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Posts posted by Vic

  1. 1 hour ago, Jubda said:

    Hello - can you pls share how to contact Dr. Pekiner (or Alex)

    Alex can be reached at this number. He lives in Italy so make sure when you add in WhatsApp you enter country as Italy. I just reached in Ankara today and it is a great place and the hotel they booked is very nice. No complains so far and will be at Dr P’s clinic in next 9 hours for in person consult and planning.


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  2. 1 hour ago, ssimpson7511 said:

    Blimey $400 a month?  I only pay a little more for a year...you really didn't need to pay that kind of money.  Never had a feeling that I was wearing or itchiness.  Good luck with your HT.

    In the $400.00 monthly package, they were providing for 4 new hair systems within the year(meaning one new every quarter) including hair cut, colour, removal of hair system, its cleaning and putting it back on a bi-weekly basis. The itching was not related to the system, but just that when i had to, it felt weird. Separately, it seems that the glue they were applying was making me light headed, not sure if that happened to anyone!


  3. 2 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Here’s the truth, most people who go to hair mills have no clue about hair transplants.

    Here’s a prime example of a typical hair mill hairline. 


    Below is the same person, after he styled his hair properly to hide this result. But if you look closely you’ll still see it looks pluggy. 


    The average person who goes to a hair mill wouldn’t complain, because “hey they have more hair.” But those of us who know about hair transplants would see this as a disaster. 

    You also have to consider that these clinics pay unhappy patients off. Now, I’m not saying this doctor in particular, but I have had members reach out and ask me to take down a thread because the clinic refunded them. 

    Those are horrible results!! Thanks for giving the examples. Would you have any example of doubles in Hairline. I am new to HT too and don’t understand what it means by doubles in hairline? Wouldnt more hair in hairline make it dense?

  4. On 8/19/2022 at 12:33 PM, shiba1985 said:

    can you tell me how i get in touch with him?

    You can reach him through his advisor, Alex, at +393929905178. Dr P clinic name is Neo Head Clinic. I am scheduled HT with him from Aug 28 to 31 for ~ 4,500 with exactly the same kinda hairloss as Ali. However, I have requested Dr P for full coverage with a potential second surgery to get full density, of needed.

  5. I wore a hair system for about 2 months; keeping my natural hairline and getting the front, mid and crown shaved for the hair system. It made wonders to my confidence getting that awesome density and making me feel 10 years younger! However, I very quickly got tired as it felt like a mat sitting on my head and scratching my head felt so odd. Also, i stopped going in water not due to fear of it coming out, but due to my natural hair and system hair not looking same after getting wet. I was wearing a Swiss Lace system and it was perfect with the place i got it from doing 3 maintenance sessions within the package; however it got expensive after i had to get off the package and get on a monthly payment schedule, was around $400.00 per month to maintain, colour, clean, re-apply etc.

    As a result, I made the decision to get an HT as my donor is pretty good. Once I took the system off, my scalp thanks me every day as feeling of something holding your head is gone and I can feel my own scalp when itching!






  6. 55 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    His name is put in moderation, so we can ensure it’s not being gamed. If you reference his name, the post will automatically flag. 

    As for Pekiner, as long as he has his rep who works in another forum, he will continue to be flagged. His rep has proven to be untrustworthy. 

    This will be my last reply on the subject, as this is not the purpose of this thread. If you prove to be a legitimate member, you could eventually send me a private message to discuss further.

    PM sent

  7. 3 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    His name is put in moderation, so we can ensure it’s not being gamed. If you reference his name, the post will automatically flag. 

    As for Pekiner, as long as he has his rep who works in another forum, he will continue to be flagged. His rep has proven to be untrustworthy. 

    I understand all of that as you have your checks and balances to run this amazing forum. I am suggesting for replies from Members like me to not be flagged. If my surgeon will be Pekiner due to his surgery skills, I shouldnt be penalized for referencing his name. I am pretty sure the IT TEAM should be able to run a program to achieve that.

    I have 2 posts pending for approval from yesterday where i had suggested his name as the OP was looking at other surgeons name outside of what was already being referenced by other fellow members, but it still remains hidden.

    Appreciate your feedback and the awesome work you put in daily!

  8. 21 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:


    Is that cz of me referencing his name as a surgeon or you think that i am getting paid to do it? I see a lot of folks here referring EUGENIX on this forum and also getting discounted/preferential treatments from them, is that not liable for incentivizing? Shouldn’t the same treatment apply to all other surgeons/clinics then? If a corrupted sales policy was applied by pekiner couple of years back and you haven't come across anything since; is it not time to re-evaluate? Who decides which clinic gets flagged and when to remove them from blacklist? 
    i am asking all these questions as I am fairly new to this forum and have gained a lot of lnsight to HT due to the fellow members. It would suck to have our opinions flagged for approvals on this democratic forum.

  9. 1 minute ago, Min12 said:

    When did you contact them? Was the waiting time long?

    I contacted them on Aug 2nd and Alex, the advisor, responded within 5 minutes. I got lucky as I requested for a specific period due to my time off and they probably had a client who was willing to move their dates to Sep. The timing was confirmed on Aug 8th and I booked my tickets yesterday for Ankara.

    i still have to pay them the deposit and trying to find if o can wire them a big amount instead of 300 Euro, as each wire costs $$ and I would hate to take 12.5K in cash!!

    The communication has been impeccable. Alex is based in Italy and seems like he works 24X7 as I am messaging him at all EST times and he is quick to respond.

  10. 5 hours ago, str8-n-pluggy said:

    What factors contributed to your decision?

    The full involvement of surgeon from start to finish with Dr P; whereas Eugenix seems more like a business now with their different packages and less focus on what the patient really needs.

    also the communication with Dr P advisor was excellent and the fact that they were able to squeeze me in their packed schedule on such a short notice (I got lucky as one of their clients had to move their surgery from aug to sep).

    one last thing was also on the flight time from Canada to India vs Turkey and the overall cost benefit analysis.

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