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Everything posted by Chemoman

  1. Did dr Bicer just numb the sclap, or did they use IV sedation as well??
  2. Today I hit 90 days post transplant. I had 2 PRF sessions so far. Slow progress with the transplanted area which I know is normal. But the donor is looking great imo.
  3. Hi guys! I am growing a bit worried about my hair transplant results especially in the circled area along my hairline. The hair looks kinda botched up and its seems on some parts of the scalp the grafts didn't take, especially the area circled in green. I know Its too early to tell and nothing can be done, but just want to know if the botchy appearance is normal at this stage. It is especially worrisome, since I had my hair transplant done at a hair mill in turkey. Had my HT on 7/19/22 4400 grafts DHI. Day 13 after transplant Currently at 75 days.
  4. I am now at 2 months post transplant. Had my first PRF session yesterday, that is why you will see the red injection spots on my scalp. Overall I am happy with the donor site. Looks like they didn’t overdo it. I am seeing very minimal growth at the transplanted area which is normal.
  5. I am now exactly one month post DHI hair transplant. The question is when would be the best time to start PRP? and how frequently?? My doctor advised to wait and start at the two month marker, but I do not see how starting now would cause any harm. I would appreciate your input on this.
  6. Here is one month update! The donor is looking great, but experiencing shock loss at the recipient site which should be normal.
  7. It’s looking way better today which is after the first wash on day 3🙏🏽
  8. I know it’s just a waiting game, but I thought you guys cast your thought since you have seen more of the posts involving poor and over harvesting. I will keep you guys posted.
  9. Thank you for being supportive. I hope that it turns out well I will keep you guys posted as time goes by. I will also upload pictures of my original hair and recipient site.
  10. Yes I will do that and will definitely post my progress here.
  11. Serkan Aygin…. I guess now that I was searching the forum he is not so reputable.
  12. I had a hair transplant at Serkan Aygin’s clinic in Turkey 2 days ago. Looking at my donor areas it seems to me it’s over harvested. I could be wrong as not enough time has passed yet, and I am no expert. I know nothing can be done at this point, but just wanted to hear your thoughts on this to keep my anxiety in check. I had total of 4400 grafts which had 3880 from back of scalp and 516 grafts from my beard. Obviously I did not know about this great forum and ended up getting a hair transplant at the hairmill clinic and finding this place after. Please stay on topic and don’t focus on the clinic. I hope I end up being a lucky one.
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