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Posts posted by Lior

  1. why fishy? i just want help to get to the right choice for me...
    I'm new to this forum... i just hear about it. i know and read a lot of forums in Israel. but it smells to me that the forum in Israel isn't objective.

    this is why i try here.

    i would be glad to read threads on that subjects. i'm just not sure what is the "greek forum" he mentioned. 

    if you can point me to how to find it I will gladly appreciate it. 

    (BTW, in my profession i'm an engineer, i don't have any other motivation than find the best place for me/others)  





  2. @Gatsby thanks!

    from some reason i cannot send direct messages to @Doron Harati...  (i'm new here..).


    from what i can see in Israel, the most known places is Dr. Levent Acar and Dr. Serkan Aygin.  

    but this can easily be nonobjective, as it depends on the local advertising. 

    what surprise me is that i didn't even see Dr. Serkan in https://www.best-hair-clinics.com/.

    is this an objective site to check at?



  3. Hi,
    is anyone have experience with them? reviews on them?

    they claim their DHI method is superior on FUE (faster recovery to head and to hair growth). 

    and offer 2 days session to cover all the head.  

    this is a big (maybe biggest) hair transplant network, and they have 75 clinics around the world.  

  4. Hi,
    This Doctor offers a 'new' method that is based on combining both methods: micro sapphire FUE and DHI.

    first, they create the tunnels for the grafts in the transplant area by micro sapphire blades (as any advanced FUE).

    second, they transplant the graft inside the holes with a pen (Robopen they called it) more like DHI.


    because it long process it usually caused the need to have a mega session (2 days of hair transplants) instead of 1 in standard FUE

    and more expensive than the standard.  


    On one side they claim to achieve the best success rate and the best natural like hair.

    On another side, it seems they just combine buzzwords to catch customers.


    what do you think? is it really worth it? does it really seem better than normal DHI or normal FUE?


    (i have big baldness ~5.5 Norwood scale)











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