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Everything posted by Mauricio

  1. I started Xyon's Dutasteride mid May 2023. Got blood work in July, Sep and November. In July DHT went down 30%, then in Sep and Nov went down 40% both times. This means that somewhere between August and Sept it reached steady state. So, it seems it takes between 3 and 4 months to reach steady state. In Xyon's clinical trails they say it reaches steady state at 30 days and that's when they did the serum DHT testing for the 10 subjects. My point is that when they found that 10% average drop in DHT for those 10 subjects, the medication probably hadn't reached steady state. That could explain why it takes longer for Top Dutasteride than Top Finasteride (which reaches steady state way sooner) to start working. Also, why they found a low drop of only 10% in their patients. If they would have tested their blood DHT at months 3 and 4, the dropped in serum DHT would probably had been higher than 10% Just wanted to share that with you guys. The good thing is that I already reached steady state and haven't had any side effects. It'd be interesting, for those of you that are using Xyon's Dut, to test your serum DHT levels.
  2. I agree 100%. If we keep waiting for studies, we'll be bald by then. I'm glad I tried Xyon's Dutasteride and have been side effect free. Most importantly, I'm keeping my hair. I think checking your hormones before starting any treatment is very important. You can then monitor any imbalances and maybe fix them with a good Dr's advice, by supplementing or adjusting your lifestyle.
  3. Dr Gillet explains why he thinks oral Dutasteride causes less side effects for some patients than oral Finasteride. Minute 23 on this podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/all-things-hair-loss-pt-2-the-gillett-health-podcast-23/id1631735999?i=1000598284449 In my case, it could also be that Xyon's vehicle causes a timed release of Dut, letting the body adjust without spikes of Dut in the serum.
  4. It stabilized my hair loss, so going to stay on it indefinitely. Someone at Hasson’s office, told me that Top Dutasteride takes a bit longer than their Top Finasteride to work. But results with Top Dutasteride have been better long term. So hopefully by 8 or 12 months I’ll see some reasonable regrowth. I don’t have any good alternatives since I can’t tolerate Finasteride (even topical gave me side effects). I’m considering adding one or two caps of 0.5 oral Dut per week since I tolerate it well.
  5. I've been using one daily pump of Xyon's Dut for 6+ months and my serum DHT dropped by 40%. I tested it twice and both times the drop was around 40%. That's similar to the suppression of an oral dose of daily 0.05mg of Dut (according to a study you can find online). Two or three pumps might get enough levels of Dutasteride in the serum to suppress serum DHT similar or even more than Propecia. I haven't had any side effects at all with Xyon, but no hair regrowth either.
  6. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/all-things-hair-loss-pt-2-the-gillett-health-podcast-23/id1631735999?i=1000598284449 On minute 22:50, Dr Gillet explains why he thinks Oral Dutasteride has LESS side effects than Oral Finasteride. It kind of makes sense. He also mentions similar DHT inhibition in the serum when taking 0.5mg oral Dut once a week as daily Finasteride. What to do you guys think? @Melvin- Admin I might try a weekly dose of 0.5mg Oral Dutasteride, considering that Xyon Dutasteride dropped my serum DHT by 40%, so eventhough I got side effects from Oral Propecia, I might be able to tolerate Oral Dut.
  7. Looks good! Why do you think oral Dutasteride is better? With Xyon's Dutasteride you can get similar if not more DHT inhibition at the scalp level, where it matters most. Having said that , I'm thinking of switching to Oral 0.5mg Dut out of curiosity and convenience.
  8. I took brand name Propecia 1mg, then tried 0.5mg and even 0.25mg. Got softer erections and low libido every time. In any case, I don't see a reason to take it orally if I was to switch from Xyon's Dutasteride. Dr Hasson (I trust him 100%) said that their Top Finasteride has been more effective than Propecia, especially in the front, which is the area where I have some recession. Also, it causes a higher concentration of Finasteride in the scalp and just 5% in the serum when compared to Oral. I find Xyon's Dut very easy to apply, usually 2 hours before bed, so it stays on my scalp around 10 hours, sometimes 12h, before showering in the morning.
