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Everything posted by Capnmod

  1. I wouldn’t recommend honestly. Try for one the recommended docs here. they may do better with very specific directions
  2. How are these pics ? Took em from farther but looks zoomed as I cropped
  3. Thanks for the hope haha. Any recommendations in America ? I put in a request at Cooley. And then mbanga and mwaba but just much farther in Netherlands
  4. I’m at maybe 6 months now ? Yeah tons of multis. I didn’t even know that was a thing. Unfortunately I think the mill all but depleted my donor so yeah 110% need to say a specialized doc here somewhere
  5. Yeah this is exactly how I feel about it. I should’ve said more during the hairline part. It just looks too unnatural and kinda kills me. I’m basically doing hairstyles that cover my hairline which I never used to do
  6. Yeah that’s exactly how I feel and def want the second run to be more artistic with one of the docs you mentioned or like them. Is Munib in Texas ? Wondering if I could do in LA or OC area
  7. About 4 of my fingers. It might be a little low later but it’s not bad right now
  8. Got this done at hairneva in Istanbul. I would only reccomend them if you want a straighter hairline and/or you’re doing crown work. They have tons of exp but a hair mill nonetheless. what’s happened has happened now… wondering what y’all think about if I need more work done to the hairline. Feels pluggy or not really dense enough when moved to the side (my old normal hairstyle). Could docs add more density to this without destroying the new hairs here ?
  9. That makes two of us on the first part but yeah it came along.. See new pic though, I still got what looks like really sparse density when I move my hair to the side. I wonder if y’all think there’s anything I can do about this ?
  10. 5 months update: first close to skin fade on the sides I guess I should’ve listened to the docs saying to wait.. thoughts ? I still see some thinness but obviously a huge improvement. Hope this gives hope to others early in the journey
  11. Thanks for the reply.. what do you mean growing thinner than terminal ?
  12. +1 month update, cumulative 2.5 months it seems like a little of the original donor hair has grown ? But I can’t tell
  13. Yeaaaa pretty worried about that. I’m thinking a realistic scenario is hair comes back but there’s parts that are definitely thinner. Check out this research in safe donor areas.. it does go around the ear and I’ve seen many example of that https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Safe-donor-area-illustrations-A-Alts-safe-donor-area-B-Ungers-safe-donor-area_fig1_330792641
  14. Anyone got ideas on hairstyles in between ? Thinking of zeroing the sides up until it gets even again and leaving the top basically
  15. Great share. Glad to see this guy recovered and agree it’s a similar situation except mine is even worse lol. He actually saw pretty significant signs of improvement in donor as early as month 5. I’m currently 1 week from month 2 so definitely still hoping here.
  16. One thing I found interesting is I appear to have alopecia or a spot of hair loss near the front my right side donor where there was for sure no grafts taken. that does make me feel like when that spot comes back some other hair on the sides will as well
  17. Hi everyone thanks for the response. I added pre op full and shaved hair on donor pics, some pics 2-3 days after procedure and bandages came off. The clinic is going to send me the many post op pics they took. The clinic was called HairNeva in Istanbul, it was conducted in one the major hospitals there but I think the clinic recently opened a larger space. the clinic and doctor are saying this happens and it can take a few months to recover but they do not think the donor area was damaged. Hard to feel the same way at least right now
  18. Thanks for the reply. Man I’m really afraid of needing some kind of repair… throws so much time off. Although I’ll say I think the red is where the hairs were taken.. the white is actually where tiny hairs are sticking out and not growing .. maybe not to ideal density though
  19. 32M. Experiencing some absolutely brutal shock loss in donor area. About 7 weeks post op. brief history: I got an fue transplant done in Istanbul and while I think the clinic has a lot of exp, it’s definitely a mill after reading more on this forum. Unfortunately I didn’t find this site and knew much less before this situation. Over the phone they quoted me 4500 grafts, around the same as many others, for crown and hairline. Consult went up and eventually they said they did 6000 grafts. They weren’t charging per graft more like 1 day sessions up to 3000 grafts. They said for density this was best I’ve been using minox on my donor area for a few weeks, and different oils that are supposed to be good for hair and skin. I’ve heard from my clinic and a few other forum readers that this is shock loss and I should see it come back. im expecting some over harvesting but are these patches going to fill in ? Has anyone else had this ? Is there anything I can do with a doctor here ?
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