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Posts posted by simz7

  1. @J-CYeah I’ve had a few consults so far, and there are few great options I am considering like @DrTBarghouthi. I have a consult with a respected dermatologist with specialty in hair restoration, here in Australia. He will access my current state and take some measurements etc. Hopefully that will give me a better indication of what to do. 

    Currently, I’m thinking I will start using oral minoxidil and the current finasteride i’m on. I’m thinking I will do this for 1 year and then re-asses the hair transplant at that point. 

    Im hoping to get some growth by then and If I choose to get a transplant, I will probably require less grafts. 



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  2. Honestly the reason for stopping topical minoxidil was that is was a pain to incorporate into a daily routine. the greasy consistency would leave residue on a lot of things and after that period I gave up on it. Maybe I should look into doing that again though, I was just a worried about the shedding period too though 😥

    Do you, or anyone have thoughts on Oral Minoxidil? I’ve noticed a lot of hair regrowth startups using oral minoxidil instead of topical. @DrTBarghouthi

    Tbh I have no idea what dutasteride is, I’ve been taking 1mg Finasteride everyday this whole time though, i’ll look into that too. Thanks!

    @J.A.CYes that’s right, 6-7 sessions of PRP. I have up because it seemed to not being doing anything, maybe even making it worse somehow. 


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  3. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and recommendations! 🙏🏼

    I’ve actually been on finasteride for 7+ years, and I was using minoxidil for about the first 4 years. I’ve also tried a few other things to boost hair growth like Nizoral (which I still use) and PRP Microneedling to the scalp (with no clear results after 6 sessions). 

    HT is certainly not my first option, i just thought this might be a good time to take action. 

    I appreciate what some of you are saying about the diffusion on the frontal area but my biggest concern is actually my crown area. it’s the area that first started to go, and the most loss currently. @DrTBarghouthi

    i’ll have a look into some of those names you mentioned, and was thinking of seeing someone in person to determine if i’m a good candidate.

    In the meantime, any other names for me to look into would be appreciated 😊

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  4. Hi! 

    I was wondering if anyone could recommend some doctors names or clinics that are good options for people with a smaller budget. 

    I completely understand that you worse thing I could do is find a hair mill and pay a low price, but I would love some recommendations for doctors who are €2.5 /per graft or lower. 

    Obviously I would love to be able to get the best hair surgeon, but I unfortunately can’t afford a huge budget HT

    I feel like there would still be some good options for about €2/ per graft.

    So far i have a couple of names on my list, would love to have any suggestions on anymore: 

    - Dr. Biçer, Istanbul 

    - Dr. Demirsoy, Istanbul 

    - Eugenix, India

    - Dr. Bisanga, Belgium (But i think he might be out of my budget)

    I’ve also attached some pictures to see what stage of hair loss I have. I’m currently 33 years old, and have been slowly losing my hair since i was 20.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated 😊









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