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Posts posted by Fookinhair

  1. Quick Q for you guys.


    I'm 2 months post op and have been leaving my donor to grow quite long so haven't really examined my scar in any great detail. Today to my surprise I noticed there are still quite a few small scabs on the scar. Not what I was expecting at 2 months. Should I work these scabs off and is this unusual or anything to be concerned about?

  2. Quick Q for you guys.


    I'm 2 months post op and have been leaving my donor to grow quite long so haven't really examined my scar in any great detail. Today to my surprise I noticed there are still quite a few small scabs on the scar. Not what I was expecting at 2 months. Should I work these scabs off and is this unusual or anything to be concerned about?

  3. I know its very early days at the moment to be drawing any credible conclusions, but I'd be interested in hearing from nay patients out there who have undergone the treatment. I've heard some positive news from Dr Feller including one case where he seemed to think the patient had a noticable difference even after a few weeks.


    Any takers?

  4. Forgetting about the donor for the moment, for those of you whose HT has matured how short do you think you can cut the frontal recipient with it still looking natural?


    I'd imagine that since the donor hairs are strong and healthy and are being placed at a density less than you would find in nature (assuming that the density transplanted density was relatively conservative) an extremely short buzz cut isn't going to look completely natural.


    So is it true that a certain length is required to avoid the HT look?


    Also, ignoring redness, does the HT 10 days post op look very close to how the final matured HT will look if it was buzzed to that same length?

  5. Forgetting about the donor for the moment, for those of you whose HT has matured how short do you think you can cut the frontal recipient with it still looking natural?


    I'd imagine that since the donor hairs are strong and healthy and are being placed at a density less than you would find in nature (assuming that the density transplanted density was relatively conservative) an extremely short buzz cut isn't going to look completely natural.


    So is it true that a certain length is required to avoid the HT look?


    Also, ignoring redness, does the HT 10 days post op look very close to how the final matured HT will look if it was buzzed to that same length?

  6. Thanks Eman. Your result is seriously top notch. If mine turns out close to yours I'll be a very happy chappy.


    Hey Joe,

    Good to see you on here amigo.


    Curious if you had any comment on my future donor Q in the original post.


    Everything is looking good so far as you can see fom the 1 week photo attached. Difficult to believe I was in that chair a week ago!


    I do have a feeling my redness is really going to linger though. I noticed Bill was using aloe vera gel. Do H&W recommend this for redness?



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