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Posts posted by Clark

  1. Thanks for all the honest feedback and support! 

    A little over 18 month update. I still need to see a dermatologist for the skin issues, this will be an out of pocket cost and I have been putting this off. 

    Just to clarify, I'm happy with the density (I had a lot of hair before) and when my hair is curly in its natural state. However, when its slicked back and my hairline is exposed I'm not happy.








    Various Angles slicked back WET:




    Dry slicked back:



    Dry slicked back bad lower lighting: 






    • Like 1


    Disclaimer: This is a newer account that I created to add a further degree of anonymity. This is a 11-month progress update with the intention of providing a relevant and recent experience for anyone considering Dr. Vories in 2023 and to also seek constructive feedback on the transplant and advice on my current ‘situation’.

    Background: late 20’s male, curly hair ~NW2 with some minor loss in the crown.

    Protocol: Inconsistent Minoxidil user for 4yrs, 1mg of finasteride every day for 4 years. I had also tried RU58841 inconsistently.

    Why Dr. Vories? The rationale for choosing Dr. Vories was based upon positive reviews on this forum, price, location (U.S.), and the surgeon performing all the work/one patient a day.


    I booked the surgery at the beginning of October, and the surgery was performed 9 February 2022. I flew down the day prior and ubered to Dr. Vories office the following morning, the surgery began at 7am local time.

    When I first arrived, I signed some paperwork and paid for the surgery. Dr. Vories then took a look at my hair and further assessed my level of balding/recession. After the assessment I went to get it shaved bald. Upon being shaved bald I went into the exam room, and he started drawing on my new hairline.

    Dr. Vories was very concerned with naturalness and didn’t draw out an aggressive hairline in my opinion. Whilst I was pleased with the design, I would have liked a slightly lowered hairline as I have a bigger forehead and are still relatively young, but I trusted his judgement and professional expertise.

    Although, after drawing it on he did comment that the hairline design was on the aggressive side. In looking at his prior work, I understood what he meant by this. He also stated that the results will make a huge difference for me, for my profile, look etc.  I was slightly concerned about my donor area, but he assured me I had adequate donor grafts for three or more transplants.

    No further corrections or further adjustments were made to the initial design.

    Surgery: The surgery was performed by Dr. Vories and two of his technicians they load his hair implanter pens and all extractions and graft placements are done by Dr. Vories. The surgery was pretty quick and painless minus the injections, we did break for a short lunch. Dr. Vories didn’t speak much but was courteous. He has also been very responsive to texts, emails after the surgery which is appreciated.

    Post-Op: I was debriefed and given a prescription of Hydrocodone and instructed to first take Ibuprofen 600mg (3 tables of 200mg), every 6 hours and then if pain became severe (typically when going to bed) to take the Hydrocodone but not to exceed 2-3 doses a day.

    The day after I was instructed to continue to spray the grafted area with saline spray on the hour up to bedtime. But, after going to sleep that night the saline spray would no longer needed to be used.

    The second day after the procedure was my wash day. I used a small cup with a 50/50 mix of water and head and shoulders shampoo and poured it over my head. Then I gently dabbed the wet surgical sponge on the grafts in an up and down motion.

    This washing continued for the first week following surgery. After this one week I was allowed to go back to washing the grafts normally i.e., take a shower.

    Now I shall address the concerns: Whilst I was quoted 2,000 grafts based upon my initial photos, I was never given an updated actual graft count. The screen that was linked to his foot pedestal counter apparatus it didn’t actually reflect the current graft count it stayed at zero the entire surgery (I should have brought this up).. EDIT my breakout of grafts is as follows: Total 2028 grafts, 620 triples, 1120 doubles, 228 singles.

    Additionally, and this has become a common theme throughout the various forums is the sheer number of multis in my hairline, I’ll let you judge this.

    Overall, though I am pleased with my results minus the redness pimples/ingrown mess I have on my left side. I will probably be going to a dermatologist for this…

    The caveat to being pleased with my results is that if my hair wasn’t curly and didn’t naturally cover and mask my hairline, I would be more concerned and would probably mark down my overall satisfaction with the current 11-month results.

    Feedback is appreciated, thank you.


    Day 0:



    Day 3 random pictures:



    Day 6: lizard boi -I had stopped saline spray after day 1 per Dr. Vories, this was the result, poor healer I presume?




    Day 10: After first shower, most scabs had come off




    Day 11: Accident - Last remaining scab had came off prematurely (my fault) no graft loss or blood flow, just blood in that spot.




    Day 13:



    Day 15:



    Day 40



    Day 56 (8 weeks)



    Day 62 (9 weeks)




    Day 79 (11 weeks)



    Day 96 (13.5 weeks): Brushed forward hair





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