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Everything posted by vinixee

  1. Thank you, i'll look into Bicer. I also had a look at Pekiner. Think I have a good set of options. Going to do some research on them now. Thanks for the help!
  2. I have not booked anyone yet as i'm still trying to find the best one. I truly don't want to have bad results or an unrealistic hairline. I like Dr Rahals work, but i'm still worrysome. Do you have any recommendations I could further research? I'm cutting it pretty close with about 2 months away from when I wanna go, just want to be certain on the surgeon.
  3. Hello, just was wondering, is it dangerous to travel to Turkey with everything going on? I wanted to get a hair transplant in July. But, i'm now becoming a little unsure on the location because of attacks going on in Turkey. Is it still okay to go? If not, does anyone know another alternative that I could do some research on in a different country? I'm mostly wanting to get a hair transplant for hairline restoration, as I have a rather large forehead. Let me know, thank you!
  4. Shedding is perfectly normal. The regrowth stage takes time and it varies between person on when it happens and the duration. But it being only 4 months you shouldn't worry :D. Also, if you don't mind me asking. What clinic did you go to?
  5. Also, when taking finasteride. Is it possible to regain hair in places where there aren't any hair on the temples or hairline? Even though there was before. I know it's not guaranteed hair growth at all. Just wondering if that is a possibility.
  6. Okay, thanks everyone for the responses. I'll get on finasteride and maybe also minoxidil. 😁
  7. Hello, I have seen some signs of recession with my hairline at the age of 18. It matured really quickly thus made me look much older than I am. My forehead is now pretty large plus have minor recession on my temples. I am struggling with deciding to go to a hair transplant or not. It's hard for me to do activities without bringing a hat because I just feel so self conscious about it. If I have my hair down it'll either blow back or you can see my forehead through hair strands. It's just a tough decision. I have been doing som research and came to a deciding factor to choose Dr Yaman if I went through with the transplant, as any other hair transplant place in turkey is either a hair mil or a place that won't take me because of my age. I just wanted a boost in the right direction. Should I do the hair transplant? Should I wait? Is Dr Yaman a good choice if I went with a hair transplant? Please help me if anyone could. Here is some pictures of my hair, wet and dry. Thank you for whoever helps me Dry: Wet:
  8. Nonetheless, do you think yaman is a good doctor for hairline reconstruction? I looked at keser pricing and he is a little above my budget + he only does a certain amount of grafts per day. Which would mean i'd have to go multiple days, which doesn't sound too much fun.
  9. Thank you for your response. I added some pictures for everyone to check out. Yeah, I mean i'm generally just looking for a hairline touch up. As it has matured a lot and just doesn't look good on my opinion. Dr Pekiner unfortunately never got back to me once I told him I just wanted it for my hairline. I am attempting to contact Dr Keser. Thank you!
  10. Hey, here is some up close pictures from 3 different sides. My hairline has matured upwards compared to when I was younger + have a some baby hairs that are dissipating. Dr. Yaman hasn't asked any questions whatsoever. Just wanted pictures and was wanting to move forward. That's why I was a little hesitant.
  11. I'm only 21, so I contacted him recently like about 3 months ago. Most high end doctors most likely won't take anyone under 25. But i've been consistently the same with my hairline since I was 18 so I assumed he would make an exception.
  12. Thank you, yeah I mean it's just hard cause there are always mess ups here and there. No doctor I have seen has perfect results. Could be a hit or miss sometimes. I contacted Dr Perkiner before and he said I was too young for the procedure and as for Dr Keser I will look into him. Thank you for your recommendations and time. Have a good day!
  13. Hello, i'm truly having trouble with finding the right clinic. I've been researching for a while now and keep finding one then getting cold feet. I am having high hopes for Dr Resul Yaman and want to go with this clinic. But, i'd obviously like other peoples views on the clinic. Is this a good clinic to go to for just a hairline restoration? If not, could someone recommend one to me. Let me know, thanks!!
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