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Everything posted by Tommy1991

  1. Now this is a “great” result. Dr Cooley just oozes class! He upholds the highest ethical standards and the man is just gifted with planning & execution. Too often the word “great” is thrown around this forum for “good” results. FairPlay and a fantastic choice! 👍🏼
  2. Final update: 14months post repair by Eugenix. At this point the photos say more than I ever could. Good variety of lighting and wet hair and all taken this week. I will let you all know about my repair in April-24, looking forward to it big time. Cheers.
  3. Certainly in this thread there are some users who have tried to come up with some excuses or rather explanations for this poor repair when in reality it’s just been poor from the clinic and doctor themselves, but in general I don’t think these people are biased towards any clinic and they were genuinely trying to be optimistic. They provide excellent information for us all on this forum and it’s certainly highly valued/respected by a lot. The reality is they produce a lot more positive good results than poor results. This is why I choose them. Unfortunately, not in my case and this should be accepted by the clinic and the doctor.
  4. Let me also address this point separately. If the clinic or the doctor was really concerned about shock loss to the thinned area they never would have placed grafts into the hairline which looked equally as thin or for that matter, taken the repair on. Honestly. the level of excuses is just unbelievable. hopefully this will help many others on this forum considering Eugenix for a repair.
  5. That’s not the case, having paid for a full package with Dr Arika and have her running from surgical to surgical room with little planning and rushing through procedures leads to results like this. This 1st of repair procedures should have left my hair in a more natural state, not worse. Based on the number of issues and a very poor repair, a “touch up” is the least that’s required. The quality within every aspect, is really poor. It’s clear that this repair by Eugenix was primarily aimed at adding density and correcting in fact, nothing. photos show the hairline has been slightly lowered together with temporal peaks. It’s clear as day. The photos do not lie, nor does the opinion of those whom I know. The standard of this repair is really shocking.
  6. Dear all, As I am just 12months post this repair by Eugenix and Dr Arika, I would like to recap on the unprecedented number of issues. 1. There is a thinned area behind the newly transplanted hair that was ignored by Eugenix and they had not informed the patient, i.e, me. It is quite clear this was not shock loss as others eluded to. You can see this even with dry hair in below photo 6. 2. Hairline was slightly lowered and a visible reduction in my temporal peaks & straightening of the hairline. This was clearly discussed prior surgery as it was not what I wanted and definitely not what should have been done. The pre and post photos below clearly show this. The clinic still deny this, despite clear evidence. I highlighted this on day 2 but I gave them the benefit of the doubt after discussion. 3. Right hand temple is very poorly repaired. 4. Left hand side of entire Zone 1 is really pathetic. Gaps everywhere. Please note, this is my word for word request to the clinic prior to my arrival in New Delhi. This was the goal heading to New Delhi... "I would like to have the temples corrected for a more natural appearance and this may mean raising the hairline slightly which I am okay with. There is also some multi hair grafts in the hairline that would need to be extracted. I believe that my hair was never that dense to begin with but even a 15-20% increase in the hairline density would make me very happy. There are many single hair grafts never touched from my previous transplant on the sides of the donor which Dr Arika explains well in her videos online, if possible these could be used for the hairline." Photo 1 = Pre Surgery and taken May 2022. You can clearly see this appeared somewhat natural as oppose to the portrait post surgery. Photo 2 = Pre surgery and taken early May 2022. All other photos are post surgery. The final portrait photo versus pre portrait photo speaks volumes. Lets be real here and state this was by no means one of the more difficult repairs it should be so much better with proper care and planning. The clinic is totally unresponsive as of today, really shows a lack of morals and ethics with this clinic... As I do not accept a "free touch up". It just goes to show they only want to hear about decent results. Once you do not fall into that category, bye bye.
  7. Totally agree, I think he has shown repeated successes in similar cases. Maybe not as extensive… but I have 100% confidence it will be a lot better.
  8. There is no doubt the majority are from the first transplant, I am not delusional about that. However, the facts show the situation has been made worse in certain areas as I have highlighted, which should not be the case for any repair.
  9. I’ve already chosen Dr Feriduni this time around. A doctor who has shown good ethical practice time and time again with good consistent repairs. Scheduled for April 2024. Approx 3 surgeries. Extraction of the hairline approx. €7.5k for this so called repair by Eugenix with. To put that into perspective, Dr Feriduni has quoted me approx the same.
  10. Eugenix don’t actually respond on the majority of the issues I have highlighted, only a couple such as the hairline lowering (which is so obvious even between old photos and new) Something along the lines of “when you plan your trip to India we will do the needful” is the clinics response.
  11. They have offered a free touch up which is of no use to me considering the issues I highlighted.
  12. Just coming up post 11months. Got my hair cut to grade 8 on top today. Some photos of the left hand side of the hairline as I don’t think I focused on this previously. The photos speak for themselves. Need not say anymore other than a complete waste of my time, investment and my money with Eugenix and Dr Arika.
  13. @Berba11 no mate, I did not. After weighing up all options and considering the work that has to be done, I have made my final decision to go with Feriduni! Surgery planned for April 2024! After speaking with the doctor 2/3’s of what you see below will be removed over the course of 3 to 4 sessions. (Photos perviously shown with red marking earlier in the thread)
  14. A little over 10months post repair now. Different lighting and all that! At this point we all know where I stand on the issues that are clearly not improving. I would definitely avoid Eugenix for repairs at all costs based on my experience and don’t read too much into those folks with their Eugenix Pom poms.
  15. Thank you for your honesty anyway 👌🏼
  16. I think it’s a shocking repair. Hardly any graft extraction or corrections to any area I addressed. hairline is way off… really really poor. Seems like my concerns were completely disregarded.
  17. Update: pre and post photos below. post repair photo is the 1st: pre repair photo is the 2nd: what is your opinions?
  18. The plan at the moment is to remove 700-800 grafts over 2-3 sessions.
  19. Thanks! I just got in touch with the clinic to receive some sort of proposed plan/solution from Dr Ball also. I will keep you posted.
  20. Yes totally agree! Dr Feriduni also has a high level of conservatism and his reputation is huge. I have yet to see a "bad repair" from Dr Ball, he is highly regarded also. Have you had any contact with his clinic?
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