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Posts posted by Mike1J

  1. 2 hours ago, shiba1985 said:

    Well … finasteride is the cheapest and most effective way to prevent hair loss/ maintain/ regrow. 

    the problem is most people don’t want to take finasteride; so the other options are prp, laser caps, minoxidil, etc. none of these work nearly as well and are many times more expensive than finasteride.  But for people that don’t want to take finasteride but still want to try to maintain their hair they have to fork out the big bucks… 


    If your friends results are similar to a guy on finasteride that itself points anecdotally to the fact that prp worked

    I meant that if I were to guess what hairloss treatment my friend was receiving I'd guess Finasteride, but nowhere near good results or a reverse \ regrow. 
    Yes it's an alternative, however I personally believe that for those who suffer from sides on Fin or are scared, should try 0.5MG \ day or every other day, and see if higher dosage needed based on how you feel. 
    I'm not taking full 1MG per day and after nearly 2 years on this medication I can clearly see how the hairs have thickened (not regrew, just look and feel healthier and stronger) with no side effects at all. 
    As opposed to multiple PRP sessions that costed way more, and did absolutely nothing.

    • Like 1
  2. Wow @Dillpickle123your procedure reminds me of mine nearly identical, same methodolgy of work (about 70% done by Mwamba, 30% by Ali) which instils great confidence in the process, and the laser chair at the end literally minimizes the swelling and makes the healing quicker, that's genius 

    The spacing between grafts is something that has been a concern to me, as I've seen some similar jobs with less dense grafts that ended up looking bad, I have been writing to Mwamba about this and he advised me that there shouldn't be any issue and that we should wait to see the result. 

    I do agree, that if you are still there you might as well go full on with the procedure and implant more grafts to your liking, even though you plan a 2nd visit, still, you're already on the chair :D go crazy, I kinda regret I didn't ask for more grafts to be added 

    Good luck!!!

  3. 12 hours ago, swing_trader said:

    Thanks for your response. During this time Can I use normal cap while going out ?

    sure man, just watch it for the first 2 weeks or so not to rub the grafts but past that is fine I believe
    For me now 2.5 months after my FUE numbness disappeared finally so don't worry about that, it'll pass (the weird feelings on the scalp)

    • Thanks 1
  4. Hey bro @Dillpickle123
    First of all congrats, looks to me like your case is not too complicated and that the results would be great
    As always very clean and nicely done job, I love his post-op work always seem neat compared to butchers elsewhere

    True that he splits his procedure to 2 full days, they harvest approximately 500-1000 grafts per day max, take breaks to refresh and focus, and take their time which is literally your moneys worth
    Remember that the doctor himself does the majority of the work and when you get a true job done, it takes time

    I am 2.5 months post-op after Mwamba's procedure and so far healing has be on a whole different league compared to my first FUE in Turkey.
    Take good care and don't forget the laser massage chair at the end :D best thing ever

  5. Hi OP
    Don't waste your time on stressing over the total number of grafts matter, honestly after 2 FUE's and plenty of research I can definitely say that 99% of clinics will NOT implant the total number of grafts agreed or proposed to you, be it a good and honest doctor, or a bad one, it is a business after all and they all know you won't be sitting and counting graft by graft after your surgery, let alone the forms and disclaimers you sign, it's a hopeless fight not worth fighting.
    Clinics have many tricks to squeeze out of you as much money as possible, I myself even tipped the technicians with some cash during my procedure just to ask them to try doing their best and focus. As long as the results are good, I couldn't care less about having 500 less grafts implanted, or another 500$ spared here or there. 

    As for your procedure, I do agree that it isn't a total of 2500 grafts (but again, I believe that the majority doesn't get the exact number they paid for), and the overall placement of grafts seem also quite un-planned.

    Do yourself the best favor, go through repair jobs posts here and find a suitable, recommended Doctor nearby, and go for a touch up. Good luck!!! don't worry, you're not alone. 

    • Like 1
  6. Hi @david321
    Not sure why would someone talk you out of doing a HT if you do suffer from hair loss, the only ones regretting it are those who run to the nearest clinic without caring to check anything at all I guess
    According to your plan, doing it when 26, that would be ideal in my opinion, a well planned FUE + some meds to stabilize your hair loss would easily buy you 5 years or more of fine looking hair 

    I myself had only wished to have been aware of my hair loss sooner and my first FUE was 26-27 Y\O
    Sadly (in my opinion) you do suffer from hairloss and putting the brakes on it now would be a good move and spare you a whole lot of worry and headaches later when you're in your 30s. 

