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Posts posted by Mango

  1. Sorry to have left it so long between updates, I just passed the 10 month mark and happy to say things have only gotten better. Now my only problem is that a lot of people are straight up asking me if I've had a hair transplant. I take it as a compliment that I've had such a transformation. 







    The only negative is the temple points, it doesn't look like anything came through there on either side. and the areas over and around my ears are very thin. It's not the end of the world but I just leave it here for the purposes of a full review. 

    • Like 1
  2. 15 hours ago, ProfessorBald said:

    Looks really really nice! Do you have any updates for us? I'm travelling to India this weekend for my procedure with Dr. Das and I need some confirmation that I've made the right decision haha. I guess it's normal to have these last-minute doubts right? Hope my result will be as astonishing as yours!

    Hi, I hadn't realised I'd left it so long to lost an update. I'll put some photos up now. 

    I had the same last minute doubts but I can assure you that Dr Das and her team are excellent. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, Rafael Manelli said:

    The write up is good but I especially appreciate the high quality photos you take.

    The rushed planning and preparation of Eugenix you speak of seems to be a common issue. But the design and execution looks appropriate and naturalistic.

    thanks Rafael, yeah i'm hoping to keep taking the photos under the same outdoor light in the same spot. Hopefully get a good comparison month on month. 

  4. Hi all, one month update! So far I'm delighted with the results. The dreaded shed started about a week ago and seems to be going at a fairly constant pace, each time I run my hand across my head I'll find one or two treacherous hairs and I'm sure many more are abandoning ship in the shower. Numbness has retreated to just a small section in my mid scalp and the itching in the donor is calming down but not gone yet.






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  5. Hi all, I'm just a week after my procedure at Eugenix and would like to share my experience and hopefully document my progress for the next few months here. 
    Firstly, thanks to the members here who answered my previous questions and calmed my nerves before I headed off to India, In particular to Zoomster, we had a great chat and he really put me at ease. 
    I flew into Dehli on the 12th, picked up at the airport by the hotel and was in my room not an hour later. Very seamless. I stayed at the Courtyard by Marriott, I think most patients stay closer to the clinic at the Hilton, I certainly didn't see any others while I was there. The room itself was ok, not great but clean, however the food served in the hotel restaurant was exceptional. 
    On the 13th I had my consultation. I'd wrongly thought this was going to be with the doctor going over the procedure, design etc but it was simply blood pressure and testing for allergies to the anesthetic. I did get a lovely cup of tea though before me and my notebook full of questions and photos of my previous hair were whisked back to the hotel. 
    I was driven to the clinic on the 14th just after noon, another cup of tea, BP checked and given pre op meds. Then I had my consult with Dr Priyadarshini Das, she's as wonderful as everyone claims and has a great sense of humour. We went over the design, made a few tweaks and then photos were taken. Then it was time for the head shave and wash before getting into the surgical chair. The nurse administering the anesthetic was very attentive and there was very little discomfort. I also had blood taken at this point for PRP which was a bit of a surprise as I hadn't known it was going to be part of the procedure. Bonus PRP, I wasn't complaining!  Dr Das then started making the slits which took about 2 hours with a few small breaks because I was oozing a bit much. After lunch I returned to the surgery where the technicians were already set up and waiting. One regret I have is not being introduced to them seeing as they would be working on me solidly over this day and the next. From memory there was one senior tech and maybe five junior although the numbers fluctuated. I'm only going on the colour of scrubs they wore so may be mistaken with senior techs in blue and the rest in burgundy scrubs.  For the next two hours they extracted and implanted just over a thousand grafts before we finished up for the evening. Dr Das checked in approximately every 20 - 30 min and this continued throughout the second day also. 
    The 15th was the big day, I was picked up early, a swift cup of tea and back in the chair by 9:30 am. The technicians went through numerous rounds of extraction and implantation, the nurse worked wonders with the anesthetic and there was never any pain or discomfort. The entire time I was in the chair I had my eyes covered with gauze, I'm guessing there was a surgical reason for this but it did mean I couldn't really keep track of who was doing what and I'm fairly certain I fell asleep more than once. Dr Das continued checking up on my progress throughout the day as did one or two other doctors I didn't recognise. One I did recognize was Dr Sethi who popped in for a brief chat.
    It was a long day, sometime about 6pm Dr Das came back to check on the final look and after a brief chat with the senior tech told me she was thinking they could get a little more density. I was happy to go ahead of course so more slits were made and I went back for my final round of extractions and implantation. We finished up around 8pm, 4254 grafts in total. We took some final photos, had a post op consultation and I was back at my hotel about 9pm where despite having been lying down all day I propped myself on some puppy pad protected pillows and slept for 12 hours straight. 
    My recovery has been far easier and quicker than I was expecting, my donor site inflammation died down within about a day leaving only tiny red scabs at each extraction point. I didn't have a huge amount of bleeding or scabbing on my recipient site either, it mostly looked bruised under the skin. There was some swelling liquid in my forehead but I was careful to avoid looking down and it was entirely gone by the third day post surgery. I followed instructions and had a very light head wash on the 7th day. The Post Op team were in contact with me daily both by mail and phone but there haven't been any complications. 
    I did travel home too early in retrospect, leaving very early in the morning of the second day after surgery. This combined with the fact that I'd had my temples done meant that I couldn't wear a hat through the airport or on the plane and had to wear a surgical cap all the way home instead. If you're in any way self conscious stay longer and avoid this. People will point and stare. It was deeply unpleasant. 
    I waited a week to write my review so as to have time to properly reflect on the experience without being overly swayed by the adrenaline and endorphins post surgery. I'm still excited by my results so far, the design and density look good. Let me be clear I'm very happy but on reflection there is something that still bothers me and that is how little pre consultation there was. There'd been photos exchanged but aside from that the first time I met the doctor was when I was already in scrubs having taken my pre op meds including anti anxiety medication. I don't think I should have arrived at that point based solely on trust and reviews here and on reddit. There were a lot of questions I forgot ask. As has been mentioned many times on these forums, this clinic is very efficient, once you're in the system you're carried non stop through the the whole thing. Unfortunately the side effect of this is a diminished sense of agency in the whole process. Ok that's my (hopefully constructive) criticism over, I got a great start, exactly what I wanted and more. some photos below:
    After Surgery:
    One week later:
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  6. 2 minutes ago, Zoomster said:

