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Posts posted by Observatory40

  1. 21 hours ago, ThePerseverantWarrior said:

    Please check out Dr. Puri's videos on PRP results. Seems too good to be true. I didn't actually believe in PRP a lot until I came across her videos. I'm still not completely convinced ofc, but I'm considering giving clinic a visit sometime late next year (if time and circumstances permit)


    @duckling @Melvin- Moderator would love your takes too



    Thanks for the link. I would be interested in their opinions as well!

    • Like 1
  2. Question for everyone whom elected to have a one-time treatment of PRP at time of their hair transplant:

    Was it worth the cost? Do you believe it had any positive healing effect on your recipient and donor areas?

    Some references say have it done at the time of transplant. Some say you should wait 10 days *after transplant* with a follow up every few months thereafter. Then on the other side of the table, some say it should be avoided all together and does more harm than good like this article from Feller and Bloxham: https://fellermedical.com/hair-transplants-vs-prp/.

    Thoughts everyone? Would love to hear some personal experiences with one-time use PRP treatment at time of hair transplant. Thanks.

  3. Hello all! There must be a thread written about this topic somewhere, but I've attempted to search this forum and could not locate one.

    For an FUE procedure, what is the highest amount of graphs that would be safe to perform in single daily session (when the help of technicians are involved)? At what number of graphs should the procedure be extended over the course of two days to help minimize risk of potential complications? 

    Would love to gather opinions from the community here on the pro's and con's of a single session vs. a two day sessions. Especially helpful for the community members here who are "wobbler" cases in the 3,600 graph range. I've seen some clinics with very low daily graph limits for FUE while others are seemingly comfortable going into the 4K range. Thoughts?


  4. On 5/22/2023 at 11:26 AM, BaldV said:

    extremely high and conservative hairline, did you or the doctor chose this? Good luck with the growth

    I agree, BaldV. Based on my observations from reviewing many results on here from Ahmad, his hairlines are routinely high and conservative. He only performs 1-day sessions while handling most of the procedure himself, so he is limited by a specific graph count. I have yet to see a single case of consecutive-day sessions by Ahmad with 3,000+ graphs. As one can see for themselves on HRN and elsewhere, the vast majority of his patient cases are in the range of 1800-2500 graphs. It's common knowledge that it's easier to achieve appealing results if the hairline is placed high and a conservative design because you can dense pack all those graphs into a smaller area. If you were to spread that same amount of graphs over a larger area, the results would likely suffer poor density issues. Not to discredit the fact that a good dense-packed HT still requires skill. It certainly does. However, it is reasonable to ponder the question with any surgeon who operates in such a fashion (flat-rate procedure fee w/ single day session only, limited graph availability): Are they suggesting a design that is truly in the best interests of you as a patient, or their own, due to their limitations as a surgeon? It's important factor to consider. I certainly have my opinion from cases I've seen of Munib Ahmad, but I will keep it to myself.

  5. On 2/13/2023 at 5:59 PM, TrainingDay said:

    Any thoughts on hairline design? I love how it turned out on the left side. On the right, I feel that it is a bit too rounded and closes off the temple too much. Thoughts? 

    Looking forward to the months ahead! 





    I gotta be honest. I agree with your concerns. Hairline design looks off, IMO. Have you spoken with Bisanga regarding this issue?

  6. 7 hours ago, Tommy1991 said:

    Just coming up post 11months.

    Got my hair cut to grade 8 on top today.

    Some photos of the left hand side of the hairline as I don’t think I focused on this previously. 

    The photos speak for themselves. Need not say anymore other than a complete waste of my time, investment and my money with Eugenix and Dr Arika. 







    Sorry to see this kind of result. That work in the corner is rough.... Has the clinic offered you a refund so you can get it fixed elsewhere or at minimum, a repair?

  7. On 4/18/2023 at 2:23 AM, bigmistake said:

    Wow, what's with the donor ?

    Unfortunately, I've noticed this appears to be a relatively common issue amongst Eugenix patients. Especially those with fine caliber / blonde hair (I won't call out specific cases here on HRN. but feel free to search them out and form an opinion yourself.). I like Eugenix work in terms of hairline design and density achieved with most of their less ambitious cases, but the donor appearance on many of these patients post-op are quite poor. IMHO, it's the big weak spot for this clinic. If they could improve in this one area, I think they would be one of the best options out there. Unless a patient has a great donor or nice thick hair to disguise the potential aftermath, I'd probably steer clear of any clinic that has issues with donor appearance. Otherwise, you might have solved one problem on the top of your head, just to begin a brand new problem on the back / sides of your head. Just my opinion, the next person may differ.