  9. Dr Wong told you that their Topical Dutasteride is better than their Top Finasteride or that the Oral Dut is better than Oral Finasteride?
  10. I apply the Top Dutasteride at night before bed so no issues with messy hair. I tried Oral Finasteride many times and eventually got sexual side effects. If I was to switch, I'd rather do so to Xyon's Top Finasteride with 20 times less systemic exposure than oral. Maybe for some people Top Finasteride works better than Top Dutasteride. Eventhough I haven't been impressed with results from Xyon's top Dutasteride at 6 months, I'm going to give it a few more months, because from Dr Hasson's office someone told me that it takes longer for Top Dut to work than Top Finasteride, but in the long term the results have been better with Top Dutasteride. Kevin Mann has said that Oral Dutasteride (based on studies) is more effective than Oral Finasteride, but he prefers Oral Finasteride because it's working well for him and it has been studied more for AA than Oral Dutasteride. I've never heard him saying that he thinks finasteride is more effective though. He did mention that Oral Dutasteride seems to cause less side effects than oral finasteride based on studies.
  11. I agree. I tried Propecia many times and it gave me sexual side effects. I'm sure it wasn't psychosomatic, because I tried it more than once at different intervals and doses. Dr Gillet (my Dr and it has videos on the topic) says that he has seen less side effects with oral Dutasteride than with Oral Finasteride. He explains the reason why in one of the videos that he posted online. I eat a very clean diet, sleep well, weightrain and take a few supplements like magnesium, Mahler's Test Booster, 5g of Citrulline among a few others. That might help counteract any hormone imbalances that Dut may cause. I like that my Free Testosterone went up a bit after starting Top Dutasteride and my estradiol remained stable and in the low end of the average range
  12. At Dr Hasson's office they were using Top Dutasteride before Xyon oficially released it. I forgot to mentioned that my DHT went down almost 40% after starting Xyon's Dut. I test my hormones at least twice a year. So it definitely goes systemic, but I haven't had any side effects at all. If anything my sex performance is better. According to Xyon's study on Top Dutasteride they found around 5% Dutasteride in the serum vrs Oral 0.5mg of Dutasteride. So that 5% serum exposure might be enough to cause a reasonable drop in serum DHT. I'm actually considering switching to oral Dutasteride 0.5mg , but nervous about causing side effects with 20 times the systemic exposure. Has anyone found studies on how much Topical Dut drops scalp DHT?
  13. He did get results before 22 months, but he said that at 22 months he was still getting noticeable results. Even being able to maintain baseline levels should be considered a win. I do wonder if their topical Finasteride is more effective than their Top Dutasteride, considering that Finasteride absorbs better than Dutasteride. What do you guys think? @Melvin- Admin
  14. I've been on Xyon's Dutasteride for almost 6 months now. So far, just maintaining and no significant regrowth. Someone at Dr Hasson's office told me that Top Dut takes a bit longer than their Top Finasteride to yield results, but over the long term they are seeing better results with the Top Dutasteride with less side effects. He told me he personally saw a cosmetically significant thickening at 22 months! My guess is that Top Dut takes longer to accumulate/reach steady state at the scalp level than Finasteride. I apply one pump by first rubbing it on my fingers and then apply it from front to back. One pump is enough to cover the whole top of my scalp.
  15. Hey Melvin! Thanks for sharing your Xyon Dut journey. It has been very helpful and I started using it daily 3.5 months ago and so far no side effects. I'm starting to see some regrowth in the front. Do you still apply it 5 times a week or daily?
  16. @Melvin- ModeratorHey Melvin, I'm new to this site. Just ordered my first bottle of Xyon's Top Dut. How often did you apply it when you first started using it? I'm thinking of doing 3 times a week for a couple of weeks and then 5 times a week. Has Xyon done studies on how long does it take for side effects to disappear, after stopping treatment, if someone gets them while using Top Dut?
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