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Everything posted by ScottyHairs

  1. This is very interesting especially because I think there's likely not much difference between 15% and 30% topical (point of diminishing returns). You are likely one of the few other people that I have ever encountered to switch from high concentration topical to oral. I have a few more questions for you: 1. Can you tell me what type of 15% you were using (lotion, cream, liquid?). Also, do you mind sharing from what compounding pharmacy? 2. Are you taking the daily amount all at once daily or on the three days are you taking 2.5mg twice a day? 3. Can you give a time line of how your transition went...was there any overlap? shedding? thinning? how long to see more effective results after the switch? Many thanks!
  2. First and foremost, convenience. Taking a pill once or twice a day is far easier than applying the lotions/creams. Secondly, cost. Oral is probably 80-90 percent cheaper.
  3. Cost was another reason I have tried the switch. Are people doing 5mg daily on oral? My doc advised 5mg daily (or even 2.5mg morning & evening) was pushing the limits. That said, I wonder with the 30% topical how much was going systemic? I've had no side effects on the 2.5mg oral. I think the decision I have to make at this point is do I switch back to topical or try a higher oral dosage.
  4. So I did mention this to my prescribing doctor on the oral minoxidil. He thought the oral going systemic 'should' be enough... The problem tho is there's really not a lot of research on oral and certainly none on people using 30% topical.
  5. Hey Everyone, Reviving this thread as I wanted to share my experience so far in switching from high strength topical minoxidil (30%) to oral minoxidil and also get some feedback. I am a 45 y/o male that stated having MBR in late 20s (crown/vertex and front hair line loss). Been on 2.5mg finasteride once daily for 15+ years (good efficacy, no side affects). Started on 5% minoxidil OTC foam at same time and over past 15+ years have ramped up to compounded RX form of 30% minoxidil (based on the legendary Dr. Kleins' formula with Azelaic & Retinoic Acid). Have been at 30 percent for past seven years. Also have been applying 3% Acetyl Glutathione Liquid prior to the 30% minoxidil at bed time for the better part of the past 10 years. Also periodically used a derma roller on scalp prior to application. My results had been great on this regimen. Full frontal hair line saved and good regrowth. I had already had a bit of crown loss early on so it has maintained very thin crown cover with some regrowth. I think I am one of those rare cases where my crown loss was much more significant than frontal hair line erosion. About five months ago I decided to switch from the topical 30% minoxidil lotion and Acetyl Glutathione Liquid to oral minoxidil. I have been taking 2.5 mg or oral minoxidil daily (1.25mg in morning at 1.25mg at night). Despite switching the minoxidil I have maintained the 2.5mg daily finasteride. The reason for the switch was really purely out of convenience (was trying to not have to mess around with lotions every night). For the first 6 weeks I noticed no real change. Since then I have noticed thinning and now significant loss of density in frontal hair line that seems to be ongoing. And again this is at the 5 month mark. I have NOT noticed any large/sudden amount of shedding. Just slow thinning and gradual lost of density that continues. I am leaning towards one of the two (or both) conclusions: 1. I respond much better to Topical than Oral Minoxidil based on the previous 10+ years of maintenance and hair gains AND/OR 2. The 2.5mg of daily oral minoxidil is not a strong enough replacement for the 30% topical minoxidil (FYI: I am not willing to try 5mg of oral minoxidil due to safety concerns) So I am just about ready to throw in the towel on oral minoxidil and go back to the 30% topical. Would like to hear your guys thoughts though? Does anyone think five months is not long enough to wait (esp since the loss of frontal density has not stabilized and continues to get worse.
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