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Everything posted by leoelm86

  1. Am i wrong to believe the doctor has over harvested in certain areas and the back will look very patchy
  2. Hello All,I am on Day 8 post hair transplant. I have had 2 surgeries done. My doctor seems to suggest he has implanted 2680 grafts (gave me an exact figure). So this was worked out by the doctor to be around 6700 - 7000 hairs. What really baffles me is that my experience during the First hair transplant is very different from the experience I am having now. Now I wake up each morning to see probably around 30 to 80 scabs but with 2 or 3 hairs with black ends attached to it. hen i had my first transplant I only noticed a few scabs at day 6 with no hairs and at day 15 I noticed shedding of hairs with no scabs or hairs with black ends. Can anyone on here please tell me what is happening and if this is normal and if I should be worried. See photos of my progress to date.
  3. Thank you guys. I am still freaking out as im on Day 7 and each morning I wake up to see in my bedsheet and pillow many hairs attached to the crust. How are we to know its a dead tissue then a failed graft? almost all the crust that has fallen has one or two hairs attached to it with black ends. I feel at day 7 the hair follicales may not had time to embed and fix into the scalp. Shedding starting at day 5 may be to early??
  4. Hello all, Please help me identify if I am shedding the grafts/ Follicles too early? See picture. This is after day 6 post FUE hair transplant. Saw this in the morning on the pillow. My scalp feels very itchy at the crown. I am concerned those are grafts that have been not implanted properly.
  5. Really? That's a relief! I was not able to find any information online about pre-plantation graft plasma mix. Usually plasma is injected only after the grafts have been implanted. Clinic is Antalya Hair
  6. Hello Community. Please can you help and advice. This is my 2nd procedure (FUE and DHI combined). My surgery was performed in turkey. Pictures indicate day 2 and day 5. At Day 2 I have had bleeding appear randomly from several areas in the planted area. I have not bumped or touched the new grafts. I have also noticed a few grafts lost as a result the bleeding. I have consulted my doctor and he seem to suggest this is perfectly normal. However, I am not convinced and lack trust and worried. How does the transplanted area look? Also my doctor has taken plasma collected from my blood before the procedure put did not inject the plasma into my transplanted area post procedure. He has suggested he has mixed the plasma with the grafts when they have been collected and before they have been implanted. Is this a technique or a thing?
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