    • Like 2
  8. On 5/31/2023 at 10:51 AM, NegativeNorwood said:


    It's a phone quality video posted by a patient, light in the 12 months result is a bit low and can't see much. The clinic has to post standarized, before and after pictures by itself, so anyone can judge the results consistently and accurately. I wouldn't go to any place that doesn't have before and afters taken with a proper camera, same lighting, angles, hair dry, wet and slicked back, regardless of reputation, price or endorsement.

    Agree with this 100%.

    • Like 1
  9. On 11/6/2022 at 7:49 PM, Evan said:


    I wanted to post about my FUE procedure with Dr. Nader.  Besides being an outstanding human being, he is unbelievably passionate about his work and my experience/results reflect this.

    A Bit About Me
    At the time of the procedure in March 2022 I was a couple months shy of 26.   During my senior year of college I noticed my usual haircut started to look weird with how far back my temples receded.  I knew I had to do something about it.

    After some research I started with Finasteride/Minoxidil/Nizoral Shampoo/Derma Rolling in early 2019.  I continued this on and off for about 3 years.  None of them really did much for me, at the time I didn’t see value in maintaining vs. regrowth.

    The Search
    In late 2021 I started doing some research on hair transplants and ended up going with Dr. Nader after some virtual consultations from 7 different doctors, 3 located in Mexico.  Cost, results and reputation were my criteria during the search.  I was never considering a FUT and only considering North American doctors.  I was able to get an appointment about 4 months out.  Keep in mind his practice does zero marketing and still has a bit of a wait list.  

    I flew into Mcallen in early March a few days before the procedure.  I stayed at the Best Western - Mcallen Medical Center in a king suite.  I decided to stay for 4 days post transplant as I work remote and wanted to recover in privacy.  In total I was in Mcallen for about a week.  The free breakfast across the hall and uber eats were my best friends.  There was a Target within walking distance where I stocked up on snacks.  I requested extra pillows for sleeping at an angle along with testing out my neck pillow the day prior to make sure I’d be comfortable the evening of the actual day.

    Operation Day
    Around 7:30 AM a private driver picks you up from whatever hotel you are staying at.  Aaron was my driver and is an awesome guy.  He completes daily trips across the border for his business or family which was very comforting to find out.  

    He took us to the border crossing which was roughly 20 minutes from the hotel.  At the time you didn't need a COVID vaccine card or US ID to get into the country which I thought was interesting.  You obviously need ID to get back into America.

    About 10 minutes later we arrived at Nader Medical.  Brenda greeted Aaron and I at the door and had me fill out some medical history.  The suite is modern, clean and very secure.  You are the only patient of the day and have a whole team of specialists supporting Dr. Nader to do the operation.

    We went into his office for a 40-50 minute consultation.  Here we reviewed everything from my history of hair loss, previous examples of his work, his background and story with hair loss and any questions I had.  Nothing was rushed at all and his calm demeanor really helped ease my anxiety about everything.  We took a look at my hair under some sort of optical wand which hooked up to his computer.  We were able to get a good look at my donor area along with everything else to get a holistic picture of where my hair health is at/where it could go.  

    We drew several iterations of what the hairline should look like, and we ended up deciding on a conservative line with subtle imperfections that would look natural and age appropriately.

    We then headed to the extraction room.  I opted to not have any painkillers (have had some adverse reactions in the past).  Local anesthetic is injected into the extraction sites and the operation begins.  Music was playing the whole time - it was so painless I found myself drifting in and out of sleep.

    When the extraction is complete you head to another room which the implantation is done in.  This is also the break in the day where you can watch some netflix and have lunch.  You MUST get the beef tacos, they are some of the best I’ve ever had.  You can also opt for a salad.

    Once you’re finished eating the implantation begins.  This was also painless.  You watch Netflix as Dr. Nader and his team complete everything.  Dr. Nader is the one doing the extraction and implantation.  Once complete you head back into the office to discuss post operation care and answer any additional questions you have.  You square up with payment then head back to your accommodations in Mcallen with your driver - be sure to tip them!  I was back in my hotel room around 5PM in time for a little dinner and movie before bed.

    After recovering for the rest of the week, I flew home.  For the next month and a half I was overly cautious about my head.  It wasn’t until day 40 or so that I started working out again.  Once summer really kicked into gear a couple months after the operation I was traveling and not thinking twice about doing any of my typical hobbies.  For days I was out on the water I did wear a hat, but this was more to prevent sunburns.  I was not worried about losing graphs or growth.

