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Posts posted by Foundation

  1. Thanks guys, but I have to tell you, those pictures do me much more justice than I deserve. While no one noticed my HT at work today, people did notice that I "looked like hell", "looked horrible", and continuously asked me if I still had the flu, (which was my excuse for being out for three days last week). I've gotta say, I know in the long run I'll appreciate the Doc shaving part of my hairline to do this procedure, but as of right now I'm missing those 800 Bosley grafts pretty badly (regardless of how spaced they were) icon_razz.gif


    Thanks for the support again guys, Eman, you're a good guy and your work looks great too! Although, to be honest, I thought you made a pretty cool looking balding guy to begin with. You lucky blond bastards.

  2. Originally posted by latinlotus:


    Congratulation for HT. Thanks for sharing your results with a weblog. Did you have any grafts behind the hairline?



    Well, I did have about 800 grafts that he shaved off to put the new ones in right around there, but to answer your question, I didn't. Dr. Feller said that shock loss would be too much of a risk... but you're actually tapping into my biggest fear. I really don't want to end up with a nice hairline and than blank spots right behind it. And who wants to jump right back in the chair right?

  3. Thanks Bill, I'm going to go with a gentle cleaning of the recipient area in a few hours.


    Spex, I'm going to get the staples removed, but not until friday icon_rolleyes.gif . I would definitely describe it more as discomfort than pain, so I'm probably just being a wimp. I am scabbing a little bit in some of the spots but not all over. Hope I haven't done any damage as far as losing grafts (I can't help it, I'm a worrier). Guss I'll find out on Friday. Thanks again brother

  4. Can anyone lay out a day by day hair washing routine for a healthy post HT. I'm on day four, and I am very conflicted as to whether I should start massaging the grafts at all yet, or even whether I should let the shower head hit them (I do have weak pressure after all). I find so much conflicting information, and I find my own doctors written procedure to be somewhat confusing. I don't want to dislodge anything, but I also don't want to prolong this healing process. Anyone?

  5. I had my HT on Wednesday (It's now Sunday) and the incision area hurts like a bitch! Well, I should say, it's sore all day/night, and when I try to go to sleep it's almost impossible to lay on it. I had an HT done once before with sutures, and I can't remember discomfort even close to this bad. Is it the staples? Do I have something else perhaps going on? Or is this just normal, and if so... when the hell does it end?

  6. I had my HT on Wednesday (It's now Sunday) and the incision area hurts like a bitch! Well, I should say, it's sore all day/night, and when I try to go to sleep it's almost impossible to lay on it. I had an HT done once before with sutures, and I can't remember discomfort even close to this bad. Is it the staples? Do I have something else perhaps going on? Or is this just normal, and if so... when the hell does it end?

  7. I just want to point out, that when it comes to sexual side effects, most men will NOT report it. And if they did want to, who would they bring it to? A urologist? Is he going to report that to the FDA? Think about these things guys. They only tested less than a 1,000 people! That's a very very low number compare to the amount of men using Propecia. So let's just say it's 1,000,000 (I'd have to say it's way more than that). Take two percent of that. It's not so unlikely. Anyway, sorry about my rant. Just stuff to think about.

  8. As far as it not working anymore? I don't really know, but I did find after I simply put that into google that I was certainly not alone. As far as the sides not going away, there are some real horror stories around here, I wouldn't let those get into your head though, it will only do you harm. Others say they've been on it for years and have had no sides and it still works. I have however found what I believe is a class action lawsuit in Canada against Propecia and there are some lawyers trying to put one together here in the States. Not sure what's going to come of it. If Propecia is lying/manipulating stats about sexual side effects, than I hope they go down in flames. We'll see I guess.

  9. Well, they haven't completely gone away. I've been off of them for about 11 months, and I'd say I've improved maybe 50 or 60 percent. The hair loss since I stopped has been quite substantial, so if you're not experiencing sides I wouldn't stop just b/c it's not working as well. It's really up to you I guess, for me... and my future, it was time to stop.

  10. Yea, I did some serious research before I did my last HT and ended up with Dr. Feller for two reasons. First, he was one of the three most respected and suggested doctors on here. Second, he was a few miles from my house. So, my answer I think would be location, location, location.

  11. Since I'm new here (but not new to hair loss, let me tell you), I figured I'd do some contributing and catching up. I started receding when I was 19 years old. The kind of receding that no one else mentions, but begins to consume you. I started Propecia when I was 21, and it really worked. My hair stopped receding, and no thinning. A lousy HT later (from Bosley) and I was good to go. If good to go meant having zero sex drive and staring at mirrors for three hours a day. I obviously have some serious issues if I was willing to go through that just to keep my hair, but that's for me and my psychiatrist to deal with. What I'm here to share is that at right about the 5 year mark, my hair started to shed... and shed. And recede. And thin. Propecia stopped working. It just did. I didn't know it could do that. Honestly, best/worst thing that ever happened to me. My hair falling out is pretty terrible for sure, and the fact that a year later I'm still relying on Cialis to get me through the week, but at least I got that stuff out of my system. So, as far as the side effects go, maybe they don't get everyone. As far as the drug wearing off after five years, maybe it doesn't happen to everyone. But it sure as hell happened to me. Just putting it out there, think about that possibility as you plan your hair restorations. I'm glad after all of this time reading these boards I decided to actually put something into it. Thanks guys (and girls), this is can be a pretty great place.

  12. If both came out good, then why would you go somewhere else? I'm confused though, b/c in another post you said the second one didn't seem to take. Once again, I'd go see Feller if I were that concerned. Plenty of people will tell you the job he has done for them, and if you can wait a few months from now I'll tell you how mine is looking too.


    800, Bosley on June 25th, 2004

    1300+ Dr. Feller on December 3rd, 2008

  13. Well, I too am a former Bosley patient. Who did you get your work done with, Dibiase? Sounds like it. 9 months huh? You should definitely be able to see a difference by now, but you haven't really specified where you got the grafts placed (shock loss?) and posting pictures would help greatly. I have heard from some sources, that the second HT takes much longer to take effect, but other say that is false. I would suggest, unless Bos are going to do it for free (and I doubt that would ever happen, plus I'd fear their dedication to the job), to visit one of the few highly reputable doctors that are discussed on here. If I were you, I would go at least get a consultation from someone. Dr. Allen Feller is in Great Neck on LI, and was extremely straight with me about my Bosley job. He wasn't trying to sell me anything. So maybe you want to go see him, it can't hurt (your head or your wallet). But he does shave you down, in seemingly every case. I had asked to not have that done, but this is the way the man works... and his work speaks for itself. They buzzed off my Bosley Grafts which kind of sucks right now, but I am quite hopeful/certain that they will grow back in. Post some pics dude, there are people on here who can give you some really good advice. Just make sure you don't take the "Bosley is evil" posts as gospel, there is usually an agenda. Good luck to you!

  14. So, I had my transplant yesterday and although the printout I was given at Dr. Fellers office says nothing about washing the day after surgery, I'm quite sure his assistant told me that rinsing it with just water from a plastic cup was fine, and that I should. I wasn't able to contact anyone today, so I couldn't call. Anyway, I hope its not too late because I already did it earlier. Anyway, since I find so many contradictory post op instructions, I'm wondering if I may have messed up? Thanks guys, I really appreciate a response.

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