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Posts posted by Hah6788887

  1. Just now, Hah6788887 said:

    That's really my reason for being upset. It's one thing if an area takes more grafts than needed but if I tell the surgeon which areas are most important to me with my hair grown, those lines and that plan should be followed to the best of their ability. The fact that the pre op lines were traced in the crown has me more upset than anything. It's very hard for me to know exactly where my problem area starts when my head is fully shaved. Especially in the crown. The temples on the other hand I also discussed with him. I was very precise about what I wanted as I know my weak areas when my hair is grown. It's just one of those things where idk how to react as there is nothing I can do now unfortunately 

    Pre op lines weren't traced*

  2. 5 hours ago, Mike10 said:

    In the pre consultation, it should be agreed what will done during surgery and the surgeon should generally stick to that during surgery. It is important there is good communication between the surgeon and the patient.

    That's really my reason for being upset. It's one thing if an area takes more grafts than needed but if I tell the surgeon which areas are most important to me with my hair grown, those lines and that plan should be followed to the best of their ability. The fact that the pre op lines were traced in the crown has me more upset than anything. It's very hard for me to know exactly where my problem area starts when my head is fully shaved. Especially in the crown. The temples on the other hand I also discussed with him. I was very precise about what I wanted as I know my weak areas when my hair is grown. It's just one of those things where idk how to react as there is nothing I can do now unfortunately 

  3. 3 hours ago, HappyMan2021 said:

    @Hah6788887 1) Can you clarify specifically why you are a repair patient in the first place? Repairs often require multiple procedures to correct

    Based on the info you provided, it does seem like Bisanga should have focused more on your primary pain point (right temple). But perhaps his plan this whole time was for you to revisit him again in the future to be fully completed?

    2) Elite doctors do indeed mess up from time to time. But Dr. Bisanga is one of the best repair doctors in the world, and I guarantee he knows 1000x more than you in this field, and you may just have to put blind faith/trust that whatever his actions were, they were all logical and for your own best interest. 

    I am not at all saying an error potentially wasn't made, just that you really did go to one of the best repair docs on the planet, you should be confident in his work.

    I would say most people pay top dollar for elite doctors not so they can micromanage the surgery, but rather so they can have utmost confidence in the surgeon and his skills and surgical decisions. 

    3) Can you please provide pictures? Pre-op, post-op, whatever. This situation is all a bit murky still without pictures. 

    4) Unrelated Question: I am a former repair patient myself who was considering Bisanga, but decided not to go with him because his advisor said he requires in-person consults for all repair patients (regardless of issue or severity), and it was unrealistic and unfeasible for me to fly from the US to Brussels solely for a consult. This was ridiculously frustrating to me. 

    I am curious, what country do you live in and did Bisanga make you fly to Brussels for a consult before deciding to take you on as a patient?


    No he came to the US and I went to him in Maryland. And no I don't think you're correct with your assessment as he basically took most of what was left of my donor I'd say and my beard and chest thst were also harvested before. He even used some leg grafts at my request.  So I don't think you thinking he thinks I'll come back in the future would be the reason he did what he did.


    My question to you is, if me and him discussed something pre op and he made lines in areas I asked him to, would you not assume those lines should be retraced the day of surgery. 


    Honestly, I'm not here to say the operation wasn't a success or failure. I'm simply here to share my experience and the frustration as well because I believe a good amount of grafts were wasted on areas that were not important to me.


    With my limited grafts remaining,  it's even more frustrating. 

    The plan that was built by me and him  that we went over the day of consultation. I pointed out the areas, he drew the lines. He just didn't retrace them so they were gone the day of surgery other than the hairline. The temples I discussed in detail with him too and he said it was fine. 


    I'm still hoping things turn out great. And if they do, I will be happy

  4. 3 hours ago, asterix0 said:

    Hmm well I have never really seen before one temple much different/receded than the other, can you show me an example?

    Of course for the top, especially for diffuse thinners, there can be significant asymmetry in the hairline diffusion. But for the temples I haven't seen such cases.

    The two patterns worked are completely different.  I wanted some reinforcement on my right, much less on my left. I told the dr I'm not really interested in using more than 50 or so grafts to reinforce the temples as I have other areas to target and he said that was fine. 

  5. My experience is mixed. Tbh anytime you walk away feeling disappointed by a lack of focus on the things detailed, it's unfortunate. I will share my exact journey and everything that took place and share some pics and you can all decide on your own what you think. A few of the things right off the top that bother me are that I had some slight temple work done. I detailed to the dr my right temple is the one I need most work done on and maybe a few hairs in a certain spot in my left one. He put more hairs further into my left temple that make 0 sense and didnt even addess the part there that needed some work.. my right one has much less work on it when it was the one I wanted to targeted.. Tbh it's very disappointing. I paid 7 euros a graft for a repair case and was very particular on the things I wanted. 

    The second thing that stands out to me is when I came in the day pre surgery for the consultation,  my hair was grown and we drew lines on my head that I approved of, being the hairline and the areas in thr crown I wanted work on. It was a 2 day surgery.  


    During day 1, when my head was shaved, the lined were not traced and faded away and the dr drew lines that I did not agree too.

