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Everything posted by BackFromTheBrink

  1. Thinking about this, did you use the same surgeon both times? While there's no real formula for it, it does seem some surgeons get earlier growth than others. It is probably mostly down to the amount of trauma on the scalp. I also had some shock loss when adding for density so there's always that possibility too. What's good is that it'll usually recover at 6 months too, so you saw some of that too, you'll be in for a bumper month 😃
  2. If it helps, I can see extra growth on the hairline from your before image. Have you tried comparing outdoor pictures? That's where density will really make a difference. As you say, people telling you not to worry doesn't help, though looking on the bright side, it's only 4-8 weeks before you'll know 😊
  3. I kind of agree. However, another way of saying that was the clinic didn't deliver on the expectation they set or the dream they sold in exchange for a very substantial sum of money. The OP trusted the experts with his appearance and his money. I believe they should rebalance by fixing one or the other.
  4. Your hairline looks good to me - 2000 extra grafts should make a huge difference. I only had about 750 extra in my hairline to improve density. I find I'm slightly less anxious this time, but then I'm still praying I'm part of the 5 percent that don't shed (this time) 😉
  5. The advice is because helmets generally fit tightly and rub against the implanted hair when putting on and taking off. They also are more likely to promote sweating. If you haven't had an infection, don't have excessive redness and didn't see any bleeding I would say you're probably ok.
  6. I'm only 3 weeks post second transplant and waiting for the shedding, so I don't have personal experience, though I have read others grew slower the second time around - perhaps because of scaring through the first procedure and slight compromise in blood flow in the area. I wouldn't worry at all at this stage.
  7. It'd be good to get their feedback @Eugenix Hair Sciences They have had some fantastic cases reported on here (Gatsby et al) and I got the impression they really looked after their higher tier patients. From my perspective, the density is evident from the photos (so an in person consult isn't needed to make a determination) and certainly not at the figures they quoted. It is worth getting a scalp assessment as soon as you can so that it helps provide context to this result and helps you to decide what to do next. I do think cases like yours are just as valuable as the high Norwood success cases since it provides a balanced view for other members of this site to make their judgements on. I do struggle when clinics react negatively to posts on here too - I know they don't want negatively publicity but patients are understandably emotional about their own results and clinics need to be mindful of that and offer the same service to all of their customers.
  8. That's a real shame - given you went for their highest tier of surgeon, you'd have to say the outcome (yield and response from the clinic) are disappointing. Is it Eugenix' opinion that 80 percent grew so the outcome is acceptable for $25,000 / as expected, and that they stand by it without the need to perform any more surgery or financial help ?
  9. AI software 5/10. Transplant 9/10 It does look very natural and for a first pass it as much as anyone could expect, imho.
  10. It looks like shock loss to me. Unfortunately it can take 3-6 months to recover.
  11. Similar story to my own (though I'm 2500 grafts less). Do you have any overhead shots to show the crown improvement from the 2nd surgery?
  12. I should have also said that oral minoxidyl and topical finesteride may be an option and are less likely to affect your mood.
  13. I can understand why you wouldn't want to try it again if it caused you mental health issues. Without finesteride (or dutasteride) your hair loss will probably continue. The question you have got to consider is what will you do if you have a transplant, exhaust your donor and then your loss continues where you've not had grafts - in the midscalp and crown? Are you willing to risk an unnatural hair loss pattern?
  14. I'd agree with the majority - if you are not prepared to commit to a lifetime on medication (finesteride), I don't think you should consider a hair transplant given your donor availability and miniturisation.
  15. Its an interesting experiment but also difficult to draw conclusions from since you don't have any kind of control case. You're relatively young and don't have aggressive loss. You're also taking medication (minox) that you may be an excellent responder to. So even without the cocktail of other drugs you are quite likely to have a good result....
  16. That's a good shout. Be should be in the short list too.. In terms of whether it's worth waiting for Zarev, only you can decide that. The others are also very capable doctors that have shown their ability for amazing results in high Norwood cases. Do a few searches on here and you'll see their results. I know Zarev doesn't refund consult deposits. Maybe worth checking consult wait times with the others first?
  17. Exactly that. It'll also depend on available beard hair. I think that Zarev currently is head and shoulders above the other two in terms of the number of scalp grafts he can extract. However, it'll inevitably be a very expensive procedure with any of those mentioned.
  18. What a great transformation and almost full coverage in one procedure with economic use of grafts. Is the patient happy with their results? Any plans for a touch up on the crown to put the icing on the cake? Edited to add: I just noticed the time... Lots of opportunity for the crown to develop further
  19. I'm happy with my choices (which were constrained by budget). But then everyone generally recommends surgeons they themselves got good results from. Eugenix appear to be a great choice and offer different price points. However, that argument supports my point - you went to Dr Sethi. I believe he's the best surgeon at Eugenix (and the most expensive). You're suggesting that others with budget constraints may want to consider other surgeons at Eugenix. i.e choose the surgeon that suits your budget in the knowledge they are likely to get a better result had they paid more.
  20. I take your point in terms of the impact, though still would suggest there's a minimum bar. As with a car, Id suggest you take public transport rather than anything with a crash rating of 1 out of 5.
  21. I'd agree, they do have the best marketing though, which is a concern. I do think there should be recommended surgeons on here for each price bracket rather than lumping them all together.
  22. Its funny - the advice everyone gives is do not decide on surgeon based on price, and not on waiting lists. It's almost impossible advice to follow - you cannot pay for something you cannot afford. It is similar to saying the same about a car or a house. You always make a compromise unless you are extremely wealthy. What is probably more helpful is saying that there is a minimum that anyone should pay in order to give the probability of a reasonable risk/reward. In my opinion Dr Yaman meets that criteria and is a good option for lower budgets.
  23. Agreed - the first week is horrible. I was worried about taking anything to help me sleep preferring to accept it rather than risk not waking if I rolled onto the recipient area accidentally. The good news is for both of my surgeries, the itching died down after a week and the risk of swelling was over so I slept more normally and much better. I did also take antihistamines when the itching was at its worst to give me some respite.
  24. Fine and relatively straight hair won't help your cause. If your shoes I wouldn't get surgery, but only you can make the decision.
  25. As a Norwood 7 with what looks like a relatively limited donor, I'd think really carefully about whether you want to pursue a transplant. I'd recommend you have your donor examined locally to check for miniturisation and density. That will determine the number of grafts you have available for transfer. I'd say you're unlikely to have the 9000 plus you'd need for reasonably coverage, and would almost certainly need to use body hair and even then, would have a very conservative hairline and thin coverage. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news - I'm sure others will comment (and may well correct me!) Current miracle workers like Zarev and Eugenix may be able to help if you have deep pockets.
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