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Everything posted by Danzig323

  1. Thank you for answer. Actually I know it's not scientifically proved but after few months of huge stress my hair was just disappearing. First time I notice that I am 100% balding is last year in April, but probably thinning sooner then that.. I am very angry on my family who was trying to convince me that I am not balding and because of them I didn't take medication sooner. But It's better later then never.
  2. Thank you very much for the time you took to explain me all this. The best thing at the moment is that I didn't do any repair and really don't want to do something and regret it for the rest of my life. I think to do smp touch ups to fill and give little density is muuuuch less invasive approach if done right instead HT, and after all yes it can be pain in the ass to remove It if I don't like it, but at least it can be removed. The main problem at the moment is that I have this area with very little hair (it's like that for the last 5 years), I want to somehow fill it and probably only HT can repair It. But I doubt that any surgeon will do anything after I tell him my crazy idea. The dots of ht from my donor area will hopefully mask with smp?? I really hopes that one day in the future I will be candidate for the HT at Zarev or another high class surgeon.
  3. If I can repair hairline with few hundred grafts, I would also consider sparse SMP to give me little more density, and eventually wait for the next few years how would my hair loss progress considering I am on treatment. What do you think about this?
  4. I don't want my hair longer, I am buzzing it my whole life. I don't know what damage could perhaps 500 grafts do to my native hair in this area.
  5. I find another picture when my hair is little longer so you can see what I am talking about. Its whole scalp thinning from nw1 to nw7, it's really curse. If I am not on this regime I know what I can expect for 5-6 years. Last two pic is my uncle hair at 30yo.
  6. I will stay on this protocol for sure, I put myself 6-7 month mark and then sum up results. I am considering dr.Zarev because I am hoping he will examine my scalp situation and give me at least approximate image of what awaits me if I become nw6-7. Honestly even this regime with dut & min gives me anxiety after I read all sides and I don't know if all of that is wasted effort if I will lose everything I have kept if I stop with the treatment at any time. I am also doing microneedling and using biotin pills with ketoconazole shampoo. Thank you, Josip.
  7. I took a picture with phone microscope app, it's taken from middle of scalp where I have most loss. I am planning to book for a consultation with dr.Zarev, Sofia is very close to Croatia and I have really cheap flights to there. I will probably go there and get appointment in person, because it is very difficult to get an appointment with him over email/phone.
  8. Thank you all for efforts you put to answer me, I really appreciate It! First answer to dr.Rahal I said that I need hair for next 5-6 years because maybe It is more common to se bald guy in his 30s,40s then 20s. I know I have a lot of native hair that is miniaturized on top and that is why dermatologist prescribe me oral dutasteride and oral minoxidil to take daily, she said all about side effects but also said that this is best medications to stop hairloss and even little bit of regrowth. On the other hand I also visited two hair transplant doctors and they strongly insist on using topical instead of oral, that is what they usually gives to their patients. Problem is that I am really afraid to become slick bald like me uncle, he was probably nw5-6 at age of 35, but have awful scalp inflammations and drinking acne pill for a lot of years, his brother have moderate receding on front and crown at 35. I will be very happy to at least repair hairline and It will give me strength to continue on medications because It's not really really bad like this. I read a lot about people who are not helped with fin or dut, and those who maintain what they have but start losing after few years, I am afraid I will be one of them, actually I buried myself with negative thoughts. Once again thank you dr.Rahal. Answer to Let me botch you I know what you mean, trust me It's really obvious thinning on whole scalp , especially on different lightening , but still fuzz everywhere. It's frustrated because I am in not good not terrible position, how to explain perhaps girlfriend that I am not bald now, but will be in few more years. I am sad that body hair is not good option .. If I can somehow repair temples, I will wait to 27yo for HT. 3000-4000e honestly is at the moment too much for about 10cm2 area that still has hair, but in the future try to be ready to pay 5-10 euros per grafts if I want best possible results. If I can go trough my 30s and 40s with hair like David Beckham will be wonderful https://prnt.sc/-bM9734A476A Thank you very much for effort. ps. Sorry for my bad English.
  9. I will ask probably the stupidest question ever on this forum. Let say I will probably stop the further hair loss and thinning with all available medication and treatments (pills, mesotherapy, prp, topical solutions etc.), I highly doupt I can recover holes in temples. Is it somehow possible that exists hair doctor who will transplant maybe about 100-150 grafts from Body Hair from chest (I have it a lot and it's really similar to my head hair) I will buzz my hair on 2-3mm to recover temples without touching donor hair on the head back because maybe one day I will give up on all this medications and HT, I am ready to pay probably 1000-1500 euros for that. My beard is ginger I don't know can I use it on head. Red lines are my receded temples, Green lines where less thinning occurs.
  10. Thank you for answer. I can't express you how much my hair loss kick me, I felt in massive depression because one day I have normal hair and feeling great and the other my whole scalp is thinning. I lost my job, social life, college, I got body dysmorphia and feeling like ugliest men on the planet, I am going to psychotherapist. Now I am in vicious circle, If I make HT now I will probably have good hair for the next few years but after that look like clown with thousands of white dots on the back.
  11. Hi my name is Josip and I am from Croatia. I'm 24, diffuse thinner and been thinning for 2 years, have been on 0.5mg oral Dut and 2.5mg oral min for last 3 months, no side effects, I don't find hairs in sink anymore. I know that I am very young for HT especially because I am diffuse and thinning trough whole scalp area. I lost a lot density on scalp but don't have bald areas. Hair specialist told me that he can do HT when I will be 30. Problem is that I really need at least decent hair now and for the next 5-6 years. Can anybody give me some more advice, what to do, what options I have. I put pictures of my hair, it's cut on 3 mm, two white dots on the back are from child accident. Thank you.
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