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Posts posted by Dave7

  1. Hi Guys, has anyone went with either their "Comprehensive Package" or "Exclusive package" ? They don't want to mention the surgeon who will be undertaking the procedure, they only mention them for their higher priced packages. I would like to get some feedback from anyone who knows more and can give some honest feedback.


    1. Comprehensive Package

    Procedure lead by - Eugenix HT Doctor

    Planning & Designing by Eugeniux HT Doctor and further assisted by our Senior Eugenix Technicians under the supervision of the leading doctor.


    2. Exclusive Package

    Procedure Lead by - Senior Eugenix HT Doctors

    Planning & Designing & Complete Slits to be performed by Senior Eurgenix HT Doctor and further assisted by our Senior Eugenix Technicians under the supervision of the leading doctor.

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  2. On 9/19/2023 at 4:01 AM, TheDarkHour said:

    Previously used oral finasteride but quit after a couple of weeks due to experiencing side effects. Thinking of trying the topical now but can't seem to find the 0.025% online. Lowest I've found is 0.25%. Reason why I'm hesitant on taking even low dose topical fin is because I may have a very mild case of gynecomastia. The gyno used to be a lost worse in my mid-late teens when I was a little chubby but has reduced heavily over the past decade after I lost a lot of weight. 

    Or would I be better off buying Pyrilutamide from the grey market? The problem with Pyri is that I have no idea what's in the actual solution/chemical as we all it costing a lot more than topical fin. 

    I've also considered taking oral fin again since it's actually quite difficult to apply topicals but I'd rather not reduce my serum DHT by 70%. Was taking 1mg everyday. 

    You'll have to get a script from a doctor and then get it compounded. Keep in mind that you will probably still get side effects (it will just take longer) as it will still be systemic after some time of use.

  3. Hey Guys,

    I have a few questions.

    I am looking at FUE however I am concerned about scarring, what is the best way to minimise scarring? I have read that keeping the amount of grafts down per session. For example, if needing 5000 grafts then split into 2 sessions with ample time in between.


    Secondly, I am thinking about long term hair plan as I cannot take oral fin/minoxidil. I am looking at topical minoxidil & Pyrilitumaide with derma pen 1x per week. I'm wondering if this will be enough.


    Thirdly, I have been reading mixed reports around miniturisation of transplanted hair, some people seem to lose it sometime after HT and some don't so just wanted to get some thoughts on this. 


    Thanks guys.

  4. @Gatsby Noticed hair loss in my early 20s, I am 37. What do you mean by needing a very good donor?

    @jjalay Thanks for the advice. My experience so far has told me to stay away from hair mills as you don't know who you will get on the day, its a gamble and your your head is on display for your lifetime.

    @Berba11 Are you able to recommend doctor and clinic names from the locations you mentioned? Thanks.

  5. Hey guys, just looking for some direction on my current situation. I am looking at my first hair transplant as I've exhausted my other options, I've tried PRP, Minoxidil and Finasteride. Finasteride worked wonders for me however after some time of use I developed intolerable side effects such as increase BP and chest pain, the sides were not worth it. That leads me to my first question, since I can't use finasteride what kind of results would I expect from a hair transplant, I assume that at some point my transplanted hair would affected by DHT and back to or close to square one? 

    Second question, I am a NW3V and require approx. 3500 grafts. Any recommendations for someone who is on a budget of max $8000USD?

    Photos on this thread 




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  6. Hi There,

    I have started my hair loss research journey and would like some direction as to choosing a clinic/physician. 

    I am a 35 year old male located in Australia with notable hair loss particularly around the temples and crown.Not long ago I had naively searched for 'Hair Transplant clinics in Turkey' in google and read through some reviews and ended up getting in touch with Vera clinic to obtain some quotes. They were very responsive and sent through some prices which were quite cheap. They stated that i had Stage 3 balding according to the Norwood scale and require anywhere between 3335-3690 grafts. 

    Some further research I had noted that this place was considered a 'hair mill' which has given me reservations about going to such a place so I did some more research and came across this forum. Now this is where I'm unsure as to where to go from here and need some guidance. This forum has 3 Recommended Physicians in Turkey Dr. Özlem Biçer MD, Dr. Dogan Turan & Dr. Resul Yaman. 

    Any thoughts as to how to narrow down my physician/clinic? Keeping in mind I don't necessarily have to travel all the way from Australia to Turkey, happy to consider other places with similar pricing and results.

    Looking forward to everyones thoughts.

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