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Everything posted by Singh1276

  1. Thank you Dr. Vinita is part of entry level package. I have heard very good things about Dr. Das and would recommend her as well. I would say until and unless you have a very complicated case, there is no need to go for Dr. Arika ( Pradeep Sethi only does transplants on case to case basis )
  2. Thanks! Yes I am content with the hairline. Looking forward to growth. I will share a monthly update as things progress
  3. Hi everyone, I am/ used to be NW2/2.5 flew to India from Canada for a HT procedure with Eugenix. I would like to begin by saying I was very happy by hospitality of Eugenix staff, their coordination, doctors etc. A little about me: I am a 25M and I hail from New Delhi, India but settled in Canada. I have been noticing receding hairline since 2018( age 20 ). I was just using minoxidil since then( bad guidance by dermatologist) until February 2023 when I consulted with Eugenix and started Finasteride 1mg every night. Within 2 months I had a hair shedding phase, followed by maintaining the hairline. When hair-loss stabilized after 6 months of Fin, I booked the procedure with Eugenix and was quoted 1800 grafts.( pretty spot on given all the consults were online ). Coming to the day of procedure: I was asked to report by 10:00AM where they greeted with me coffee and did pre op checks. My Heartbeat was a little higher ( maybe I was nervous ) thus had to take anti anxiety with other standard pre operative medicines. This was followed by pre op photoshoot and then a meeting with Dr. Vinita where we planned the hairline. I have always had a huge forehead and recently learnt bone on my right side of forehead is more prominent than my left side which led to a lot of discussion and including Dr. Sushil about how to provide natural look. Final discussions were followed by pre op shoot of design and then the procedure began which lasted for approximately 6 hours. Slits were performer by Dr. Vinita and implantation and extraction of follicles were done by senior techs with Dr. Vinita monitoring every now and then. The patient coordinator and Dr. Vinita kept asking in between if I am okay, feeling any pain, need a break, water etc. which was really nice of them to care for the comfort of patients so much. Towards the end, when hairline was being constructed, Dr. Vinita was actively involved, doing some insertions herself and guiding the techs as well. All in all, I remember to have been told 4 layers of single hairs in hairline followed by 2 and 3 hair grafts in mid scalp region. I wanted hairline to be a little lower but doctors informed that it isn’t possible due to muscles being present which are responsible for movement of forehead. Please don’t get me wrong, I am still content with the new hairline and trust Dr. Vinita and her abilities. I am sharing my pictures, please provide insights on what you think about the restoration, hairline and density. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
  4. What I am concerned with is if they can do implantation between existing hairs in the center?
  5. Yep it’s very similar to what eugenix has suggested. I am not going to be lowering hairline as i have always had a bigger forehead. This is Eugenixs suggested temple restoration:
  6. Interesting! Thanks for the study. After consultation, i will include in the regimen!
  7. Thanks for your recommendation. Though from what I know the shampoo can’t stop hairloss or regrow hair back. And No dermatologist even recommended that.( including eugenix )
  8. Yes I have been taking finasteride for some time now. Will be close to 10 months when i will be going for the procedure. Understood. Thanks!
  9. I would rather have my hair in mid 20s than late 30s honestly
  10. I am choosing the exclusive package (125 per graft ) but debating between comprehensive and exclusive as in a meeting with Dr. Das she insisted mine is a very very easy procedure since the donor area is very dense, only temples needs to be restored. She even recommended that even in the lowest package the doctors have 1000+ surgery and 4 years+ experience. for sure
  11. Hi everyone, I would like to thank you all for guidance before. I 25M have finally made a call and heading to Eugenix for hair transplant. The grafts quoted are 1800 but I am not sure if they are enough to give me back the whole cover. Please guide me if quoted grafts would be enough? 2) When do we say, the hairloss is stabilized, as in how many stands per day falling are okay? 3) can hair restoration be done between native hairs?
  12. Thank you for the response. Could it be that I am using Minoxidil for 2 years and the effect has stopped?
  13. Yes thanks! I started Fin in February and planning for hair transplant in Jan ( I travel to India to meet family during that time and hence trying to kill two birds with one stone )
  14. Thanks. I am considering a HT soon, so seriously want this to work Eugenix quoted 1800 grafts
  15. I would rather have an ancestral property ( doesn’t even have to be nice )😌
  16. Thank you for the response! i am already on 5% and have been using it for 2+ years. Could it be that part of my body has developed tolerance to Minoxidil? i hope it stabilizes back as I was planning for HT at Eugenix in December. Yes as far as I know, I’m not having issues sexually.
  17. I have a consultation scheduled on Tuesday but given that my family has no history of baldness, I’m still not fully convinced even on finasteride yet.
  18. I read about it but seeing the bald spot so much makes me worry as I had a stable hair loss for last 2 years using Minoxidil 5%. thanks for the response. I am a little skeptic on using Fin as no one in my family has any symptoms of baldness( even my grandfathers had thick hair until their lifetimes ). I am not sure where the alopecia is even coming from.
  19. Hi everyone! I was taking Minoxidil for 2 years and have been taking Finasteride 1mg/ day for 2 months. 1 month into Fin, I could see my hair getting thickened and reduce visibility of bald spot but now it has completely ruined my left temple. Is this part of the process or Should I stop taking it? Please see the before and after photos and suggest. I am still continuing 2ml of Minoxidil everyday.
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