    I contacted my adviser Ian after the first day of surgery as I was unhappy. In the morning the dr allowed me to show him where I wanted the line. I did my best to get it back to where it was in the back crown as I knew the one he made was way too far up. Unfortunately,  I moved it too down as my hair was shaved and I could no longer tell exactly where the weak area started. I thought the purpose of the pre op line drawing was that it would be traced and followed. 


    Tbh idk what the results will be but I walk away feeling like a high number of grafted were wasted in areas that were not an issue for me. I feel as if he had just traced the lines the way I'd expect most clinics too, and followed the plan we both agreed to during consultation this all could've been avoided. I have some target areas that could've used those wasted grafts.

    The patient advisors and techs and everyone were very nice and helpful. No complaints there. My complaint is in the lack of focus by Dr bisanga. He was always fairly dismissive when I asked him stuff and felt like he was just in a rush to get the work done.

    Like I said before, it's not a knock on his skill as a surgeon and I'm not taking that for granted but for me to be paying 7 euros per graft and basic mistakes that show a lack of focus on the things we discussed is beyond disappointing.


    I will share photos in a later post. And I understood my case was difficult but i came in with very specific target areas that I very clearly detailed and outlined to the dr and he drew lines in them pre op and those lines were not traced 


    Overall very disappointed. Not in the result as its too early to tell but in the lack of focus and wasted grafts in areas that were not an issue for me. I still haven't gotten a good explanation on the temple work and honestly, whatever it may be won't be satisfying as my goal was the right temple as I comb my hair to the left but most of the grafts were put in my left temple and further into them into an area that was not an issue for me.

    I'm a diffuse thinner so I understand the explain of future loss and stuff but that's not good enough when I already outlined to the dr I know exactly what may happen in the future and detailed everything to him and he was okay with it.


    Will post updates 

    • Well Done 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Lakser said:

    Good Luck mate ! How do you feel? 

    Thank you bro. Tbh I feel a bit so and so because of the way the communication and everything went regarding the drawing of the lines pre op and how everything unfolded. But the surgeon is well known on this forum and throughout so I'm hoping the results turn out well. I wish they had targeted the specific plan I built with the doctor during the consultation. I'll highlight a completely honest review when I get back home

    • Like 1
  7. On 12/27/2022 at 3:23 AM, WhereIsMyMind said:

    smart angling is crucial to give the most illusion of density, if you place the grafts very perpendicular, light will hit directly scalp and have a shine through effect, thats why some very skilled drs can achieve a lot of perceived density despite having way lower cm2 than donor. I love the quote from Konior that for him, balding is literally "scalp reveal", and once the scalp doesn't show it means you aren't balding anymore. 

    Disregarding the hairline, which is known to need high density of singles to look natural, most humans can't really differentiate a scalp with low or high density as long as scalp doesnt reveal. That's why many people with transplants is impossible to tell their donor has been harvested at all despite having 50% less density.

    Which surgeons would you Say are some of the best at this?

  8. So after some research I've seen when Reconstructing a hairline, the bottom part takes the most grafts and are singles but behind that, the surgeon starts lowering graft count as they move back. Are there different options to still get density but get it spread over a bit more area after the initial line with the singles. Any information on graft distribution would be appreciated .  Thanks. My goal is to have good density in the original hairline but cover more area behind it than go from very thick to a big drop in density.

  9. On 12/19/2022 at 7:53 PM, Rahal Hair Transplant said:


    Just about any hair transplant surgeon that does quality work in the crucial hairline areas and beyond can create a natural looking crown. The crown is different then the rest of the scalp in terms of pattern so unfortunately, it takes a larger quantity of follicular units to create any real density.  below, I presented some information on how to select the best surgeon for you.

    How to Select an outstanding hair transplant surgeon. 

    1.  Start by looking at the surgeons recommended by this community, in particular the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.  Surgeons recommended by this community have met a demanding set of standards and are approved based on meeting those high standards.  Many online hair surgeon memberships don’t have any criteria other than to pay a membership fee.  Furthermore, physician members of the coalition have met an even higher and more demanding set of standards and have proven to be amongst the best of the best in the profession.

    2. Now even amongst a list of outstanding surgeons, not all surgeons are created equally. Therefore, while it’s tempting to select a surgeon based on price or location, try to avoid this as many individuals travel great distances to undergo surgery with an elite surgeon they are most impressed with. Thus choose a surgeon based on their proven ability to produce outstanding results rather than because of cost or location.

    3. Narrow your selection down to 3 to 5 surgeons you are most impressed with.  You can do this by using this discussion forum and others to view examples of patient results posted by both the clinic and their patients.  Speak with and meet with real patients in person if possible. If not, video chat works pretty well.

    4. Come up with a list of consult questions to ask each surgeon/clinic you are considering. I’ve created several different posts on this forum with good questions to ask doctors.  If you need help coming up with a list of good questions, please let me know.

    5. Consult with each doctor you are considering and ultimately, choose the surgeon you feel can best meet your goals.

    I hope this helps  

    Rahal Hair Transplant 


    Thanks. How many grafts do you think it would take to get decent coverage on the crown?

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