    Yes when you're 40 you might think you wouldn't care, but to some people this subject hits hard even in their 40s and 50s. 
    Girls pump up their lips, men like to have their head covered :)
    As for Turkey clinics, I'd really stay away from those, unless you really do a careful research and validate a proper clinic (ofcourse not all are bad) - this forum has some good legit recommendations 

    I'd say 2500-3000 graft FUE for both temples and vortex in 1 go would do the job and consult a doctor about taking some meds
    Good luck man, good job being self-aware

  7. Hi @RTC
    Firstly I want to say that your YT content is great, and hope that all is going well 

    I relate to you as I myself suffered from the Turkish scheme by both fees and over-harvesting related issues
    4 years later I went for a 2nd HT at Dr. Mwambas clinic - and currently just hit 2 month mark. 
    Reviewing your case I can very much relate to your concerns, I did and still do have them as well in both of my HT's
    Were the grafts transplanted too far apart? how many did not survive? did I really get 2000 grafts or was I knocked off again? 
    We have to keep in mind real results show after a year and probably more, it takes time for the transplanted hair to merge with your native hair growth cycle, blend in and fit together
    It took over 18 months for my first FUE to look good and I did panic throughout this period multiple times

    Yes if you look carefully, you might find defects or suspicious looking hairs but relying on the end result with the density and thickness illusion is just part of the plan when doing a well strategized procedure.

    Best thing to do (thats what I keep telling myself) is recovering well and letting your body do its work, give a good year of stacking up on hairloss counter meds like Fin to tie it all together. 

    Fingers crossed for you man, see you on the finish line past 1 year!

  8. Definitely yes, My best results of my first FUE showed up at 18 months and persisted for about 2 years until I started losing more hair to a point I needed another FUE

    If you are on Finasteride then past that 1 year to 1.5 year mark, your hairs reaches their maximum growth outcome but from that point onwards you will see how the hair thickens up as they draw back from the miniaturization due to the meds. 

    Can certainly attest to this. Good luck! 

  9. Hey, 
    Looks good! nice potential density and grafts are evenly and naturally distributed, 
    To me your donor area looks good, healed, just abit over harvested as in grafts were taken little bit too close to each other, I wouldn't freak out about that since this won't be noticeable at all if you let it grow abit, 
    Plus don't forget that you still have about 6 months left to really see how it all comes together
    Looks great bro!!

  10. 10 hours ago, Vann said:

    I think I remember a video where Blake & bloxham takes about a patient who didn’t get results until month 16. Perhaps that video was about you. 

    Hi man, 
    Well no that wasn't me honestly I never had a video follow up but I can honestly say that I was so surprised that the results started really showing past 1 year.
    I remember I used to Whatsapp the clinic during months 4, 6, 8 - results are poor.

    If you're interested in seeing photos I'll upload some to show what I mean

  11. I just got back from DrMwambas clinic after an FUE of 2000 grafts

    Will make a whole post soon
    I can relate to the unexpected level of communication with DrMwamba although to me they seem to answer quite fast and are indeed giving me the consultation and comfort I need! I guess sometimes they are just way too busy, I literally recall Dr.Mwamba working non-stop and on his breaks he would reply to patients messages and calls.
    He deserves all the credit, whether the results are good or bad, they do this journey WAY easier for their patients and that is great value for your money as is.

    OP your recipient area is looking great, clean and accurate work, I wish you a fast and successful recovery man

    • Thanks 1
  12. Hey bro

    Did my first FUE done almost 5 years ago, and I consider it a failure as I was convinced that my case was a total loss up until month 7-8

    Month 6 looked like the recipient area was looking like I had a few hairs planted in around my bald spots on the frontal area and that this is it.

    I remember how I freaked out and emailed my clinic asking for help.

    Only past month 8 the density started showing, and only after around month 18 (yes 1.5 year!) it all really took shape and my hair looked full again.

    So honestly take it easy, don't pick, don't panic, don't be bothered by it just keep it safe and clean and watch it all come into form. Remember that the effect really comes in when your double, triple, quads etc are long enough to really add in density.
    With that said, your photos look great and it seems to me like this will be a success and in 1 year you will look back at these posts and have a luagh.

    Good luck man

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