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Everything posted by Tommy1991

  1. Being totally honest, if you truly thought you didn't need a second procedure, I would say you were completely uneducated on the matter (delusional may be a bit strong) But lets be clear: It should be the clinics job to lay down a future plan (when they know well you will need to return for a second sitting). Use this time to inform and at least educate them a little. They have achieved very good density with the frontal zone. However, there are hairs placed on the vertical plane which just should never happen with hair transplants.
  2. Hi all, My history is I had 3300 grafts placed in Zones 1 & 2 back in 2016. In 2022, I had a repair in July that I am not happy with at all. (I am still in contact with this clinic and they have offered me a touch up). By no means do I consider my hair "botched" but I am seeking something more natural and appropriate to my facial features/design that will mature well. This thread is not to discuss about those clinics as there is a separate thread with that, as far as I am concerned it is spilled milk. I have been in discussion with some top doctors regarding having my hairline repaired again. Possibly extracting a large portion of the hairline and starting with a clean slate. Among countless repair surgeries, in particular, this doctor, Dr Feriduni has performed a very similar case recently to the plan that has been marked out in below photos (marked in red) Dr Feriduni has come with this design himself. 2 to 3 sessions are expected, most probably 3. Around 700 to 800 grafts are expected to be extracted and re transplanted to that thinning area in Zone 2. Is there other OP's here that have experienced this level of extraction from the hairline? Personally, I feel it is the right path to undertake.
  3. Being totally honest, I am not after free touch ups at all, I just wanted the job done right, which does not mean perfect. There is just way too many mishaps in my case from this repair. I will not be having a touch up at Eugenix, I highlighted earlier in the thread, it is still far more extensive than a touch up. If there were touch ups needed, of course I would return to Eugenix. The issue now is, I have denser packing to the area and it is slightly lowered with those single haired grafts, the thinned area behind the transpanted region, the right hand temple, the multis in the left hand hairline. I have pure and utter frustration with the clinic and the fact Dr Arika has not attended a call since speaks volumes. They have offered a touch up, I have asked for the plan of this, they will not provide. It is fine for these Eugenix patient flagship carriers who are documenting their whole experience, get 100% full attention, which is all publicity. That is not the case for majority of patients, I have been dealing with people with zero competence. example: I spent 20minutes on a call with the post care team about how Eugenix did not miss a thinned area behind the transplanted hair (they continued to show photos from the front, rather than a downward shot).... Example: A post care doctors response to my concerns, "await 12months sir, do not be so depressed", of course I gave him a good answer. Raising genuine concerns is now a state of "depression" according to some. I would like to have it looking better and something that will mature with age. I will need to discuss with some other doctors what they can do for me. So back to the research table. I have seen many repairs by Dr Arika, that are of a very good standard, I do not consider mine a good standard for the reasons in this thread. From my firsthand experience, it is just a hair mill. Do not forget they are scaling up their operations also, which can only lead to one thing. Thank you & I wish you good luck with your results.
  4. I suppose people who would not be able to yield as good a coverage would deem my requests as perfection. Given the number of issues I have described in this thread, it is far from perfection!!
  5. Some of these grafts were from original transplant. some were to be removed and area behind reinforced to create a blend. As of today the blend is the opposite way around (thick on the temporal angle and decreases with recession) which is not natural at all. At least on the pre repair photo it looked like diffused thinning, no one ever even questioned it.
  6. Yes some angles the hair looks great. a simple side view should look okay and not something that is glaringly obvious upon a glance. adding density itself is not a repair. purely believe it is down to the time and consideration that was given (at least in my case).
  7. Absolutely agree and they are the facts. Thanks!
  8. If you can show a temporal angle that is standard for looking like this, then sure. The bushy appearance at the lowest point of the temporal angle. There is no softening into the temporal angle. In my meeting with the clinic this was one of the issues that was 100% agreed between all. To remind you, this is prior this repair.
