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Everything posted by Digs49

  1. 😮…that is unbelievable. Your hair looks so full and natural. That is no doubt a homerun. Congrats on a great transplant.
  2. This looks amazing. In a few months, this is going to be an epic result and your donor looks practically untouched. Congrats! Another stellar result from @Dr. Felipe Pittella
  3. @Ricardo Bergamaschi, MD you should be around month 4 post op, how’s it looking??
  4. @Juliano Evaldo Missias Hey, how’s it looking now? Scabs should be off by now, any photos?
  5. @Pedro How is it going? Is 5500 grafts the correct number or was it more? Your results after 4 months are insane! The density looks incredible.
  6. @Diego Henrique Bravim how’s it going? How was the 1-month mark?
  7. @TIAGO FAVARATO PIEROTE what was the breakdown of scalp versus beard hair used? This is a monster case, which will turn out amazing no doubt!
  8. @Felipe Pianzoli How’s it going? Are you at 1-month post procedure yet? Also, were you able to wash those scabs off?
  9. Wow…this is going to be another incredible case by Dr Pittella. You’re going to have a great hairline with density throughout. Your before photos compared to now is unbelievable.
  10. @Henrique Venial How long did the redness last in the recipient area for you? I have a big meeting 1 month after surgery and figuring I’ll look pretty awkward at that point.
  11. @Jefferson Botan Lopes Any updates? Did you have it done in Vitoria or Linhares?
  12. IdkAboutHair: what did you end up deciding? You go with Dr Pittella? If so, what package?
  13. Awesome, what brought you to decide to go with Pittella vs in the US or other places abroad?
  14. Thanks Melvin, this was very helpful. I’m a new member here but if you’re willing to shoot me a DM, I’d appreciate picking your brain briefly.
  15. Curious if there’s anyone who traveled from the USA for hair restoration with Dr. Pittella in Brazil? I see that most of his patient reviews here are from people living Brazil. If so, looking for any travel tips and advice on whether it would be a good idea to stay in Brazil for tourism after the procedure
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