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Everything posted by SteveUrkel02

  1. You can definitely see some white dots at this length. Weirdly if the hair is completely buzzed/shaved down to zero I don’t see any dots. However I am completely happy with how it is looking !!!
  2. 7 months and 1 week. I have been going out without wearing a cap for 3 days now. No one, literally no one has looked at my hairline suspiciously ( At least I was not able to take note of anything of that nature). It is getting better and better. I am not bothered by the weak spots , they are very subtle. Especially in real life. For now I am done I think. I don’t have the nerves to buzz my hair again and wait for it to grown in, so I won’t have another procedure to increase density anytime soon. I will most likely save further grafts for future loss.
  3. Will go to my barber this week, probably will get a high bald fade
  4. I know that this is not the densest transplant and see through depending on the lighting. But it is a drastic improvement and I am happy with it.
  5. Hey, I have been growing it out for about 1,5 months now. I am at month 7. I must say I AM SO SO HAPPY. I can finally go out without a hat again. Very relieving and life changing. I think it will look even better when I grow it out much longer on top. Of course I have some weak spots but at this length I can easily camouflage them. I will probably save further grafts for the future since I am very happy with the frame and the natural look. I had some doubts which is normal but now I am finally free again. I will update further when my hair is longer on top. thank you Dr.Mwamba
  6. Hey RTC, I remember we had surgery at the same date in Brussels. I must say I am also kind of disappointed with my results although I still have to grow it out. I don’t really know what to think about this situation. I mean over the last months I have seen some questionable NW3 transplants my Mwamba. People are telling me that it is normal to need 2 surgeries. But honestly if my left side looks really good and my right side obviously lacks density(weak spots) there has to be something wrong. Especially since I told the doctor to use as many grafts as needed. Why do I need to go back and pay again to fix spots which obviously lack density ? They simply didn’t grow. I should at least get the offer of a free fix. I should have gone to Bisanga. I’m hoping the illusion of density will be created if my hair is longer. I really hope that your results will still improve, remember you are a repair patient.
  7. I consider my left side a total success. I don’t think I need more density in this area if I grow it out. My right side probably needs 100-200 grafts( including the weak area) to look like my left side . I am not disappointed , rather looking forward to have it all done.
  8. Honestly if my right side was as dense as my left side I could rock a pretty short hair cut. Unfortunately my right side has bad density in the area near the frontal point. As long as I can make my hair look good when it is long I am happy. I also need to save grafts for the future. So a 2nd procedure speaks against that. I might do a small non shave touch up.
  9. Thanks for your answer, I think I have reached final density now as I don’t see any new hairs popping. I haven’t scheduled any appointment yet. I will wait until it has some decent length since I think the illusion of density can only be achieved if the hair is longer… Then I will judge the result
  10. Actually I’m going to post a picture after 1 week growth. In 1-2 weeks I will hit the 6 month mark. I just wanted to get assurance if this looks like decent growth overall. When I was at 5 months it was 4-5 times as long and it looked decent when I kind of spiked it up (I will attach a picture of that too). In this state( buzz cut) I can definitely say that it looks very very sparse in basically every lighting ( especially when you look at me from the front ). I know that this was a transplant on a fully bald area and I also have very thin hair. I just wanted to ask if anything looks off ? Will it look better when grown out longer? Is it normal for a transplant to look sparse with a buzzcut?
  11. Yeah never going to that barber again. Wishing you the best with your growth !
  12. At 4-5 months my left side was already looking solid but my right side was lacking behind. It really seems like my right has improved a lot. I am sure when grown out + a bit more growth I will be very satisfied with the result. Of course the density difference is very visible with a buzz cut but that is not a look I strive for. The hairline will be/is see through but 1.I don’t care about super high density 2. It does look natural 3. It is my first transplant and I have fine or very fine hair. Overall I have got a good feeling
  13. Hello guys, time has passed. I am now about 5 months and 1 week post-op. It has been growing well. I just went to a barber to make my hair look presentable for the first time in months. Unfortunately he completely f***** up my hairline. Pushed it back and lined it up asymmetrically. So I just shaved it down to zero again. Big mental hit but hopefully it is gonna grow back even thicker and denser so I can provide you guys with a proper all around update. It is probably gonna take 2 months. Until then
  14. Hello everyone, I have a problem and I do not know how to approach or solve the situation in the best way. I started finasteride about 1 year ago. My balding has completely stabilized ever since I started the drug. That is also the reason why I got a hair transplant 4 months ago by Dr.Mwamba. Now the problem is that I tried to tell myself that I do not have side effects. But if I am really honest with myself I definitely come to the conclusion that I have almost no morning wood, almost never think about sex= low libido and probably have less overall energy. These 3 factors were the complete opposite before I started oral fin. Now thankfully my doctor wanted me to do bloodwork before starting fin. After that he gave me the go . I regret not looking at the results, I hope bloodwork results are stored/archived in a personal file. I plan on doing another bloodwork next week and maybe when the old results are still available I will be able to compare my testosterone levels before and after 1 year of oral finasteride. Now my question is: If I have lower/low testosterone and get on TRT, will the sides get better and can I continue fin?, should I stop fin and wait 1-2 months to get another bloodwork? Or would topical dutasteride + maybe TRT be an option? Another problem is that I am right in the middle of the growth phase and I do not want to mess with my hair/transplant. But on the other hand I can not keep on ignoring these side effects. This is really making my kinda depressed and I hope any of you guys can give me advice. thank you
  15. U came at me for no reason first, that’s why I reacted with ‘LOL’. I have never participated in the discussion.
  16. I don’t even know who you are. I just posted that I felt like my test is down because of the side effects I am experiencing. Jesus Christ some people really search for arguments. Argue with people who actually want to, kid.
  17. Hey, guys. I started finasteride about 1 year ago. Before I started taking it , I had morning wood everyday and a high sex drive. Now I can definitely say that my test levels have decreased. I have a low sex drive and basically no morning wood. Is it possible to go on TRT to increase test levels to normal range while still on finasteride ? I would appreciate any help
  18. 90 days update: Hair is sprouting like crazy right now. Hoping that it will blend in in the next 2-3 months.I feel like the topical minoxidil I am applying to the recipient area really helps with the growth. I have got pretty sensitive skin, so the redness is still there. To be fair it looks way worse on camera. Next update will be at 4 months. My donor definitely looks better if I trim it shorter.
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