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Everything posted by nraynor

  1. Just finished the FUE HT procedure with Dr Jorgé Cortez at the HMR clínica in Tijuana, MX. 2750 grafts, 2.3 per graft. Age 35. I had a wonder experience. Flew into San Diego and they had arranged a driver to pick me up and take me to over the border into Mexico. It's about 15 minutes away and very fluid crossing south. They arranged a nicer hotel for me to stay in on the same block as the clinic. The day started at 5 am, prepped to go to the clinic, ate a protein bar to help with the medications, and walked out the hotel, around the block and arrived at the clinic by 6 am. Filled out some paper work, had photos and measurements taken, hairline assessed and then started the first half the the procedure, extractions. Essentially you lay face down on a masseuse table for a couple of hours while the team works in tandem. Dr. Cortez selects the hairs to be extracted and use a tool to cut around the follicle. Another team member follows behind and extracts it, then passes the follicle to other members to sort and prep from implantation. Overall this process took 2.5 hours. To help with this process they do give you a mild sedative, which if I'm honest was really nice to have, - I lightly slept a couple times throughout the process. There is a light lunch waiting for you after your extraction session. The implantation phase is fun to see in action. There were 4 assistant in the room sorting and handing off follicles to Dr. Cortez while he implants them. This phase is a little longer than extraction however you're laying face up and they often cover your eyes to avoid you staring at the harsh lights above. I fell asleep a couple times during this section. After another 2.5 to 3 hours we wrapped up extractions and did a quick prp injection. A few more photos later, and a post op consult with Dr. Cortez gave me all the information I needed to manage the process going forward. I was finished by 3 pm
  2. What's the difference between what Dr Gur does and what Dr Turan does via technique. My quote from Turan specifies DHI, but I'm not able to full decipher what Gurs method is and how it's different.
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