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Everything posted by Whirlpool22

  1. Wow--the work looks fantastic. The extractions are about as good as it gets. It looks like you got the density you wanted. You mentioned concern reaching your graft goal after day 1. Did you have to push Dr. Reddy to make sure the graft total was reached? Reaching my required density is my biggest concern when it comes to Dr. Reddy, but your work reassures me. It looks great.
  2. Reddy is a great choice. A few questions... 1. How did you get to that 2700 number? I think that number of grafts will provide a great result, but I am curious as to how you came up with that number. 2. How was your online consultation? I have an online consultation with Dr. Reddy and I am wondering if you have any advice on how to maximize it. I wish I could see him in-person, but I do not live in the UK. 3. How long after your consultation was the procedure date? Thanks in advance. Again, I think you made a great choice.
  3. Thank you for the response and I appreciate you posting your results. I have a similar hair loss pattern and Nadimi is one of my choices. I will be following your updates closely. I just have a few more questions.. -Did she mention if she splits larger cases up over 2 days? Your case is one of the larger ones I can recall seeing posted. I am wondering for a case pushing 3,000 grafts would she stretch it out over 2 days. -Did she mention how many follicular units per square centimeter were placed? -You mentioned Shapiro as one of your finalists. He is one of mine as well. How did Shapiro's graft number estimate compare to Nadimi? Were they both similar? What ultimately pushed you in Nadimi's direction? Again--thank you for your response. It is greatly appreciated!
  4. Did she come up with the 2500 graft number or did you? Did she give you the option of going higher? Did you push her to go higher? Work looks very clean. Nadimi is as good as it gets in America and I expect a really good result.
  5. I have narrowed my search for a surgeon/clinic down to a list of 5. I have been quoted about 2,500-3,000 grafts. One of the clinics I am high on would break my case down into 2 days. The first day would be the hairline design/incisions and the 2nd day would be the extraction/implantation of the grafts. This clinic is really good--one of the best in the United States. I trust that they are ethical, but one of the main reasons I have them so high is that i liked their work on previous patients that have a similar pattern of hair loss as my own, and after reviewing those cases, none of them had all of the incisions made a day before the harvest/implantation. I take it that this is a recent change that the clinic has undergone. I have reached out to the clinc with my concerns, however i would like to get some unbiased input from the posters over here. Is this something I should worry about? I have a few questions about this that maybe someone can answer; Could the incisions close and need to be reopened the next day? Even if the incisions do not fully close, could they begin to close thus running a risk of friction between the bulb and skin which could harm survival of the graft? Would this method lead to a higher risk of cobblestones? Should I be worried about the hole clotting without the graft? Inserting a graft into a bloody incision would allow the graft and the hole to clot together Thank you to anyone that can help, it is much appreciated.
  6. Looks very clean. Nadimi is about as good as it gets and I am in the process of setting up a consultation. I have a few questions… 1. How much time would you say Nadimi spent on you vs how much time the techs spent? I know you said you fell asleep but did she breakdown what parts of the procedure she would do vs what parts the techs would do? How much time would you say she spent in the room vs out of it while the procedure was going? I read stories about other well known doctors who barely see their patients and let the techs do much of the work. 2. Did you consult with any other doctors? If so, how did their estimates for graft numbers compare to Nadimi? She is known for doing more with less and being conservative in her graft counts. 3. How long did it take you to set your consultation up and how much longer did it take before you could get in for the operation? Did they mention if they had a wait list to get in earlier? I think you are in line for great results!
  7. In America there are plenty of really good hair transplant doctors, but they are more expensive than Europe and I would also say they are more conservative. The difference in cost doesn't appear to create a difference in quality, so I can understand why people would head to Europe. Konoir's price is very high and not reflective of the overall market, but in America you are probably looking at a cost of $7/graft for a good surgeon.
  8. I am surprised that Nadimi quoted you at 1500 grafts. It is tough to tell because your hair is combed forward but I would put you at 2,500 at least. I know Nadimi is ultra-conservative in her graft numbers, and maybe she is worried about your donor supply, but I would check with Shapiro and ask him how many grafts he thinks you need. The number might be radically different. As for Nadimi vs Shapiro, these are my main 2 choices as well and I have done a ton of research on them. From what I gather, Nadimi is more involved in your transplant than Shapiro would be. I am going to have a consultation with Shapiro myself but I have reached out to a few people that have had recent hair transplants at SMG and a few said that Josephitis is actually the guy who does the work--with much help from the techs. That isn't a bad thing--techs are involved in almost every procedure--but on your consultation I would ask for clarification on who will be doing the hairline, extractions, and incisions. The feeling I get after all my research is that you pay more for Nadimi and in exchange you get more of her time than you would from Josephitis or Shapiro. Regardless--these are 2 excellent options. I am about to submit a request for a consultation with Nadimi soon. Did you get an idea on how long your wait time with her would be?
  9. Very good result! 2,500 grafts is probably the most I have seen from Nadimi posted on here. Did she mention if she could go any higher? I would really consider her but I don't see much in the way of 3,000+ graft range.
  10. I just wanted to say thank you for this thread. I am strongly considering Shapiro and this thread has been very helpful. Question..I know it was a few years ago but did SMG offer any specific packages that either featured Shapiro only or Josephitis only? Were you guaranteed to have Shapiro do part of the work? I ask because I have read that some patients at SMG don’t get worked on by Shapiro at all and it is just Josephitis. I like your setup of having Dr. Ron do part of the work and Josephitis doing the other part.
  11. Great breakdown. This is my first post on this message board. I have also done research on Bisanga and I like everything i have read. I have a few questions about for you... 1. Was an in-person consultation required? The feedback you got from that consultation was impressive. I have had consultations with other doctors (some good, others not so good) but I have never received the type of feedback you got. 2. Did the doctor mention if his visits to America for consultations was a yearly thing? I am in America and that would be rather convenient for me. 3. How long of a wait did you have? I know some doctors can have you waiting for a year+ but i read that Bisanga isn't as long. 4. Was there a VAT that needed to be paid? If so, can you share what percent it was? I have heard conflicting answers on this. Thanks again for posting this. Reviews like this are really helpful for guys like me trying to navigate this space. Good Luck!
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