which features Dr. Somesh as the leading surgeon. I had a consultation with Dr. Somesh recently and he seemed like a great guy who knows what he's doing, but I haven't really found any results with him leading. I found some very limited results on here where he assisted, but not going through a high-graft procedure. I have enough funds to comfortably go with the Premium, but figured I'd see if anyone has experience with Dr. Somesh first.
  7. Dr. Gur finally got back with the evaluation and proposal below. Based on his assessment and some feedback, I'm fairly certain I'll go ahead with Eugenix's plan. While I know that Gur does great work, 3,000 grafts isn't terribly much for my stage of loss and makes me think I could possibly need 3 total surgeries vs just 2 with Eugenix.
  8. For sure. I know some people have given into clinic recommendations against their own wishes and vice versa, so I fully intend to come to an agreement on the best path forward. Thank you for the input! And of course, I won't base my decisions on what others think, but some advice and opinions are always welcomed. I am also fully aware that I will need two procedures to achieve my desired results and that's totally fine. Again, I appreciate the advice.
  9. I'm glad I just hopped on Fin. I tried it for a few months, I think, about 8-9 years ago but got spooked by the side effects. I don't know how much 2-3 months is going to help pre-op, but it's better than nothing. And it's hard to decide which area I would be comfortable leaving weaker, but I'm thinking it might be mid-scalp. It's where I have the most hair up top, currently, so maybe Fin and Minoxidil can help. My crown has been probably my biggest sore spot, since even when I shave my head that's the most glaring hole. At this point, I think I like Eugenix's plan of giving me a strong hairline and covering the crown, then going back to fill the crown and mid 8-12 months later. Like, looking at your crown, I would totally be satisfied with that for now.
  10. Those are impressive results man. Hard to believe that was achieved with only 3100 grafts. Kinda gets me thinking that maybe I should divide the 1700 grafts they're planning for the crown to share with the mid-scalp. Maybe like 1000 for the crown and the rest mid-scalp.
  11. Do you have a link to your results that I can take a peek at?
  12. That's pretty much my conflict, too. But I'm also totally impatient and want more grafts upfront that lead to a lighter second operation 😬
  13. I'm planning to go with the Premium package with Dr. Das, which would be $2.54/graft. I really wish I had gotten in before they updated their plan pricing, but it is what it is. But the pricing is also why I'm still waiting to hear back from Dr. Gur, because I would go with his premium package where he does the work for like half the price of Eugenix.
  14. Yeah I'm not sure I need to lower my hairline much from where it would be, based on my currently non-existent hairline. I actually just hopped back on finasteride yesterday (and will be on minoxidil next week) in hope that I can strengthen the donor area, but also because the docs think that I can get some regrowth in the mid-scalp. I think I'm leaning fairly heavily towards Eugenix at this point.
  15. I've got a pretty strong beard, so that's not a concern, fortunately. After my video consult with Eugenix, they upgraded the amount of grafts from 4200 to around 4500-4700. I might update their hairline design to be a bit more conservative so I can save those grafts for the scalp.
  16. Gur is actually the only one who hasn't gotten back with a proposal or plan, but I'm hoping he can by this weekend. However, Eugenix provided the following attached plan, which I'm not opposed to. Either way I go, I'm planning for a conservative hairline, which I know Gur is usually good for
  17. A few months later, have you decided who you're going with? I'm debating the same three clinics.
  18. Thanks for the input. That's fairly in line with what I was thinking
  19. Hi all, this is my first post so be gentle. I'm fully decided on finally getting a transplant this year and want a little user input based on clinic feedback I've received. So far, I've reached out to HLC Ankara, Eugenix and Dr. Gur in Turkey and will likely reach out to a few more. One of the reasons I'm lookin for feedback is because Eugenix preliminarily graded me as Norwood III (although we have a first video consult this weekend), but I feel like I'm almost definitely a NW V, or late state IV. Neither HLC or Gur have graded me yet, but HLC said they could transplant 4,000-5,000 grafts, with about 1,000 coming from my beard. And since I'm aware that Gur usually maxes out around 4k grafts, thats about in line with HLC. I think my main questions are as follows: 1) What would you grade me based on the pictures I've sent to the clinics, 2) Since I absolutely know I will need two procedures for max coverage, is it wiser to take, say, a conservative approach with Gur (choosing his VIP package) and go for about 3500-4k grafts, or go with Eugenix who will likely get more grafts out of me for better immediate coverage, then go back for the rest? I'm also going to choose a conservative hairline because I'm not tryin to be Brad Pitt over here.
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