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Aussie T

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Everything posted by Aussie T

  1. I guess what I would like to understand is. Is it (much) more of an effort for a surgeon to only select hair of a certain colour? And does it hence take longer? And does the surgeon hence have an incentive not to care what hair colour they extract? When they say "we can extract brown hair to the best of our abilities" - what do they mean by that? Do they mean something like "We will do our best given that a procedure like that should last X number of hours and hence we will do what we can within that timeframe" ? If they wanted to spend more time on it, could they ensure to ONLY select brown hair? I will post below some current photos of me
  2. Hi, I have spoken to a few doctors and clinics. I am aiming to have my procedure done early next year as I have just started taking finasteride . So I'd like to wait for 10 months or so and see where my baseline is in 10 months time. I have quite a bit of gray hair on the side , and I would only want brown hair to be transplanted because on my top , I dont have any gray hair yet. I have been asking this question to Drs and Clinics and the answer has varied. Some of them have told me they can guarantee that they will analyse the colour of the hair under the microscope, some others have not given such guarantee and they have only told me they would try their best but they cannot guarantee.. For example this is what one clinic told me: "the doctor will keep in her mind to extract the brown hairs as much as possible. Extracting the brown hairs would be her first preference , however there is also a possibility that we might not get all the brown hairs in that case we would choose the hairs with the other colour, also its important to keep in mind that even though brown hairs are being chosen but they might eventually turn grey and take its natural course." Having to do a transplant , at this stage for me getting brown hair only is quite important. Should it not be? Any advice?
  3. Thanks about this, doctor ! I have sent you a WhatsApp message . Thank you
  4. I’m sorry I’m not experience I don’t know if I’ve done anything wrong. And I don’t know whether your comment about Australian surgeons was meant to be taken seriously or rather it was sarcastic. I never thought about Australian surgeons simply because I started from the (perhaps mistaken) assumption that it would be to expensive to do it here
  5. I have decided to buy Propecia and Rogsine foam today. Any advice on a good shampoo? also can I use a product called Hard Muk on my hair ?
  6. Lastly how can I change the topic title to better reflect what this thread has become about I’d like to give it a name such as Top surgeons around the world below AU$15k
  7. Also, if a black hair from the donour area which was supposed to become white in 2 years , is transplanted , will it be come white in 2 years or will it stay black forever ?
  8. Another question I had is that I’m starting to have white hair on the side . Is the donor area the side or the back (or both)? And is it possible to only select non-white hair for the transplant ? finally, how far do you guys think the Hair cloning is ? I was researching eugenix and came a cross a video from the female founding doctor that says hair cloning is not far in the future
  9. I guess India is not too far from Australia so I could consider Eugenix too ! Though $10,000 sounds a bit expensive - unless it’s the surgeon themselves who operate on me (and not their techs)?
  10. I think that’s what I had in mind. Start fin again and see where I’m at in 6 months. So that if some hair grow back I can get even more out of the Hair transplant. Whit the minoxidil , why would I do it if I already do the Fin ? Isn’t Minoxidil for people who are scared of taking fin because of the side effects ? If I could spare the trouble of having to spend 15 mins per day doing the minoxidil that would be preferred
  11. Thanks J.A.C. Between Spain and Belgium , if you were in my shoes with my budget , who would you choose , given their recent results ?
  12. Definitely ! I have family in Italy so Spain, Portugal and Belgium would be better options for me than Turkey ! Are Spain, Portugal and Belgium better than Turkey and Thailand ? If so, could you please suggest what are widely considered the best doctors / clinics in Spain/Portugal/Belgium ? Again, my budget would be around euro 7,000
  13. Hello everyone , I started taking finasteride 15 years ago, but stopped 7 years ago. I just got scared of the consequences it could have on my body if I took it for too long. now as you can see in the photo it’s time to do something about it. I have now decided to have a hair transplant and take finasteride. I guess I wish I never stopped. i live in Australia so either Thailand (closer) or Turkey (most famous for HT at great prices) would be preferred destinations for me. i was hoping you guys could point me to the top 3-5 surgeons/clinics in turkey and/or Thailand. I guess I would want the surgeon to do at least the incisions for me before handing to the technician (preferred though would be if the surgeon did the whole procedure). my budget is $10,000 Australian dollars, which comes down to around 7,000 Euros much appreciated tony
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