    Hey mate ..I understand your concerns ..perfectly normal pre procedure..pm your number and I’ll grab a coffee with you in Dublin no problem..talk a few concerns away .

    As long as you don’t mind the papparazzi following us 😀

    thanks a mill, I'll shoot you a PM. have to say your amazing results are a large part of why I chose this clinic. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, GeneralNorwood said:

    1.Tourist visa, i got it in 2 days. 

    2. Paying by wire transfer is cheaper when you use for example revolut. Paying by card requires 3% extra fee to total price. 

    3. I had surgery with Dr Priyadarshini Das and i stayed in Double Tree by Hilton at Baani Square, it's near clinic. Two days were included in package. I asked Satyam for 2 extra days and he booked it for me with corporate disscount. I didn't stay for head wash. 

    4. There was beakfast every day at the Hotel. For dinner and other meals i used app called Zomato. It's popular in India, locals use it so it has good prices. 

    thanks for the speedy reply!  this is exactly the sort of information I was looking for. 

  8. Ok I finally made an account . I'm off to the travel agents later today to hopefully book my flights from Dublin to Delhi for a transplant at Eugenix in mid March and, as is seemingly common, my feet, they are feeling the chill. 

    A bit of background. I'm in my early 40's. I started noticing thinning hair in my early 30's, tried Rogaine 5% and later was on 1.25mg fin once a day. I had some pretty good results. But as with many things in life I got complacent, buzzcut my hair on a whim and decided that that was good enough for me and stopped the meds. This was about 6 months before Covid. Fast forward to about this time last year and I see a photo of myself from behind and feck, I just look bald. 
    So back on fin nearly 9 months now and decided that a HT might give me back enough hair to frame my face and style in a way that might better express my personality. My ideal being that  when someone sees me their first impression isn't 'bald man'. Much research online, here and reddit mostly, convinced me to blow my original budget and now I have a quote and provisional dates for Dr. Das at Eugenix for 4200 grafts. 
    I'm not wealthy, aside from my home, this will be the single biggest outlay of money in my entire life and constitutes my entire savings. I could use some reassurance. 
    I'd love to hear from anyone on here who's been how you got on. I'm fairly confident in their transplant results it's all the surrounding things that I'm unsure about. Like what Visa did you go for, tourist or medical? How did payment go did you wire or use credit card on the day? What are the hotels like when you're not on the top packages? Did you stay on for the 7th day head wash and was that worth it? Where did you eat? I can't imagine I'll be leaving my hotel room much but if you did how did you get on, would you be in a position to do any tourist activities? If I stay for the head wash I'll be working remotely from there, you think there'd be any issue with that?. 
    For those interested here are my photos I would have submitted for quotes to the various clinics just after Christmas. I'd grown my hair out for 2 months just to see where I was at, I normally rock a 0.5 / 1 blade all over. 





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