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Posts posted by Hah6788887

  1. 9 minutes ago, Mike10 said:

    Does not look like much. never understood the whole fuss about FUE scarring. It is doubtful somebody will comment on this and even of so certainly nobody will know its from HT 

    Tbh mines doesn't show but idk what another 2k grafts would do yo it. But my friend who went to the same clinic on the same day as me has really bad visible scarring if he cuts it at this length or even a bit longer so I think it depends on how u scar and your skin tone to a great degree

  2. 1 hour ago, NARMAK said:

    Most people probably wouldn't notice it as things currently stand but another 1.5-2k grafts punched out might make it more conspicuous. 

    The lighting also seems really favourable to you in those pictures and it's possible it could seem more visible but yeah, you definitely seem able to rock a skin fade as it is 

    How long after your transplant is this? 

    I think it's about 6 months after. I thought it was 4 but check the video date. This is from a video but my face is in there. The lighting is right by a big open window so it is day light as the video was made for me to get a good look at it under real light.


    I'm concerned about what another 2k or so grafts would do so trying to get opinions. I just want to get a hair line I like than where it around a 1 all around cause I don't think without medication I'll be able to save my hair

  3. 8 hours ago, Hair transplant is a huge said:

    I will be honest. 

    This is one of the best looking donors I've seen on this forum...

    At least with this fade, angle, lighting etc... 

    Barely anything is even noticeable. 

    It's really curious because your surgeon did an excellent job in the donor area showing great extractions skills and planning but gave you a poor result on the recipient area... 

    May I ask who you went to ? 

    You could probably get another 1.5k to 2k grafts but that would not ne sufficient to give you full coverage on top. 

    You are Norwood 4-5 diffuse and the reality is you need 5000 grafts. 

    I wouldn't chase transplants anymore at this point. I would rather go for an SMP every year. 

    Tbh it was just a random tech in a turkish clinic. They actually screwed up cause they ended up extracting higher up into an area that was slightly thinning.  The cut here was just to see the donor. I took a blade to it myself.  Wouldn't reach much into that fade.  I think it's more how I scar and my skin tone

  4. 11 hours ago, mafpe said:

    not at all man, i doubt anyone would notice unless they've been looking at HT threads or had one. 

    1. your surgeon did a good job spacing it, even if not much graft is taken. although i can't be sure since somehow it seems several areas feels like he transected the surrounding hair or is using too big of a punch?
    2. your skin tone is very similar to your scar

    What do you mean by he transacted the surrounding hairs. And it was a technician. Went to a turkish clinic unfortunately 

  5. I had a dhi operation about 9 months ago. I still have hair that haven't shed nor grown since the operation.  Is this normal or what does that even mean?

    Also I have some hair that have grown , like just poked through the skin and never grew past that . I do have some hairs that have grown normally all over my head. No idea what's going on. I had hairs taken from my donor, beard and even chest and can see that hairs from all 3 parts have grown on different places on my head. So I'm very confused as to why certain hairs are acting that way. Thank you 

  6. I'd say pre op my hair wasn't too different.  Most of what u see if my own hair with only some transplanted hair I've noticed grow on the hair line but that too with little denstiy. I do see some growth on the hairline they put. More on the right side but that too there isn't enough density. It was just some random techs in a turkish clinic. Tbh they didn't butcher the donor because scarring isn't bad and they took from beard and chest as well but they did graft too high going into areas that started thinning which makes 0 sense to me. Idk in what world they thought that was smart. I'm about to be 30. I want to get another procedure. I posted pics of my donor shaved with a razor to show what my fue scars look like. Maybe I'm naive but it doesn't look like I scarred too bad

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  7. Screenshot_20220612-032939_Gallery.thumb.jpg.729220934d7d2240aee4e0fb71f95c81.jpgScreenshot_20220612-032803_Gallery.thumb.jpg.28e936e870cfc06a1ac841c4063d047a.jpgScreenshot_20220612-032939_Gallery.thumb.jpg.729220934d7d2240aee4e0fb71f95c81.jpgScreenshot_20220612-032322_Gallery.thumb.jpg.1c179b29afcb7433ac2b9af65c10da91.jpgI had 1 op. I'm still about 9 months post op. I've had some growth but some hairs have not shed nor grown yet. Some have pricked through for a few months but don't grow. I don't mind using chest hair to help fill in certain places. I don't have a full bald spot. Just thinning all around. Not sure if I'll get any more good growth. I went to a turkish clinic unfortunately.  Now my main focus is getting a hairline I'd be okay with so if I buzz cut, it'll frame my face.  I kind of want to do about 2k grafts on the hairline and 1500 on the crown mid scalp. I've thought a lot about this. So I want a surgeon who'll be okay with what I think I'll be okay with. I obviously want to limit donor scarring but considering it'll be my 2nd op, not sure how bad it'll be. I added pics of the top under very harsh sunset type of sunlight and my donor at different lengths.  A few are my donor razor shaved.



  8. Hi. Im looking for some surgeons with a good ability to thicken the appearance of diffuse thinning. Work in slightly lowering the hairline. I had a previous op I'm not happy with. I also value keep the donor as Scarless looking as possible and I'm willing to use chest hairs etc in the crown to add density. I've seen bisangas reputation but I need to get an in person consultation and it's too far to go twice. I'm aiming for December op. Any suggestions would be helpful. Willing to pay around 10 to 12k. Thank you

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