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Posts posted by DomTransplant

  1. 6 minutes ago, Ccd99 said:

    Looking great.

    What is the length of your sides there, do you know what you asked your barber? Because I can't see any FUE scars, it looks great.

    Is it a 2 or 3 guard?


    Hey mate, I get a mid-fade with a 1 guard.

    The back of my head had some shock loss post transplant which never fully recovered. Ill upload the back of the head when im back home. If I was being sensible I should really go to a 2/3 like you really said.

    • Like 1
  2. MONTH 11

    Late one this month, apologies - was holding out for a haircut.

    Front & Back - still happy with how everything turned out, think it's a good result. Will be back in a few years I imagine for a top up and to get my crown sorted, but persisting with medication to see if I can improve that.


    WhatsApp Image 2024-05-26 at 13.46.43.jpeg

    • Like 1
  3. On 4/23/2024 at 8:33 PM, MILAN5Baros said:

    Thanks for all your info, it’s been a great read. Your hair looks awesome. What did you mean on your last point regarding fin & min? Did you stop taking them?

    Sorry for late reply. This was taken before my hair transplant a couple of years before when I started going on Fin & Min and started experiencing shedding whilst on the treatment. It came back so the images of my hair before the HT are the most accurate before photos. Was just sharing for those just starting Fin & Min that might experience initial shedding.

  4. 10 Month Update

    Happy with where things have ended up. The left temple hairline is a little thinner than the right, though we did use more grafts in the right as there was more recession here. Granted, my hairstyle doesn't help that! I do plan in a couple of years when my crown is needed to get a top up in the left temple, which Bicer said would likely be necessary. But still - happy with the result.

    Left Temple

    Right Temple



  5. *9 Month Update*

    Overall very happy at this point, have noticed as @Gatsby said previous more subtle growth and density. Will continue updates for next three months either way but at this point I'm really happy with how it's turning out. Photos are post-wash so a little wet too for more real images.

    Month 9 Left Temple and Closeup.


    *Month 9 Right Temple & Closeup*



    *Month 9 Back Of head - wet hair*



    • Like 3
  6. *8 Month Update*

    Not much to report - still feel it's coming along well. Still am noticing new growth in closeups, which I am slightly surprised to still see new growth at this stage. Still feel pretty optimistic I'll see an increase in density, specifically in left temple over next 4 months.

    Right Temple 8 Month


    8 Month Left Temple


    8 Month Back Of Head


    • Like 2
  7. On 1/15/2024 at 8:47 PM, Abby10 said:

    @Melvin- Admin Hi, this is @Abby10 I am writing to request that you please take my pictures down for security reasons. I am unable to do so myself, let me know if you need anything from me to fulfill this request.

    Hely Abby - just so you know, you can do this on your own. Just click the three dots and select 'edit', then just delete the images manually and then update the post. They'll no longer show.

  8. On 12/29/2023 at 12:13 PM, A_4_Archan said:

    Here are HQ pictures without the use of any hair products...its been almost 8 months post op

    1st pic - Directly under harsh sunlight 

    Last pic - wet hair

    Rest of the pictures are in well lit roomIMG_20231229_173015.thumb.jpg.5bf2f1a332cb3539db0d56e61bb14131.jpgIMG_20231229_173108.thumb.jpg.f8630ffcc3b16a197aca001c728cc3bf.jpgIMG_20231229_173130.thumb.jpg.d4a485aeba568fa4fa165cc1f6519ba5.jpgIMG_20231229_173200.thumb.jpg.82e8bcf324b1f72fc29ecf332522dbc7.jpgIMG-20231229-WA0039.thumb.jpg.26df7a6869a155815090a22ca62aa134.jpgIMG_20231229_172948.thumb.jpg.3215078d68efeaedd1c62c8230feb28a.jpg


    Fantastic result - unbelievable how good it looks. Congrats man, happy growing.

  9. Hey mate, I know this is worrying, but there's the most positive thing is that the post-surgery scab removal looks extremely good at Day 12. 

    Are you a fast grower, no... but you're not so far behind that it's unreasonable. Hopefully month 6-9 will be a turning point. I'd take some real close ups on a high quality camera phone, I'd imagine seeing new growth would help alleviate some of the stress. The quality of images is poor so at times it can make growth look a little worse. Still feel this will be a good result, but you're just a little slower.

    Keep us updated and keep your head up, this will be fine.

    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, Wingtsun said:


    i like how it looks. Very nice.

    do you wear your hair also down like a fringe or so. I’ve honestly never seen people post hairstyles like that here but to get a comparison to your before pic above could you post a photo like that when you have time? Front view and angle you have above!

    thanks man

    I don't wear it as a fringe but I'll take some pics later today and tag you!

  11. *7 Month Update* 

    A couple days early this month as I'll be unable to get this done on time otherwise! No idea why I really blurred photos initially, but haven't done that this month, the black bars are gone. 

    Right & Left Temple 7 Months




    Also thought I'd share this for those that may experience shedding with medication. This image below was taken before my hair transplant, where I had experienced shedding having become super strict on taking min & fin. 



    • Like 2
  12. Sorry about the delayed reply! - missed this initially.

    On 12/19/2023 at 6:50 PM, Martador said:


    first of all, thanks for giving your opinion!


    About Hairline lowering:

    If I apply the rule of thirds, my hairline is almost the same size as the other thirds. Dr Gür also didn't recommend it.

    When I was younger, I always thought that I have a massive forehead (receiding hairline deceives so much haha, but I have a big head overall 🤣)


    About Bicer:

    Her work is awesome and I've been following your case (very impressive work already and you still have a few months to go!)

    The current price is the only thing that was too high for my budget. But it is definitely worth it.


    I am relieved that it is probably in the 1500-2000 range.

    Apologies for delayed reply - didn't see the notification on this.

    Yeah seems super reasonable, agree by the way. I've got a big head too haha - and more importantly, saving the grafts for the future is so important.

    Thanks for the kind words but to be totally honest, I think there are a ton of doctors that can do really good work in 'simpler' jobs in temple* areas. I'm not sure really there's a huge difference, I think at times you're probably just paying for the peace of mind. Gur has good results and if he's in your price range then it seems like a great option. 

    If you do go through with it I'll be following!

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