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Everything posted by BuckJohnson

  1. I just purchased Revita. I will keep all of you posted. Thanks
  2. I cannot use avodart or proscar because of sexual problems. I tried it many times. I actually was on avodart the day it came out because of the research that was done, but i can not take any oral dht blockers, and to a certain degree my sex drive never came back the way it use to be. so, for me propecia,nizoral, and prayer. I have experience with chemistry and would be willing to make a topical solution out of the oral dht blockers, but I do not know what the success has been on that. And why has the pharmaceutical companies made one yet? I have used every other snake oil substance that comes out too, about once a month a see a info ad and I buy it. For those who had success with other topical substance please do tell. thank you norwood friends
  3. New to Forum Started thinking I though I was going bald at 12. Started going bald at 19, but everyone said your hair is so thick. Finally at 30 people said I look like I have lost hair. I went from getting my ID check everywhere last year. I am a teacher and the hall monitors ask me for my pass all the time to this year at the age of 31 people think I'm 40..... humility one hair at a time
  4. New to Forum Started thinking I though I was going bald at 12. Started going bald at 19, but everyone said your hair is so thick. Finally at 30 people said I look like I have lost hair. I went from getting my ID check everywhere last year. I am a teacher and the hall monitors ask me for my pass all the time to this year at the age of 31 people think I'm 40..... humility one hair at a time
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