  9. No doubt, there is improvement in density. The left hand side of the hairline was particularly bad from prior surgery so I did expect touch ups to this, but I did think it would be in a much better condition. I am also "hating" this bushy appearance on the right temporal angle, seems to be packed too dense and no major packing behind it... It is really impossible to manage unfortunately. It is not very often I see something like this from repairs. I have spoken with the clinic (not doctors) and they have offered a free touch up.. Of course it is welcoming they are willing to do that.. I still need to decide at this point.
  10. Amazing??? Come on pal, in no way shape or form is it amazing… improvement to density, of course. significant work still work required, unfortunately. No way did I expect everything corrected in one sitting. Just one of my concerns, this is far from amazing…. I do not see correction, only density added….. still extremely unnatural…
  11. To be clear, I choose the Dr Arkia premium package, she had full oversight of this from the very beginning. Planning, extraction, and majority of graft placements with exception of beard to donor area. Certain specific areas are good while other areas are not good. My expectations are not huge but I expected better. This is the issue, it is not "fine tuning" required... quite a bit of articulated work is still required before "fine tuning" even.
  12. After getting my hair cut today I thought I’d give you guys an update on those gaps behind the transplanted hair and some other concerns. I would say it’s predominantly clear at this point that it was not shock loss. Honestly, I can’t put it into words how frustrated I am with this and it just emphasises the lack of patient planning that was taken at Eugenix! I will call it negligence, such an unethical thing for any clinic to do. I’m becoming more alarmed by each passing month with the left hand side of my entire hairline, very pluggy looking, I do not see that those pluggy grafts were extracted. The right hand temple point does not look natural at all, very clunky and no natural blend. It seems like it’s even a vertical cut off at the point where it’s meant to recess… I have added a photo of native hair wet in comparison to the transplanted hair, you can see that the scalp is still a little pinkish 7 months on, but not really noticeable until shown like below! I will provide an update around month 10.
  13. Sure agreed! I’m a little concerned about the development of the RH temple and the naturalness of the blend with the existing native hair. however, another 6-7 months of progress to go!
  14. Some close up shots of the hairline at a little greater than 6months post “repair”.
  15. Eugenix standard response at this point is “doctors evaluation, everything is on track”. With this response I just will wait the 12months.
  16. Totally agree, it is inexcusable for sure. It is something that was very obvious from pre and post surgery photos it definitely was not shock loss.
  17. Thank you kindly! I have been in touch with the clinic and both agreed it’s predominantly reasonable to wait until 12months post surgery.
  18. It’s pretty much the same as before and right after the surgery. I really don’t see any major difference. only difference is my hair is much longer now. I still stand by what I said in the thread a few months ago, it should have been lightly packed. here is just the right hand side for now.
  19. Update: just surpassed a little over the 6month mark for those interested.
  20. Guys just a query: in the last couple of weeks I have noticed a little gap appear on the right hand temple! Probably around the 4month mark!! I don’t think this was as prominent prior to the surgery as it is now but I do suspect this is a case of some shock loss in that area..? Opinions? I’m on Finasteride and hair-loss stabilised very well over the last few years. This area was definitely filled in as I have reviewed the post surgery photos by Eugenix which is also attached.
  21. Have a look at the thread for my explanations on it. I was in the area working on both occasions and each time I had deep conversations with the doctor himself.. can’t fault the guy and he was 100% honest, in hindsight (of course it’s a great thing) I would’ve chosen him over Eugenix. as you may see I’m just a new member here so I didn’t have that exclusive access to certain comments in Eugenix which of course would be my fault… There is no doubt I would agree with your judgement… I did have the shortlist and choosing Dr Arika (isn’t she a big name?) was my 3rd choice in the end. I ultimately thought I would receive a decent repair based on all her you tube videos about repairs and of course her results… no way did I expect certain things that followed. I appreciate the advice though! I will look him up. Considering you are a repair patient too, I guess certain experiences are evident unless we underwent them ourselves… and learned from them… I did feel very confident picking Eugenix(Dr Arika)!
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