    Towards the end of summer I had my annual full body exam with my dermatologist who was extremely impressed with the work.  Only 3 of my ~10 close friends know I had the operation and no one has mentioned anything about the change in hairline after more than half a year.


    Follicular Unit Harvest Count
    201 FU 1’s
    940 FU 2’s 
    951 FU 3’s
    127 FU 4’s

    Implantation Zones
    Zone 0 (forehead)
    Zone 1 (temples)

    Punch Diameter

    7-8 hours 

    Medication For Recovery
    Cefalexina (anti-biotic) every 8 hours for 7 days 
    Ketorolaco (anti-pain) every 8 hours for 7 days
    Alin (anti-inflammatory) 2 in morning and night for the first couple days with a phase out period ending on day 7.
    Spraying saline solution every 15-30 minutes (provided by Dr. Nader).  I ended up doing this until all my scabs fell out. 

    Medication and Suppliments Post Transplant
    1MG Finasteride - Daily
    6,000mcg Biotin - Daily
    Capful Minoxidil - 3x/week
    Nizoral Shampoo - 1x/week
    Regenepure Dr Shampoo - 1x/week (or as needed)
    Regenepure Biotin Conditioner - 1x/week (or as needed)

    I believe I was a Norwood 3A before prior to the transplant.  I was originally going to post this at the 1 year mark, but I’m so happy with my current results that I am posting this 7 months post operation. 

    Want to thank Melvin and the team for keeping such a great forum running and all the contributors who help many people like myself with research and getting this done.  More than happy to answer any questions.


    I am extremely happy with my results and cannot recommend Dr. Nader enough.





















  10. 11 hours ago, aNewHairHope said:

    Yeah I'm not sure. I think it has gotten better between months 9 and 12 so hopefully part of the healing process. I will say it's only visible in very particular light conditions and angles. Also the phone camera algorithm somehow amplifies it - much less obvious with naked eye.

    That's great. I hope it continues to improve for ya! Please keep us posted a few months down the road. Does Dr. K offer touch ups for his patients? With a minor touch up on that right side this would be a 10/10 homerun result. Congrats, man!

  11. On 4/8/2021 at 2:49 AM, GuyFromTheUK said:

    Sorry for the delay! I guess generally there won't be much news from us when we are happy with the result.

    No news: good news and all that.

    I notice the comment above saying that I didn't have particularly good coverage considering the grafts taken; fair enough but I have naturally very thin hair and also I haven't been taking any supplements (finasteride) or using any products such as Rogaine. I think if you look at the before and after there is still a significant difference. I've also got to the stage where I don't actually mind too much if it looks a bit thinning on top; at least there isn't a massive bald spot now.

    Here is an update of how my hair looks at the moment; obviously waiting for a haircut once the hairdressers all open!

    I'm very happy with the results considering. I think I've exhausted all my donor areas now unfortunately so just need to wait until cloning of hairs can occur for touch ups haha.

    I also want to add that these experiences with Dr. Bisanga were top class as well as with Hilde!






    Would you mind showing us the hairline with your hair brushed back?

  12. 1 hour ago, aNewHairHope said:

    Here are my one year photos - thanks for following and commenting! Very happy with my result.PXL_20230520_175501608.thumb.jpg.a413ddac16e4a18861d661b9e5f0bec2.jpgPXL_20230520_175120521.thumb.jpg.a2f6acee6ce90a80ed68a044610dbc09.jpgPXL_20230520_175159161.thumb.jpg.b898681278863a37ea3e9db2753871c2.jpg



    Nice, man! Your left side looks amazing. No offense intended OP, but IMHO, your right side looks a bit "pluggy" at the very front of the hairline and it appears the skin has a crimped appearance from a frontal view. I've only noticed this issue on your last two batches of photos from month 9 and 12. Upon zooming in, it appears the skin is slightly raised around some of the implants in that specific area... Is this a reaction to the implant or another outside factor at play?

  13. Hello all in the HRN community! I'm a Norwood 3/3A. Fine hair. From estimates, it appears I'm going to need anywhere from 3,000 to 3,400 graphs. Only interested in FUE.

    I wanted to ask the helpful community here their opinion; Who are the best FUE surgeons for fine hair? Especially those that have successful results with Norwood 3's that required 3K+ graphs. A great hairline design/result is a big selling point for me. Travel and budget are not much of an issue.

    I've been relentlessly looking on this forum and on Youtube. I have a short list consisting of: Ferreira, Rahal, Konior, De Freitas, Bisanga, Wesley.

    Any others I should look into? Would love any insight and feedback.


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