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  1. 6 minutes ago, asterix0 said:

    I would estimate OP got about 70% yield, but with long hair combed it really is difficult to say. I could absolutely be wrong. 

    When we throw around percentages, what are we even talking about? Percentage of the "illusion of density"? Percentage of scalp covered? Percentage of looking like you were never bald in the first place? What about results where 100% of follicles grow but they stay thin in caliber?

    I don't know what percentage of his follicles grew, or to what caliber, but yes it is a fairly middle of the road result. This is why I think he should be careful with new procedures and maximize medical therapy first. 

  2. Thank you for the 2 year update! The first few images seem a little lacking in density but the later pics look pristine which shows how much lighting matters.

    Please let us know if you do another pass, though with the donor issues you've described it might make more sense to try things like PRP first.

    I'm in a similar situation as well and looked similar to you at 6 months. Makes me wonder if I should have done strip over FUE.

  3. 4 minutes ago, GeneralNorwood said:

    My left temple points is weaker too and needs revision. And yes i sleep mostly on the left side. If this is a thing, why Eugenix isn't informing patients about this issue? 

    A lot of people have one side stronger than the other, my left side is weaker too and will probably need a revision down the line.

    I don't think any studies have been done on it and I'm not sure it affects yield as much as directionality but who knows.

  4. Good luck. Make sure it's not other things like thyroid, cortisol, etc. The prolonged fever makes me thing you might have a chronic infection like tuberculosis or a fungus.

    May not be wise to get your second procedure until your health is settled and your hair loss/meds have been stable for a year. Most ethical surgeons would agree with this stance.


  5. So I gave it another gander.

    I know you had pics in your original thread where when you splayed out your hair it looked questionable, but when you comb it properly the result is excellent. Your pre-op pics for Couto look like most people's post-op pics on here.

    This is you after Ankara but before Couto:


    Honestly just beautiful. Of course Couto's temple points are my favorite on the planet but I don't think I would have rolled the dice twice with a second procedure if I had this frontal line. The density you were worried about behind could have been disguised.

    My hair doesn't look this good right now even after my procedure with Couto. And, at least from looking at other people's results on here at 5-6 months, I don't think it will get there unless I do a second procedure. Your 6 month pics after Ankara, for example, were way ahead of my current state. Don't take for granted how far you've come.

    Either way, you are doing great. Definitely keep us posted.

    • Like 4
    • Thumbs-down 2
  6. 7 hours ago, EvansLawrence said:

    Have u asked HLC about my review? tell me if u ever do please!

    Btw man I really dont get why u think thats unreasonable at the same time u are concerned all around for not having ur final result yet at the 6 month mark with your procedure at Couto's. Being your case already much better than mine after HLC.

    Looks like a projection 

    Maybe 🤷‍♂️ 🤷‍♂️ 🤷‍♂️

    I'll give your case a second look, but I am honestly very jealous of your density.

  7. @Captain Haddock Did your donor ever get better? SMP, PRP, beard grafts are things others have tried in similar situations with varying but decent success.

    Did you have your temple points revised?

    I wouldn't go back to Eugenix if you weren't happy with your results the first time. They are not as much of a mess as the Turkish hair mills but do have a tendency to get a bit sloppy at times.

    You can't argue with the fact that your density was essentially completely filled in by 5.5 months though. Damn. Did you get PRP with your surgery?

    I'm in the opposite situation at the same time point -- just over 5.5 months today. Masterful design but density kind of sucks.

    It seems only ~30% of people get "everything" with a single pass, at least that's my impression from viewing a few thousand cases here and on the other forums. The rest either just accept it and move on or go in for a second pass.

    On 11/25/2022 at 3:50 PM, stephcurry30 said:

    That excuse about a patient sleeping on his side to change the angle of the grafts is B.S. imo. 

    Constant pressure over time can change the angle at which a graft grows. Think of people who always comb their hair in a certain style and develop a permanent "part". It's not a stasis chamber under your skin.

  8. On 3/21/2021 at 8:26 AM, IanH said:


    I wanted to share an update, it's been 8 months since my HT. Unsure if I will get any further growth but it seems to have continued up to now, maybe some thickening still to come. But if this was the end result I am absolutely delighted, very happy. 

    Always happy to share any information I can or answer any questions.

    Some images below, I haven'y used any product at all on it for styling since the HT, I will probably use some in the coming weeks.

    Fresh from a haircut here so the donor area will be hard to judge, but it looks clean and in solid shape to me.





    Goddamn. 8 months. What in the frick am I doing wrong.

    If you ever come back, please add some shots of your hairline with your hair up. It seems like you never wear your hair like this but would love to see the density.

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